DISCUSSION: Item 3940-101-0001(a) of the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act (Assembly Bill 1656, Chapter 324) was approved by the Governor on August 21, 1998. It allocates $2,500,000 to the State Water Resources Control Board to be used for the City's wastewater treatment plant upgrades.
The City's proposed project is on the Small Communities Grant (SCG) Statewide priority list and has received planning and design grants. On June 4, 1998, the Division of Clean Water Programs issued Concept Approval to the City for the Wastewater Collection and Treatment Improvement Project under the SCG program. The City agreed in writing with the approval on June 9, 1998. However, all available funding in the SCG program was committed before the City could complete the final plans and specifications.
The City is located in northwest Fresno County approximately 40 miles due west of the City of Fresno. The City serves a population of 4,750 and the treatment plant average dry weather flow is about 956,000 gallons per day.
The majority of the City's wastewater collection system was constructed approximately 20 years ago. Field surveys have indicated the sewer pipes do not have sufficient grade. The insufficient grades allow blockages to occur. The system also has cross connections with the storm water system and many of the manholes allow significant infiltration and inflow (I/I) into the system. The blockages and high I/I flows have led to numerous sewer overflows and backups into homes and businesses. In addition, many problems have occurred due to inoperable pump stations within the collection system.
The City's wastewater treatment facility has the potential to cause serious public health and water quality problems. The facility has not been consistently meeting the waste discharge requirements and the effluent storage facilities are nearing ultimate capacity.
The purpose of the proposed project is to:
The City prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration/Initial Study (MND/IS) which was distributed to the public and circulated through the State Clearinghouse (SCH# 98012007) for review from January 2, 1997 through February 2, 1997. During the review period, the City received comment letters from the Division regarding inadequacies of the document and from the California Department of Fish and Game and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board-Fresno regarding impacts to sensitive biological resources and use of a ditch for effluent transport. In response to comments, the City prepared a second MND/IS, which was distributed for review from April 8, 1997 through May 7, 1997. During the review period, no comments were received. After the review period, the City prepared an Addendum to the MND to address changes in the treatment process to provide secondary treatment instead of tertiary treatment of wastewater. The City Council approved the project and adopted the MND and Addendum on May 28, 1998. A Notice of Determination was filed with the Fresno County Clerk and the Governor's Office of Planning and Research.
The City requests the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) approve a State grant of $2.5 million for this project, from funds provided in the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act.
POLICY ISSUE: Should the SWRCB approve a $2.5 million State grant, from funds provided in the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act?
RWQCB IMPACT: Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno. Completion of project will allow the City to consistently meet their Waste Discharge Requirements and eliminate sewer system overflows.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the SWRCB adopt a resolution approving issuance
of $2.5 million State grant, from funds provided in the 1998-1999 Chaptered
Budget Act
1. The Governor approved the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act (Assembly
Bill 1656) on August 21, 1998;
2. Item 3940-101-0001(a) of the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act allocates $2.5 million to be administered by the State Water Resources Control Board for the construction of wastewater treatment upgrades for the City of Mendota;
3. The City of Mendota adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Addendum (State Clearinghouse No. 98012007) prepared for the proposed project, which has been reviewed and considered and it has been determined the project will not result in significant negative environmental impacts; and
4. The City of Mendota received planning and design grants and has met the facilities planning requirements outlined in the April 1997 Implementation Policy for the Small Communities Grant Program. The Division of Clean Water Programs issued Concept Approval on June 4, 1998.
The State Water Resources Control Board approves a $2.5 million State grant, provided by the 1998-1999 Chaptered Budget Act (Assembly Bill 1656), for the City of Mendota for construction of the Wastewater Collection and Treatment Improvement Project.
Maureen Marché
Administrative Assistant to the Board