Staff Report |
Attachment 1: Resolution R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment - updated July 5, 2016 (with changes shown in red text) |
Attachment 2: TMDL Technical Project Report: Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed (includes Appendices A - D). Updated July 5, 2016 |
A: Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions |
B: Summary of Studies and Reports |
C: Additional Sediment Toxicity Data Analysis |
D1:SPoT Project Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data |
D2:Cooperative Monitoring Program Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data |
Attachment 3:Email correspondence with Ms. Dunham |
Attachment 4: Email correspondence with Ms. Lopez |
A: DPR & USGS detection limits for pyrethroids in water |
B: Pyrethroids analysis in water |
C: Follow-up from TMDL call (comment clarification) |
D: Follow-up from TMDL call (comment clarification) to H. Packard |
E: Clarification of email |
The following attachments from the May 13, 2016 Central Coast Water Board hearing are unchanged and are available on the TMDL project website:
- CEQA Checklist and Analysis
- Public Comments and Staff Responses
- Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Department of Pesticide Regulation Memo: Review of the Draft Technical Project Report
Audio |