Data Used to Assess Water Quality: |
The original basis for the listing of this water body was data and information contained in the 1993 Mono Basin Water Rights EIR. These data indicated that the long period of little or no flow in Lee Vining Creek, from which Los Angeles Department of Water and Power diverts water, resulted in losses to riparian vegetation and other deterioration of channel conditions.
As a result of Decision 1631 (SWRCB, 1994), minimum flows were mandated in Lee Vining Creek, and considerable restoration work was completed under the supervision of the Restoration Technical Committee at the direction of the El Dorado County Superior Court. Communication with State Board's Division of Water Rights staff (personal communication with Jim Canady, February 3, 2005), indicate that flow requirements are being implemented as mandated. Additionally, listing is not for a pollutant, and no pollutants have been identified. Regional Board staff is not aware of evidence to indicate beneficial use impacts related to this listing. |