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2005 Resolutions
Resolution No. | Date of Meeting | Subject |
1/20/05 |
Delegation Authority of Contracts Executed by Department Of General Services on Behalf of SWRCB Concerning Leviathan Mine | |
1/20/05 |
Water Recycling Funding Program Competitive Project List | |
1/20/05 |
Clean Beaches Initiative Grant for City of San Clemente to Fund Segunda Deschecha Urban Runoff Treatment Facility | |
1/20/05 |
Waiving the Seawater Intrusion Control Program Guidelines for Orange County Water District Groundwater Replenishment System | |
1/20/05 |
$125,000 Increase Developing Zoning Ordinance Revisions and a Programmatic EIR for Continued Permitting of Dairies in Kern Co. (Amends Resolution 2002-0089) | |
1/20/05 |
Sustainability Core Value for State Water Board Programs and Directing its Incorporation into Future Board Actions | |
1/20/05 |
Change to Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation for Proposition 13 Phase III Project Priority Lists (PIN 319) | |
1/20/05 |
Change to University of the Pacific for Proposition
50 Project (PIN 531) |
1/20/05 |
Preliminary Funding Commitment of $30,000 for Planning & Conservation League Foundation, Carmel River Watershed Action Plan | |
1/20/05 |
Executive Director Authority to Apply/Accept 2004 CWA Section 104(b)(3) Grant to Support the Sacramento River Toxic Pollutant Control Program, and to Amend the Grant and Workplan | |
1/20/05 |
Executive Director Authority to Apply/Accept a FY 2005-06 CWA Section 106 Water Pollution Control Program Grant, plus Carry-over Funds, and to Amend the Grants and Workplans | |
1/20/05 |
Executive Director Authority to Apply/Accept an Augmentation to FYs 2002-06 CWA Section 104(b)(3) Water Pollution Control Program Grant, plus Carry-over Funds, and to Amend the Grants and Workplans | |
1/20/05 |
Amendment to California Ocean Plan Water Contact Bacterial Standards | |
1/20/05 |
Executive Director Authority to Execute a Contract with USBR under which the Division of Water Rights will be Reimbursed for Administering the Water Rights of the USBR | |
1/20/05 |
Los Angeles Water Board's action Concerning Ballona Creek Recreational Use Standards | |
1/20/05 |
Amending a Loan Commitment to $93,000,000 for the Los Osos Community, State Revolving Fund Loan Project No. C-06-4014-110 | |
2/24/05 |
Executive Director Authority to negotiate, execute and renew the Foundation for California Community Colleges Student Assistant Contract | |
2/24/05 |
Revision to the Proposition 40 Clean Beaches Program Project Priority List and Recommitment of Grant Funds for Project Nos. 106, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, and 116 | |
2/24/05 |
Amendment to the Policy for Implementations of Toxic Standards for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California (SIP). Attachments A & B | |
3/16/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Apply for, Accept, and/or Amend a Federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Grant, and Authorizing Execution and Amendment of Contracts for Support of the Nonpoint Source Program | |
3/16/05 |
Approving the State Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Intended Use Plan and Acceptance of the 2005 Federal Capitalization Grant | |
3/16/05 |
Authorizing a Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant for Seeley County Water District: Water Recycling Project No. WRCP-3702-010 | |
3/16/05 |
Authorizing a $5,000,000 Agricultural Drainage Loan to the Del Puerto Water District | |
3/16/05 |
Authorizing Issuance of Grants from Propositions 40 and 50 to Implement the Agricultural Water Quality Grant Program | |
3/16/05 |
Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region to Add Language Summarizing Existing Anti-degradation Policies | |
3/16/05 |
Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Region to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Mercury in San Francisco Bay | |
4/21/05 |
Authorizing Issuance of Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Grants to Implement the Agricultural Water Quality Grant Program | |
4/21/05 |
Adopting the Proposition 40 Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Program List | |
4/21/05 |
Adopting the Water Recycling Funding Program Ranking for Allocation of Proposition 50 Construction Grant Funds | |
4/21/05 |
Waiving the Seawater Intrusion Control Program Guidelines for the Orange County Water District Groundwater Replenishment System; SWIC PROJECT Nos. 3021-110 and 3021-120 | |
4/21/05 |
Adopting the Permanent Regulations for the Replacing, Removing, or Upgrading Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks (RUST) Grant and Loan Program | |
4/21/05 |
Authorizing Allocation of $1.8 million from the Cleanup and Abatement Account to Fund Positions Authorized for Brownfields Investigations in the Spills, Leaks, Investigations, and Cleanup Program | |
4/21/05 |
Authorizing an Increase in Funding for the Lagunitas Creek Watershed Improvement Program Grant (Proposition 13 - Marin County Resource Conservation District PIN #477) | |
4/21/05 |
Approving the Application for and Acceptance of a Wetlands Program Development Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Conduct a Wetland Mitigation Study | |
4/21/05 |
Amendment to the California Ocean Plan: (1) Reasonable Potential, Determining When California Ocean Plan Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations are Required, and (2) Minor Changes to the Areas of Special Biological Significance, and Exception Provisions | |
5/19/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to sign a Cooperative Agreement with the Department of the Navy to Provide Regulatory Oversight of Site Remediation Activities at all Navy Facilities. | |
5/19/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coast Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Pathogens in San Luis Obispo Creek | |
5/19/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana Region to Incorporate Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake | |
5/19/05 |
Adopting Emergency Regulations Revisions to the Core Regulatory Fee Schedules Contained in Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 1, Section 2200 of the California Code of Regulations | |
5/19/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Adopting the Regulations that Define the Term “Interstitial Liquid Level Measurement” as Used to Describe a Means of Leak Detection for Underground Storage Tanks | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Designating $10 Million from Proposition 50 Funds for Ocean Protection Projects | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Adopting the Proposition 50 Santa Monica Bay Restoration Grant Program Competitive Project List | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Approving Projects and Authorizing Issuance of Grants from Proposition 40, Proposition 50, and Clean Water Act Section 319(h) to Implement the Agricultural Water Quality Grant Program and Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant Program | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Adopting Guidelines for the Proposition 50 Dairy Water Quality Grant Program | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing Resolution Adopting the State Fiscal Year 2005/06 State Revolving Fund Loan Program Priority List | |
6/16/05 |
Adopting Modification to Attachment E of the State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Order No. 2004-0009-DWQ, Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for the Discharger of Aquatic Pesticides for Aquatic Weed Control in Waters of the United States, General Permit No. CAG90005 | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Grants from and Execute a Cooperative Agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 (U.S EPA) | |
6/16/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Grants from and Execute a Cooperative Agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 (U.S. EPA) | |
6/16/05 |
Adopting Emergency Regulation Revisions to the Agricultural Waiver Fee Schedules Contained in Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 1, Section 2200.6 of the California Code of Regulations | |
6/16/05 |
Adoption of the Water Quality Control Policy for Addressing Impaired Waters: Regulatory Structure and Options (Policy) | |
7/21/05 |
Adoption of the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Emergency, Abandoned, Recalcitrant Account Fiscal Year 2005-06 Annual Site List; Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute Contracts for the Expenditure of EAR Account Funds |
7/21/05 |
Approval for the California Dairy Quality Assurance Program as Qualifying for a Fee Reduction in Pursuant to the Board’s Regulations |
7/21/05 |
Authorizing Acceptance of Grant Funds from the U.S. EPA to Continue the Cooperative Agreement for the San Francisco Estuary Project |
7/21/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept a Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to Continue Source Investigation Activities in the San Gabriel Valley |
7/21/05 |
Authorizing Execution of Contracts and Amendments to Implement Statewide Comprehensive Groundwater Ambient Monitoring Assessment Program | |
7/21/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate and Accept a Federal Clean Water Act Section 205(j) Grant |
7/21/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Accept a Federal Assistance Grant for the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program | |
7/21/05 |
Amending the State Policy for Water Quality Control Regulation of Municipal
Solid Waste Discharges . Summary of Necessity and Response to Comments for Amendment of the Regulatory Provisions. |
7/21/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Colorado River Basin Region to Incorporate a TMDL for Sedimentation/Siltation for Imperial Valley | |
9/7/05 |
State Board Remanded TMDL Water Pollution Plan to the SF Bay Regional Board for Revision | |
9/7/05 |
Authorizing Funding from the State Water Pollution CAA for the Development of SQO | |
9/7/05 |
Adoption of Modifications to Water Quality Order No. 2004-0009-DWQ, Statewide General NPDES Permit adding a Discharger and an Herbicide | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Policy for Implementing the State Revolving Fund (SRF) for Construction of Wastewater Treatment Facilities | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank to Sell $300 Million in Revenue Bonds for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing an Appointment to the Advisory Committee for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification and Training | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to apply for a Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-08 Clean Water Act Section 106 Water Pollution Control Program Grant in the amount of 27 Million, plus any carry-over FY 2005-06/2006-07 Grant Funds; and to Negotiate and Amend the Grants and Workplans | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load for Toxicity, Chlorpyrifos, and Diazinon in the Calleguas Creek Watershed and Mugu Lagoon | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load for Organochlorine Pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, and Siltation in the Calleguas Creek Watershed and Mugu Lagoon | |
9/22/05 |
Adopting Proposed Emergency Regulations Revising the Board's Water Right and Water Quality Certification Fee Schedule | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate and Execute Contracts Responding to California Water Code Section 1259.4 (AB 2121) Regarding the Development of the Principles and Guidelines for State Policy for Water Quality Control for Northern Coastal Streams | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Region to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load for Dissolved Copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin | |
9/22/05 |
Authorizing the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in the Malibu Creek Watershed | |
10/20/05 |
Adoption of the Integrated Coastal Watershed Management (ICWM) Planning
Grant Funding List Exhibit A: Recommendations for Consideration and Adoption by the State Water Board Exhibit B: Recommendations for Consideration and Approval by the Dept. of Water Resources and Concurrence by the State Water Board |
10/20/05 |
Approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan
Region to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial use Designation from Surface
Waters of Owens Lake, Inyo County Attachment: RWQCB, Lahontan Region, Resolution R6T-2005-0021 |
10/20/05 |
Resolution Adopting Emergency Regulations Necessary to Implement the
Orphan Site Cleanup Subaccount Established by Assembly Bill 1906 (Lowenthal) Attachment: "CCR, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 18, Article 7" Attachment: "Finding of Emergency" |
10/20/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the
Los Angeles Region to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load for Toxic Pollutants in Sediment in Ballona Creek Estuary Attachment : RWQCB, Los Angeles Region, Resolution R05-008, 7/7/05 |
10/20/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum daily Load (TMDL) for Metals for the Los Angeles River and its Tributaries | |
10/20/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Metals in Ballona Creek | |
11/16/05 |
Approval of Additional Funding from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA) for the Gambonini Mine Cleanup in Marin County |
11/16/05 |
Adopting the California Ocean Plan (Ocean Plan) Triennial Review and Workplan 2005-2008 |
11/16/05 |
Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute Two Grant Agreements with the U.S. Department of Energy for Regulatory Oversight at Sites in the San Francisco Bay Region |
11/16/05 |
State Revolving Fund Loan Program Reimbursement Resolution |
11/16/05 |
Approval of Resolution Concerning the Los Osos
Community Services District (District) Wastewater Collection, Treatment and disposal Project
(Project) State Revolving Fund Loan (SRF) Loan Project No. C-06-4014-110 |
11/16/05 |
Adoption of the Small Community Groundwater Grant Program (SCGG Program) Competitive Project List |
11/16/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control
Plan for the San Diego Region to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Total
Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in the Rainbow Creek Watershed |
11/16/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water
Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins to Control
Factors Contributing to Dissolved Oxygen Impairment in the Stockton Deep Water Ship
Channel |
11/16/05 |
Approving an Amendment to the Water
Quality Control Plan for the Central Valley Region to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) for the Control Of Salt And Boron Discharges into the Lower San Joaquin
River |
12/9/05 |
Withdrawal of Funding for the Los Osos Community Services District (District); Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal Project (Project); State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Project No. C-06-4014-110 |