The California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2015-16
Basin Planning Amendments Adopted by Regional Boards in Fiscal Year 2015-16 | ||||||
Region | Title | Description Implementation Through |
Adoption Date | |||
3 | TMDL for Nutrients in streams of the Pajaro River Basin (Resolution No. R3-2015-0004) | Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin to Adopt Total Maximum Daily Loads for Nitrogen Compounds and Orthophosphate in streams of the Pajaro River Basin. | 7/30/2015 | |||
4 | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan of the Los Angeles Region to Incorporate Stakeholder-Developed Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Lower Santa Clara River Basins (Resolution No. R15-007) | This amendment incorporates groundwater quality control measures for salts and nutrients in the Lower Santa Clara River Groundwater Basins of Ventura County. These management measures were part of a basin-specific Salt and Nutrient Management Plan developed by stakeholders in response to the State Water Board’s Recycled Water Policy which promotes expanded use of recycled water while maintaining water quality conditions that support beneficial uses, and requires that Salt and Nutrient Management Plans be developed for every basin/sub-basin in the state of California. | 12/1/2015 | |||
4 | 2014 - 2016 Triennial Review Selection of Basin Planning Projects (Resolution No. R15-011) |
The 2014-2016 Triennial Review resulted in the adoption of the following priority Basin Planning projects: (1) Development of Salt and Nutrient Management Plans; (2) Development of a regional strategy to address the effects of climate change on water quality; (3) Evaluation of Basin Plan water quality objectives based on new recommended water quality criteria published by USEPA; identification of those that should be prioritized for updating and preliminary work, where appropriate; (4) Administrative update of Chapter 4 of the Basin Plan; (5) Support to other Los Angeles Water Board programs; (6) Support to statewide standards-related initiatives; (7) Legal and regulatory mandates. | 12/5/2015 | |||
4 | Non-Regulatory Amendment to the Basin Plan to update Chapter 4: “Strategic Planning and Implementation” and Specific Geographic Information in Chapter 2: “Beneficial Uses” (Resolution No. R16-004) | This administrative update to Chapter 4 includes incorporation of previously adopted Basin Plan amendments, updates to descriptions of Regional Board programs, addition of new sections, and updates to tables, maps, figures, and background information. The update to Chapter 2 includes revisions to specific hydrologic unit codes to reflect updated information, clarifications/corrections to waterbody reach descriptions, and corrections and additions to the tributary tables for Chapter 2. | 6/9/2016 | |||
7 | Amendment to the Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Plan to Revise a Septic Tank Discharge Prohibition for the Town of Yucca Valley, CA (San Bernardino County) (Resolution No. R7-2016-0001) | This amendment (adopted March 10, 2016) revises an existing prohibition for discharges of wastes from septic systems in Yucca Valley and in areas that overlie the Warren Valley Groundwater Subbasin (San Bernardino County), as follows: |
3/10/2016 | |||
9 | Basin Plan Amendment Incorporating the State Water Board Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Policy, Changing the Water Quality Objective for Nitrate for Groundwater, and Making Other Updates (Resolution No. R9-2015-0008) | The Basin Plan Amendment includes the following revisions: |
4/15/2015 |
- Data Source: Basin Plan Amendments tracking database. Period: July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016. Extracted: September 2016.
- Unit of Measure: Number of Regional Water Board adoptions to address amendments to Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans).
- Data Definitions: Title: Regional Water Board resolution to make changes (amendments) to their Basin Plan. The title includes a link to the program page for that resolution. Description: A short narrative description of the purpose of the amendments. Adoption Date: The date that the Resolution was adopted by the Regional Water Board. The adoption date is not the effective date of the amendments. For most amendments an effective date has not yet been determined, as additional approvals by state and federal agencies are still pending.
- References: Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans)