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Water Boards 1988 Resolutions


The following Resolutions have been adopted, at a regular Board Meeting, by the State Water Resources Control Board.

1988-0001 1/7/1988 Expressing Appreciation to Robert S. Ford
1988-0002 1/6/1988 Approval of Amendment to the South Bay Multi-Site Cooperative Agreement (MSCA) between the SWRCB and the USEPA Region 9 from January 1, 1988-00June 30, 1989
1988-0003 1/21/1988 Acceptance of the California RWQCB, North Coast Region’s Phase I 205 (j) Final Reports as completion of the “Development of a Toxic and Hazardous Substances Control Program for the Russian River” Project.
1988-0004 1/21/1988 Acceptance of the City of Thousand Oaks/Camrosa County Water District’s Phase I 205 (j) Final Report as completion of the “Santa Rosa Ground Water Basin Management Plan” Study
1988-0005 1/21/1988 Acceptance of the Lahontan RWQCB’s 205 (j) Phase I Final Report and Addendum as completion of the “Eagle Lake Index Station Productivity and Ground Water Nutrient Monitoring Program.”
1988-0006 1/21/1988 Approval of an amendment to the WQCP for the Santa Ana Basin to extend the effective date of the discharge prohibition from individual disposal systems for the Romoland and Homeland-Green Acres areas in Riverside County.
1988-0007 2/21/1988 Delegating Authority to the Executive Director to make certain deletions in the list of SWDS required to submit Solid Waste Water Quality ATR in accordance with WCS 13273.
1988-0008 1/21/1988 Adoption of Priority List of projects eligible for ADWM Loans.
1988-0009 1/21/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant assistance to the Tennant Community Services District- CWG no. C-06-2951-110
1988-00010 1/21/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant assistance to the Calaveras County Water District for the Community of Vallecito- CWG No. C-06-0850-210
1988-0011 1/21/1988 Approving a SWQC Fund Loan to the City of Corcaran
1988-0012 1/21/1988 Approving the SB being a signatory of a memorandum of understanding with the San Francisco RWQCB and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
1988-0013 1/21/1988 Certification of a WQMP for timber operations on nonfederal lands under Section 208 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
1988-0014 1/21/1988 Approval of the supplemental Section 106 WPC Grant and workplan for Federal fiscal year 1988.
1988-0015 1/21/1988 Loans for small communities for the local share of project costs.
1988-0016 1/21/1988 Making the determination that the Gualala Community Services District CWG Project no. C-06-2978-11 is eligible for a supplemental State Grant, subject to subsequent approval of plans and specifications by the SWRCB.
1988-0017 1/21/1988 Approving supplement to previous environmental documents for the Stanislaus River District Diversion Applications.
1988-0018 2/3/1988 Redirection of $144,100 savings in SAP to fund the Kern County Community Development Program Department’s Study Proposal pertaining to Reclamation of waste brine from nitrate removal plants.
1988-0019 2/3/1988 Addition to delegation document whereby authority is delegated to the Chief, DWR.
1988-0020 2/3/1988 Approval of a MOA for administering the NPDES and Authorizing the Executive Director to submit the application for re-delegation.
1988-0021 2/18/1988 Funding for a pollution study for the Lake Canyon Community.
1988-0022 2/18/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to Avalon- CWG No. C-06-0731-110
1988-0023 2/18/1988 Adoption of the policy regarding the USTP.
1988-0024 2/18/1988 Certifying final Environmental Impact Report for the forks of Butte County.
1988-0025 11/14/1987 Expressing appreciation to Raymond Walsh
1988-0026 3/17/1988 Redirection of $145,000 savings in SAP to fund a study of GWC to the San Joaquin River.
1988-0027 3/17/1988 Adoption of 1987 Review of WQ standards for salinity, including numeric criteria and plan of implementation of salinity control for Colorado River, and functional equivalent document prepared for the review.
1988-0028 3/17/1988 Authorizing the Executive Director or his Designee to negotiate and execute contracts using CWA Section 104 (b)(3) Grant Funds.
1988-0029 3/17/1988 Approval of the DWQ Report titled “Chlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Contamination From the Use of Chlorophenol Wood Preservatives in California.”
1988-0030 3/17/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the City of Fortuna, Home Avenue Area CWG no. C-06-2982-110
1988-0031 3/17/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the County of Tulare, for the Community of Tonyville—Project No. C-06-2961-110.
1988-0032 3/17/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the County of Tulare, for the Community of Tooleville—Project No. C-06-1878-110
1988-0033 3/17/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the County of Tulare, for the Community of Delft Colony—Project No. C-06-2963-110
1988-0034 3/17/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the County of Nevada’s Penn Valley Clean Project No. C-06-2973-110/
1988-0035 3/17/1988 Approval of an amendment to the WQCP for the San Diego Basin adding a Regional Dairy Waste Management policy to Chapter 5, Implementation Plan.
1988-0036 4/7/1988 Certifying final environmental impact report for the Tule Lake Reservoir System.
1988-0037 4/21/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to several small communities.
1988-0038 4/21/1988 Approving an exception to the policy limiting Step 1 & 2 Grant increases for the City of Vacaville Project no. C-06-1124-100
1988-0039 4/21/1988 Approving an exception to the policy limiting Step 1 & 2 Grant increases for the South Tahoe PUD Project no. C-06-1414-010
1988-0040 4/21/1988 Acceptance of the DWQ, Investigations Branch Phase II 205(J) report entitled Protocol Development: Reference Toxicant and Initial Complex Effluent Testing as completion of Phase 2 of the ongoing “Marine Bioassay and Toxic substances criteria Development” Project.
1988-0041 4/21/1988 Establishment of the FY 1988-0089 annual fees for facilities subject to the TPCA.
1988-0042 4/21/1988 Redirection of $400,000 savings in SAP to fund studies related to reduction and management of SAD.
1988-0043 4/21/1988 Approving a SWQC Fund Loan to the City of Corcoran
1988-0044 4/21/1988 LFA for: 1) Salton Sea Evaporation Pond – Pilot Project; 2) Montalvo Forebay Ground Water Nitrate Abatement Feasibility Study; & 3) Gustine Drainage District Feasibility Study
1988-0045 4/21/1988 Guidance regarding State supplemental Grant Assistance for a segment of a larger community.
1988-0046 4/21/1988 Authorizing the Chief, DWR, to accept an offer by the Modesto and Turlock irrigation Districts to make voluntary Fishery Flow releases below LA Grange Dam.
1988-0047 4/21/1988 Amendment to the Subsection 205(j)(2) Phase IV Implementation Plan
1988-0048 4/21/1988 Adoption of preliminary priority lists of WQMP Project Proposals for funding with a Phase IV subsection 205(j)(2) grant from the U.S. EPA.
1988-0049 4/21/1988 Authorization to complete the Governor’s nomination of Santa Monica in the NEP.
1988-0050 4/21/1988 Approval of California RWQCB, San Francisco Bay Region ETCP Guidelines.
1988-0051 5/4/1988 Management Conference Organization for the Santa Monica Bat NEP.
1988-0052 5/4/1988 Authorizing the negotiation and execution of contracts with selected laboratories for use of USEPA fund to provide laboratory services for local agencies participating in the leaking UST site ICPP.
1988-0053 5/19/1988 Acceptance of Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District’s 205(j) Phase II Final Report as completion of the “Use of a Three-dimensional Model for Management of Ground Water in the Northern Salinas Basin” Study.
1988-0054 5/19/1988 Acceptance of the San Juan Basin Authority’s 205(j) Phase 88 Final Report as completion of the “San Juan Creek Ground Water Basin Study”.
1988-0055 5/19/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of an Interagency agreement with the DFG to continue operation of the MMP in FY 1988-0089.
1988-0056 5/19/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of an Interagency agreement with the DFG to continue operation of the TSMP in FY 1988-0089.
1988-0057 5/19/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of an amendment to Interagency Agreement no. 7-041-250-0 with the DFG to continue development of a Bioassay Certification element of the SWRCB’s Laboratory Certification Program through June 1989.
1988-0058 5/19/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of an Interagency agreement with the DHS for LAS for the SWRCB and the RWQCB in FY 1988-0089.
1988-0059 5/19/1988 Addition of the Tillman Water Reclamation Project to the fundable portion of the FFY 1988 CWGP priority list.
1988-0060 5/19/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to several small communities.
1988-0061 5/19/1988 Approval of amendments to the MOA between the SWRCB and the DC, DOG regarding Class II injection wells.
1988-0062 5/19/1988 Adoption of CWG and SRF Loan Program funding strategies for FFY 1989.
1988-0063 (as amended by Resolutions 2006-0008 and 2015-0002) 5/19/1988 Adoption of policy entitled “Sources of Drinking Water”.
1988-0064 5/19/1988 Augmentation of the Bijou/Wildwood Erosion Control Subproject, Phase II, of the Lake Tahoe REURC Project under the State Assistance Program (Prop. 2).
1988-0065 5/19/1988 Acceptance of the Attorney General’s request for $75,000 from the WPCA Account to assess impacts of oil spill from shell oil refinery in Martinez.
1988-0066 6/16/1988 Request for waiver of Step 3 funding limitation for the Sausalito-Marin City Sanitation District Clean Water Grant No. 2464-110.
1988-0067 6/16/1988 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to several small communities.
1988-0068 6/16/1988 Adoption of regulations creating California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Chapter 3, Subchapter 9.2.
1988-0069 6/16/1988 Approval of revisions to the UST Grant Workplan and Grant increase for FFY 1988.
1988-0070 6/16/1988 Acceptance of the UC Davis Phase II 205(j) Final Report as completion of the “Ground Water Contamination within the Tahoe Basin” Study.
1988-0071 6/16/1988 Acceptance of the Stockton East Water District’s 205(j) Phase II Final Report as completion of the “Stockton East Ground Water Quality Study”
1988-0072 6/16/1988 Authorizing the execution of a WLS contract to support ongoing regulatory and enforcement activities of the North Coast RWQCB.
1988-0073 6/16/1988 Certifying Final Environment Impact Report for the Dynamo Pond Project
1988-0074 6/16/1988 Appointment of membership to the Advisory Committee for training and Certification of WTP operators and supervisors.
1988-0075 6/16/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of an amendment to Interagency Agreement No. 5-248-250-1 with the DHS for continued support in implementing the SWRCB Laboratory Certification Program through June 30, 1989.
1988-0076 6/16/1988 Approval of Amendments to the WQCP for the North and South Lahontan Basins and of implementing guidelines to change the criteria for discharges of municipal waste from individual waste disposal systems.
1988-0077 6/16/1988 Authorizing the Executive Director, of his designee, to accept a Subsection 205(j)(5) Grant for NPSMP Activities.
1988-0078 6/16/1988 Resolution Approving Report of Referee for the Lower American River Court Reference
1988-0079 7/21/1988 Authorizing to enter in contracts to continue development of a program to regulate Subsurface Agricultural Drainage.
1988-0080 7/21/1988 Granting an exception to the WQCP, Ocean Waters of California, for nine Southern California Electricity-Generating Stations: Haynes, Harbor, Scattergood, Alamitos, El Segundo, Long Beach, Mandalay, Ormond Beach, and Redondo.
1988-0081 7/21/1988 Acceptance of request for $100,000 from the WPCA account for abatement of nitrogen in the Santa Ana River.
1988-0082 7/21/1988 Approval of the Section 205(j)(2) Program Administration Continuation Grant.
1988-0083 7/21/1988 Authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with Stanislaus County for use of U.S. EPA Trust Fund for leaking UST and the State HSCBF to oversee Leaking UST Site Investigation and Cleanup.
1988-0084 7/21/1988 Use of local Moratoriums for determining SRF Priorities.
1988-0085 7/21/1988 Adoption of Project Priority List for Pollution studies.
1988-0086 7/21/1988 Adoption of the language for the Administration Procedures Manual regarding enforcement actions for failure to comply with the prohibitions in the Toxic Pits Cleanup Act.
1988-0087 7/21/1988 ATA Supplemental State Grant Assistance to several small communities.
1988-0088 7/21/1988 Santa Teresa Ground Water Basin
1988-0089 8/4/1988 Approving partial implementation of the Phase IV Section 205(j)(2) Water Quality Management Planning Program.
1988-0090 8/18/1988 Approval of a policy implementing the SRF for constructing of Wastewater Treatment Works.
1988-0091 8/18/1988 Loan Funding Approval for: 1) DBCP Removal Project (City of Redlands); 2) Drainage Improvement Project (Reclamation District #999); 3) Evaporation Basin Project (Tulare Lake Drainage District) and 4) Deep Well Injection Project (Westlands Water District).
1988-0092 8/18/1988 Approval of the UST Grant Workplan for FFY 1989
1988-0093 8/18/1988 Acceptance of the UST Petroleum Trust Fund Grant for the FFY 1988 from the USEPA.
1988-0094 8/18/1988 Consideration of Approval of WDR Waiver policies adopted by the North Coast RWQCB (Resolution No. 87-113), San Francisco Bay (Resolution No. 83-3 and 88-088), Central Coast (Regional Board Agenda Item No. 7 dated April 15, 1983), Central Valley (Resolution No. 82-036), Lahontan (Resolution No. 6-88-18), Colorado River Basin (Resolution No. 83-1), Santa Ana (Resolution No. 84-48), and San Diego (Resolution No. 83-21) Regions.
1988-0095 8/18/1988 Acceptance of the DWR Phase I 205(j)(2) Final Reports as completion of the “Examination of the effects of water project export operations on food production for Larval Stripped Bass in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary” Project.
1988-0096 8/18/1988 Authorizing execution of an interagency agreement between the SWRCB and the Health and Welfare Agency Data Center for electronic data processing services to support the SWRCB’s CALSTARS system.
1988-0097 8/18/1988 Certifying Final Environmental Impact Report for the Rock Creek Hydroelectric Project, Madera County.
1988-0098 8/18/1988 Consideration of approval of contracts to implement the South Bay MSCA between the SWRCB and the USEPA Region 9.
1988-0099 8/18/1988 Approval of the request for additional $20,000 from the WPCA account for Chester Airport Cleanup.
1988-0100 8/18/1988 Approval of the Section 106 WPC Grant and Workplan for FFY 1989.
1988-0101 9/7/1989 Expressing Appreciation to Walter J. Bishop.
1988-0102 9/7/1989 Authorizing to negotiate and execute a contract and amendments with a financial consultant to conduct an in-depth study of the financing alternatives for the SRF Program.
1988-0104 9/22/1989 Approval of a Pollution Study Grant for the Community of Gualala No. C-06-2978-110.
1988-0105 9/22/1989 ATA supplemental State Grant Assistance to the Community of Penryn (Placer County).
1988-0106 9/22/1989 Adopting the Section 205(g), Construction Management Assistance Grant Application, SFY 1988-0089, FFY 1989.
1988-0107 9/22/1989 Authorizing to negotiate and execute contracts with selected local agencies to oversee leaking UST Site Investigation and Cleanup, and elicit and evaluate proposals from other local agencies to participate in the UST Clean Pilot Program.
1988-0108 9/22/1989 Acceptance of the Association of Bay Area Governments’ 205(j)(2) Phase II Final Report and Guidance document as completion of the “Small Generator Hazardous Waste Collection Program”.
1988-0109 9/22/1989 Conditional approval of the request for $350,000 from the WPCA Account for treatment of acid mine waste from Iron Mountain Mine, Shasta County.
1988-0110 9/22/1989 Authorizing execution of an Interagency Agreement between the SWRCB and the Stephen P. Teale Data Center for Electronic Data Processing Services to support the SWRCB’s DMS.
1988-0111 9/22/1989 WQCP for Ocean Waters of California, California Ocean Plan.
1988-0112 9/22/1989 Conditional Water Quality Certification of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit No. 26.
1988-0113 10/20/1988 Authorizing the execution of a contract with UC Davis to provide consulting services to the SWRCB, DLG in support of the Agricultural Drainage Water Management Loan Program.
1988-0114 10/20/1988 Calling for joint action by Federal, State, and Local agencies to remedy contamination in the main San Gabriel Ground Water Basin.
1988-0115 10/20/1988 Directing the Executive Director to apply for and accept a grant for a cooperative agreement with the USEPA Region 9 to accelerate source investigation activities in the San Gabriel Valley.
1988-0116 10/20/1988 Acceptance of the Santa Ana RWQCB’s Phase II 205(j)(2) Final Report as completion of the “Water Quality Objective for Unionized Ammonia in the middle Santa Ana River (Reaches 2 and 3)” Project.
1988-0117 10/20/1988 Approval of Revisions to the supplemental FFY 1988 CWA Section 106 WPC Grant Workplan.
1988-0118 10/20/1988 Approving implementation of the Phase IV Water Quality Management Planning Program.
1988-0119 10/20/1988 Authorizing execution of a memorandum of agreement between the DHS and the SWRCB on Water Reclamation.
1988-0120 11/15/1988 Consideration of Authorization to negotiate and execute an amended Interagency Agreement with the DHS to provide funding for the UST Pilot Program.
1988-0121 11/15/1988 Approval of an amendment to combine the WQCP for the Klamath River Basin (1A) and the WQCP for the North Coastal Basin (1B), their abstracts and amendments into one WQCP for the North Coast Region.
1988-0122 11/15/1988 Approval an expenditure of $65,000 from the WPCA Account for Underground Tank Cleanup, Feather River Road, Yuba County.
1988-0123 11/15/1988 Approval of a Nonpoint Source Assessment Report, adoption of a Nonpoint Source Management Plan, and partial acceptance of the Subsection 205(j)(2) NPSP.
1988-0124 11/15/1988 Authorizing the Executive Director or his designee to complete negotiations and to execute an Interagency Agreement with the DHS for work performed pursuant to the Federal RCRA during FFY 1989.
1988-0125 12/15/1988 Authorization to negotiate and execute contract extension with 11 pilot programs agencies, and to negotiate and execute pilot program contracts with additional agencies, subject to availability of funds to oversee leaking UST Site Investigation and Cleanup.
1988-0126 12/15/1988 Approving an increase to a SWQC Fund Loan to the City of Corcoran.
1988-0127 12/15/1988 Addition of stateline erosion subproject list of the Lake Tahoe Remedial Erosion & Urban Runoff Control Project under the SAP
1988-0128 12/15/1988 Extension of the FFY 1988 CWG Priority List to June 30, 1989 – adoption of FFY 1989 CWG Priority List.
1988-0129 12/15/1988 Adoption of FFY 1989 SRF Loan Program Priority List.
1988-0130 12/15/1988 AB No. 2875 – Satisfaction of requirement to review and consider the recommendation or findings of any Federal- or State- funded studies, reports, or research pertaining to Agricultural Drainage Management Units.
1988-0131 12/15/1988 Adoption of regulation governing Licensure of UST testers.
1988-0132 12/15/1988 Granting UST testers one year, beginning January 1, 1989, to acquire qualifying experience for licensing; and defining qualifying experience.
1988-0133 12/15/1988 Finding that additional time is necessary to process application 27883 pursuant to Water Code Section 1250.5.
