Please note date. Tuesday, May 4, 1999 - - 9:00 a.m. Paul R. Bonderson Building 901 P Street, Sacramento |
Workshop includes informal discussion of items to be presented for action at a future business meeting. People who are interested in items on the agenda are urged to attend workshops as they may miss valuable discussion that will not be repeated at the Board meeting. NOTE: There is no voting at workshops. Items requiring Board action must come to a Board meeting.
Please note time limitations
on presentations may be imposed.
The State Board requests that
oral testimony be summarized.
Submittal of written comments
is encouraged to ensure
that all comments will be included
in the
record before the Board.*
Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda or pending before the Board or a Regional Board. Note: Presentations at the Public Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman.
1. In the Matter of the Petition of Fallbrook
Public Utility District for Review of Denial of a Petroleum Underground
Storage Tank Site Closure at 990 East Mission Road, Fallbrook, California.
Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed
order requiring that the case be closed.)
2. Consideration of a Request for a Time Extension by the Los Osos Communities Services District of Their State Revolving Fund (SRF) Preliminary Loan Commitment of $47 Million, SRF Loan No. C-06-4014-110. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution denying the request for extension.)
3. Consideration of a Resolution Approving a State Revolving Fund Preliminary Loan Commitment for the City of Calistoga’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the preliminary loan commitment.)
4. Consideration of a Resolution Converting State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Commitments to a System Based on Cash Flow. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the use of a Cash Flow System for Making Preliminary Loan Commitments.)
**5. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works for Construction of a Wastewater Collection System for the San Pasqual Area, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4679-110. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the loan.)
**6. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the South Coast Water District (SCWD) for Capacity Purchase at the South East Regional Reclamation Authority and Pumping Improvements. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the SRF Loan for the SCWD.)
**7. Consideration of Approval of State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan and a Hardship Grant for the Pine Grove Wastewater System, Amador Water Agency, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4555-110, Hardship Grant No. 694-030. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the loan and the grant.)
**8. Consideration of Reallocation of State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans for the Construction of Islais Creek Transport and Storage Projects, City and County of San Francisco (CCSF) to Other City Projects. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution to reallocate SRF loans to other City wastewater projects previously approved with unfunded eligibility.)
**9. Consideration of a Request From the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB) for Use of Emergency, Abandoned, Recalcitrant Account Funds up to $200,000 to Continue to Cleanup Petroleum Contamination From the Leaking Underground Tanks Located at 3208 Highway 50 in Meyers, El Dorado County. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the request.)
**10. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend, as Necessary, a Standard Agreement With the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) for Storm Water Investigations. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
**11. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Updating the Delegation of Authority to the Executive Director to Authorize the Executive Director to Issue Decisions by Settlement of the Parties in Adjudicative Proceedings Before the Board. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
**12. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Updating the Delegation of Authority to the Chiefs of the Division of Water Quality and the Division of Clean Water Programs on Matters Related to the Administration of the Divisions. (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
**13. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution
Authorizing Renewal of an Interagency Agreement Between the State Water
Resources Control Board and the Health and Welfare Data Center for Electronic
Data Processing Services to Support the Board's Accounting System.
(The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed
*In order to be fully considered at
the meeting, all written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m.,
Friday, April 30, 1999. Mailing address:
PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-0100; FAX 916-657-0932
**These items are expected to be routine
noncontroversial and there will be
no discussion unless requested by a Board Member, staff or interested party.
If such a request is made, the item will be considered separately.
Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form.
If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board,