REVISED DECLARATION OF A QUORUM BOARD MEETING Public comments on agenda items will be limited to 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Board Chair PUBLIC FORUM Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the State Water Board’s jurisdiction provided the matter is not on the agenda, or pending before the State Water Resources Control Board or any California Regional Water Quality Control Board. BOARD BUSINESS 1. The Board will consider adoption of the July 15, 2008, Board Meeting minutes. 2. Board Member Report UNCONTESTED ITEMS (Items 3-8*) *3. Consideration of a proposed Resolution to allocate an additional $500,000 from the Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA) to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to complete the development of Sediment Quality Objectives (SQOS) for Toxic Pollutants identified in Toxic Hot Spots in the Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program (BPTCP). *4. Consideration of a proposed Resolution for the adoption of the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project Priority List (Priority List), and Establishment of the Service Rate for State Fiscal Year 2008/2009. (Written comments are due on August 15, 2008 by 12 p.m.) *5. Consideration of a proposed Resolution appointing the Clean Beaches Santa Monica Bay (CBSMB) Task Force under the Clean Beaches Proposition 84 Grant Program. *6. Consideration of a proposed Resolution authorizing the Executive Director or designee to apply for, accept, and/or amend a federal Clean Water Act section 205(j) grant. *7. Consideration of a proposed Resolution approving an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins (Basin Plan) to revise water quality objectives for pH and turbidity. (Written comments were due on August 8, 2008 by 12 p.m.) *8. Consideration of a proposed Resolution supporting "No Drugs Down the Drain" campaign to reduce unused pharmaceuticals in wastewater through take back and education programs. DIVISION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 9. PULLED – DEFERRED TO SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 BOARD MEETING DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS 10. Consideration of a proposed Decision to conditionally approve a water right application for the Chino Basin Watermaster to divert 68,500 acre‑feet per annum of water from seven creeks, all tributaries to the Santa Ana River in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. (Written comments were due on July 25, 2008 by 5:00 p.m.) (Errata Sheet #1 - 8/19/08) OFFICE OF CHIEF COUNSEL 11. Petition of California Sportfishing Protection Alliance for review of Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. R5-2007-0132 issued to the City of Davis Wastewater Treatment Plant, Yolo County, by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (SWCRCB/OCC File A-1894). The State Water Resources Control Board will consider issuing an order remanding the Waste Discharge Requirements. (Written comments are due on August 20, 2008 by 12 p.m.) OFFICE OF RESEARCH, PLANNING & PERFORMANCE 12. Consideration of a proposed Resolution to adopt the Strategic Plan Update: 2008-2012. INFORMATIONAL ITEM 13. Stakeholder group information item on the status of an alternative proposal for a statewide recycled water policy. The State Water Board will not take action on this item.