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Agenda Item #17 Adopting Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed, Resolution 2016-0003

Staff Report
Attachment 1: Resolution R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment - updated July 5, 2016 (with changes shown in red text) Item No. 17 -17- July 13-14, 2017

Attachment 2: TMDL Technical Project Report: Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed (includes Appendices A - D). Updated July 5, 2016

A. Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions
B. Summary of Studies and Reports
C. Additional Sediment Toxicity Data Analysis
D.1 SPoT Project Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
D.2 Cooperative Monitoring Program Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data

Attachment 3: Email correspondence with Ms. Dunham

Attachment 4: Email correspondence with Ms. Lopez

A. DPR & USGS detection limits for pyrethroids in water
B. Pyrethroids analysis in water
C. Follow-up from TMDL call (comment clarification)
D. Follow-up from TMDL call (comment clarification) to H. Packard
E. Clarification of email


This item is a continuation of the May 13, 2016 hearing item on: Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed, Resolution No. R3-2016-0003 .

Please refer to the May 13, 2016 hearing item for addition documentation on Resolution R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment.

Presentation: Staff
Audio A
Audio B
