Thursday, June 1, 2000 – 9:00 a.m.

First-Floor Hearing Room

Paul R. Bonderson Building

901 P Street, Sacramento


Questions regarding this agenda call Maureen Marché (916) 657-0990 or fax (916) 657-0932.  Note:agenda items should be available electronically on May 24, 2000.


Workshop includes informal discussion of items to be presented for action at a future business meeting.People who are interested in items on the agenda are urged to attend workshops as they may miss valuable discussion that will not be repeated at the Board meeting.  NOTE:  there is no voting at workshops.Items requiring Board action must come to a Board meeting.


Please note time limitations on presentations may be imposed.

The State Board requests that oral testimony be summarized.

  Submittal of written comments is encouraged to ensure

 that all comments will be included in the

record before the Board.*





Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board’s jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the Board’s agenda or pending before the Board or a Regional Board.Note:Presentations at the Public Forum will be limited to 5 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman.



1.  Consideration of Approval of the State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2000/01 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project Priority List.  The Board will also discuss the possibility of leveraging the SRF and using the proceeds to create a set-aside for expanded use projects.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the SRF Priority List.)


2.  Consideration of Adoption of the Division of Clean Water Programs’ Proposal for Implementation of the Small Communities Grant Program.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed program.)


3.  Status Report Regarding Staff Proposals to Implement Five Proposition 13 Programs Administered by the Division of Clean Water Programs.  (Information Item)


**4.  Consideration of Approval of a Loan for the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency for the Watsonville/Harkins Slough Project From the Seawater Intrusion Control Loan Program.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**5.  Consideration of Approval of a Time Extension for the City of Corona for a Grant From the Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Program.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution to extend the grant contract.)


**6.  Consideration of Approval of a Time Extension for the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District for a Grant From the Water Recycling Facilities Planning Grant Program.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution to extend the grant contract.)


**7.  Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the City of San Diego for Construction of the Point Loma Digesters C1 and C2 Upgrade Project, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4718-110.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


**8.  Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Appointing Members to the Advisory Committee for Training and Certification of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Supervisors.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution to appoint four members to the Committee.)



9.  Consideration of Approval of Implementation Plans for Proposition 13 Watershed and Nonpoint Source Grant Programs and Authorization of Set-Aside Projects.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)


10.  Status Report on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits.  (Information item only.)


11.  Consideration of Approval of an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region Incorporating a Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the East Fork of the San Gabriel River.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to approve the Basin Plan amendment.)


**12.  Consideration of Approval of a Resolution to Provide a $500,000 Agricultural Drainage Management Loan Program Loan to the Pacheco Water District for a Canal Lining Project.  (The Board will consider, at a Board meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)



**13.  Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute an Interagency Agreement with the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) to Reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for the Cost of Staff Providing Support at Cal/EPA Permit Assistance Centers. (The Board will consider, at a Board Meeting, whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)



Closed Session Item

(Please note Closed Sessions are not open to the public.)


PERSONNEL  The Board will be meeting in closed session to discuss the appointment, evaluation of performance or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against that employee by another person or employee unless the employee requests a public hearing.  Authorized under Government Code Section 11126(a)(1).




*In order to be fully considered at the meeting, all written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m.,

May 30, 2000.   Mailing address:  PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA  95812-0100; FAX 916-657-0932


**These items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial and there will be no discussion unless requested by a Board Member, staff or interested party.  If such a request is made, the item will be considered separately.

Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form. If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board, email