Water Body Name: | East Walker River, below Bridgeport Reservoir |
Water Body ID: | CAR6301001020011204100242 |
Water Body Type: | River & Stream |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 6538 |
LOE ID: | 27682 |
Pollutant: | Nitrogen |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 1 |
Number of Exceedances: | 1 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Nine samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2000 and 2001 had a mean concentration of 0.64 mg/L, exceeding the objective. The range of concentrations was 0.109 to 1.32 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | Administrative Record of Lahontan RWQCB's 2001-2002 Section 303(d) List Update Process Resolution R6T-2002-0002 |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The site-specific objective for Total Nitrogen includes an annual average of 0.50 mg/L and a 90th percentile value of 0.80 mg/L (Lahontan Basin Plan Table 3-15). (Note: this objective was used in the original listing. However, it applies to the East Walker River above Bridgeport Reservoir. There is no California numeric objective for nitrogen in the river below the reservoir.) |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at the USGS gaging station below Bridgeport Reservoir. |
Temporal Representation: | Nine samples were collected approximately monthly in 2000 and 2001. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | The data were collected and analyzed under USGS quality assurance protocols. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7749 |
Pollutant: | Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey collected 16 quarterly samples under the Region 6 SWAMP program between 2001 and 2005. Concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen ranged from 0.37 to 3.1 mg/L. No associated data on algae or macrophytes were available for assessment of compliance with the objective for biostimulatory substances. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There is no site-specific objective for total Kjeldahl nitrogen. The Lahontan Basin Plan's narrative objective for biostimulatory substances states: "Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5036 |
Pollutant: | Total Nitrogen as N |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled this segment under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005. Calculated concentrations of total nitrogen in 16 samples ranged from 0.386 to 3.463 mg/L. No biologiical data were collected for assessment of compliance with the objective for biostimulatory substances. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There is no site-specific numerical objective in the Lahontan Basin Plan for Total Nitrogen for this segment. The regionwide narrative objective for biostimulatory substances states:
"Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples (two to four samples per year) were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 6539 |
LOE ID: | 27683 |
Pollutant: | Phosphorus |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 1 |
Number of Exceedances: | 1 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey collected monthly samples at the gaging station below Bridgeport Reservoir between April 2000 and February 2001. The mean concentrations of these 11 samples was 0.083 mg/L. The mean annual cocentration in nine USGS samples for 2000 was 0.094 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | Administrative Record of Lahontan RWQCB's 2001-2002 Section 303(d) List Update Process Resolution R6T-2002-0002 |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The site-specific water quality objective used in the 2002 listing of the East Walker River included an annual mean total phosphorus concentration of 0.06 mg/L and a 90th percentile value of 0.10 mg/L. This objective actually applies to a station upstream of Bridgeport Reservoir. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at the USGS gaging station below Bridgeport Reservoir. |
Temporal Representation: | Eleven samples were collected monthly between April 2000 and February 2001. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | The data were collected and analyzed under USGS quality assurance protocols. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5049 |
Pollutant: | Phosphorus |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 15 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005. Concentrations of total P in 15 samples ranged from 0.036 to 0.37 mg/L. No biological data are available for assessment of compliance with the objective for biostimulatory substances. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no site specific numerical objectives for phosphorus for this segment. The regionwide narrative objective for biostimulatory substances states:
"Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fifteen quarterly samples were taken between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 4608 |
Pollutant: | Phosphorus |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Not Recorded |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 0 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. |
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Unspecified |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Evaluation Guideline: | Unspecified |
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified |
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified |
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified |
QAPP Information: | Unspecified |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 6540 |
LOE ID: | 4609 |
Pollutant: | Sedimentation/Siltation |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Not Recorded |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 0 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Unspecified--This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. |
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Unspecified |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Evaluation Guideline: | Unspecified |
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) |
Spatial Representation: | Unspecified |
Temporal Representation: | Unspecified |
Environmental Conditions: | Unspecified |
QAPP Information: | Unspecified |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5051 |
Pollutant: | Sediment |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled suspended sediment under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005, and did load calculations based on concurrent flows. Suspended sediment concentrations in 16 samples ranged from 5 to 28 mg/L. Calculated sediment loads in 8 samples ranged from 0.37 to 23 tons/day. Sampling frequency is insufficient to evaluate compliance with the objective. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The Lahontan Basin Plan's narrative objective states: The suspended sediment load and suspended sediment discharge rate of surface waters shall not be altered in such a manner as to cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7624 |
LOE ID: | 5065 |
Pollutant: | Aluminum |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled aluminum under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Total recoverable aluminum concentrations in four samples ranged from 59 to 110 ug/L. The state MCLs were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The primary MCL for aluminum is 1000 ug/L and the secondary MCL is 200 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5746 |
Pollutant: | Aluminum |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled aluminum under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved aluminum in four samples ranged from 2 to 18 ug/L. The aquatic life criteria were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency acute freshwater aquatic life criterion for aluminum is 750 ug/L, and the chronic criterion is 87 ug/L. Aquatic life criteria are expressed as dissolved metals. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | National recommended water quality criteria: 2002. EPA-822-R-02-047 Washington, D.C. USEPA |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7683 |
LOE ID: | 7716 |
Pollutant: | Antimony |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled antimony under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four dissolved antimony samples all had concentrations below the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the criteria are presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The USEPA Lowest Observed Effect Levels (LOEL) criteria for protection of aquatic life include an acute antimony value of 9000 ug/L, a chronic value of 1600 ug/L and a limit for toxicity to algae of 610 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Compilation of Water Quality Goals |
Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001. | |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5122 |
Pollutant: | Antimony |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled antimony under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four total antimony samples all had concentrations below the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the MCL and CTR standard are presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The California primary MCL for antimony is 6 ug/L. The California Toxics Rule water and fish consumption standard is 14 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7626 |
LOE ID: | 5030 |
Pollutant: | Arsenic |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled arsenic under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Dissolved arsenic concentrations in four samples ranged from 2 to 18 ug/L. The CTR standards were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) standards for protection of freshwater aquatic life are as follows:
4-day average = 150 ug/L 1- hour average = 340 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. Arsenic in this watershed is from natural sources. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5031 |
Pollutant: | Arsenic |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 1 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled arsenic under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of total arsenic in four samples ranged from 3 to 18 ug/L. One sample exceeded the California MCL. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for arsenic is 10 ug/L (effective November 28, 2008). |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. Arsenic in this watershed is from natural sources. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7640 |
LOE ID: | 5068 |
Pollutant: | Beryllium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled beryllium under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four total recoverable beryllium samples had reported concentrations less than the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the MCL is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for beryllium is 4 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5763 |
Pollutant: | Beryllium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled beryllium quarterly in the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four dissolved beryllium samples had reported concentrations below the detection level. Per listing policy Section, the objective is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) freshwater aquatic life criteria for beryllium are as follows: acute (1 hour average) criterion = 130 ug/L; chronic (4 day average) criterion = 5.3 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | National recommended water quality criteria: 2002. EPA-822-R-02-047 Washington, D.C. USEPA |
2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. | |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8696 |
LOE ID: | 7686 |
Pollutant: | Boron |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled boron under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2002 and 2005. Boron concentrations in 9 samples ranged from 39 to 178 ug/L. The criterion was not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California State Notification Level criterion for boron is 1000 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Drinking Water Notification and Response Levels: An overview |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Nine quarterly samples were collected between 2002 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. Boron in this watershed is from natural sources. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8684 |
LOE ID: | 5070 |
Pollutant: | Cadmium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled cadmium under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 ad 2002. Four total cadmium samples had reported concentrations less than the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the MCL is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituent" objective. The MCL for cadmium is 5 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7689 |
Pollutant: | Cadmium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled cadmium under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 ad 2002. Four total cadmium samples had reported concentrations less than the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the CTR standards are presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) aquatic life standards for cadmium are hardness-based. At the hardness levels measured for this station, the acute toxicity standard ranges from 2.29 to 2.75 ug/L and the chronic toxicity standard ranges from 1.45 to 1.65 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8685 |
LOE ID: | 7720 |
Pollutant: | Calcium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of total calcium in four samples ranged from 16.9 to 18.6 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for calcium for the protection of human health. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7719 |
Pollutant: | Calcium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved calcium in four samples ranged from 17 to 20 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for calcium for the protection of freshwater aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7627 |
LOE ID: | 5040 |
Pollutant: | Chloride |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled chloride under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2002 and 2005. Chloride concentrations in 16 samples ranged from 0.58 to 5.35 mg/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for chloride is 250 mg/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples (2 to 4 samples per year) were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8686 |
LOE ID: | 5748 |
Pollutant: | Chromium (total) |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The USGS sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of total chromium in four quarterly samples were all below the detection level. Under Listing Policy section the MCL is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for chromium is 50 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7695 |
Pollutant: | Chromium (total) |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The USGS sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of dissolved chromium in four quarterly samples were all below the detection level. Under Listing Policy section the standards are presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) standards for dissolved Chromium VI to protect freshwater aquatic life are11 ug/L ( 4-day average) and,16 ug/L (1 hour average). The CTR standard for Chromium III is hardness dependent. At the hardness levels reported for this station, acute (1 hour average) limits for Chromium III range from 349.71 to 398.82 ug/L. The chronic (4 day average) limits range from 113.41 to 129.37 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8687 |
LOE ID: | 7700 |
Pollutant: | Cobalt |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four samples had concentrations of total recoverable cobalt below the detection level. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for cobalt for the protection of human health. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7698 |
Pollutant: | Cobalt |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved cobalt in four samples ranged from 0.07 to 0.168 ug/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for cobalt for the protection of freshwater aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7628 |
LOE ID: | 5069 |
Pollutant: | Copper |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled copper under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved copper concentrations in 4 samples ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 ug/L. The CTR standards were not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) freshwater aquatic life standards for copper are hardness-dependent, At the hardness levels reported for this station, the acute (1 hour average) standard ranges from 8.00 to 9.31 ug/L The chronic (4 day average) standard ranges from 5.60 to 6.42 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5076 |
Pollutant: | Copper |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled copper under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Total recoverable copper concentrations in 4 samples ranged from 1.0. to 1.4 ug/L. The MCLs were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) are applicable under the Lahontan Basin Plan's Chemical Constituents objective. The primary MCL for copper is 1300 ug/L and the secondary MCL is 1000 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 16123 |
LOE ID: | 7748 |
Pollutant: | Dissolved Kjeldahl Nitrogen |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 2 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey collected two samples under the Region 6 SWAMP program in August and November 2003. Concentrations of dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen were 0.9 and 0.38 mg/L. No associated data on algae or macrophytes were available for assessment of compliance with the objective for biostimulatory substances. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no site-specific objectives for dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen. The Lahontan Basin Plan's narrative objective for biostimulatory substances states: "Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Two samples were collected in August and November 2003. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8688 |
LOE ID: | 5815 |
Pollutant: | Dissolved oxygen saturation |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Spawning |
Number of Samples: | 6 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured percent saturation of dissolved oxygen quarterly between November 2003 and August 2005 under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Percent saturation in 6 measurements ranged from 88 to 119 percent. The objective was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The Lahontan Basin Plan's narrative objective states that percent saturation shall not be depressed by more than 10 percent and minimum dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be less than 80 percent saturation. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, the East Walker River near state line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Six quarterly measurements were taken between November 2003 and August 2006. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7679 |
LOE ID: | 5694 |
Pollutant: | Fecal Coliform |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 6 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Water column surveys (e.g. fecal coliform) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled fecal coliform bacteria under the Region 6 SWAMP between 2003 and 2005. Bacteria counts in five of six samples were estimated values, and the count in one sample was below the detection level. The objective was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The Lahontan Basin Plan's water quality objective for coliform bacteria states: "Waters shall not contain concentrations of coliform organisms attributable to anthropogenic sources, including human and livestock waste.
The fecal coliform concentration during any 30-day period shall not exceed a log mean of 20/100 ml, nor shall more than 10 percent of all samples collected during any 30-day period exceed 40/100 ml. The log mean shall ideally be based on a minimum of not less than five samples collected a evenly spaced as practicable during any 30-day period. However, a log mean concentration exceeding 20/100 ml for any 30-day period shall indicate violation of this objective even if fewer than five samples were collected." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Six quarterly samples were collected at approximately quarterly intervals between November 2003 and August 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5695 |
Pollutant: | Fecal Coliform |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation |
Number of Samples: | 6 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Water column surveys (e.g. fecal coliform) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled fecal coliform bacteria under the Region 6 SWAMP program between 2003 and 2005. Bacteria counts in five of six samples were estimated values, and the count in one sample was below the detection level. The objective was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The Lahontan Basin Plan's objective for coliform bacteria states: "Waters shall not contain concentrations of coliform organisms attributable to anthropogenic sources, including human and livestock waste.
The fecal coliform concentration during any 30-day period shall not exceed a log mean of 20/100 ml, nor shall more than 10 percent of all samples collected during any 30-day period exceed 40/100 ml. The log mean shall ideally be based on a minimum of not less than five samples collected a evenly spaced as practicable during any 30-day period. However, a log mean concentration exceeding 20/100 ml for any 30-day period shall indicate violation of this objective even if fewer than five samples were collected." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Six samples were collected approximately quarterly between November 2003 and August 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8817 |
LOE ID: | 7815 |
Pollutant: | Hardness |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Hardness values in four quarterly samples were 57.69, 67.73, 62.80, and 61.84 mg equivalent CaC03/L. These values are within the range characterizing "soft" water. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for hardness. Hardness is monitored for purposes such as determination of the applicable criteria and standards for metals whose toxicity is hardness-dependent. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 1986 "Gold Book" includes generally accepted categories of hardness. Calcium and magnesium are the major ions contributing to hardness, and hardness is generally expressed as calcium carbonate. Water with a hardness equivalent to 0-75 mg equivalent CaCO3/L is considered "soft." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001. |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7812 |
Pollutant: | Hardness |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Hardness values in four quarterly samples were 57.69, 67.73, 62.80, and 61.84 mg equivalent CaC03/L. These values are within the range characterizing "soft" water. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for hardness. Hardness is monitored for purposes such as determination of the applicable criteria and standards for metals whose toxicity is hardness-dependent. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 1986 "Gold Book" includes generally accepted categories of hardness. Calcium and magnesium are the major ions contributing to hardness, and hardness is generally expressed as calcium carbonate. Water with a hardness equivalent to 0-75 mg equivalent CaC03/L is considered "soft." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001. |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7680 |
LOE ID: | 5081 |
Pollutant: | Iron |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled iron under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Total recoverable iron concentrations in 4 samples ranged from 210 to 260 ug/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The secondary MCL for iron is 300 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7710 |
Pollutant: | Iron |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled iron under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved iron concentrations in two of four samples were estimated values. Dissolved iron concentrations in the remaining samples were samples 29 and 71 ug/L. The criterion was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's national freshwater aquatic life criterion for iron is a 4-day average of 1000 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | National recommended water quality criteria: 2002. EPA-822-R-02-047 Washington, D.C. USEPA |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7629 |
LOE ID: | 5120 |
Pollutant: | Lead |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled lead under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of total recoverable lead in four quarterly samples were below the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the MCL is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for lead is 15 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5121 |
Pollutant: | Lead |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled lead under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved lead concentrations in four samples included two values below the detection level, one estimated value, and one 0.16 ug/L value. The CTR standards were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxic Rule (CTR) standards for lead are dependent on hardness. At the reported hardness levels for this station, the acute (1 hour average) standard ranged from 32.06 to 39.33 ug/L. The chronic (4 day average) standard ranged from 1.25 to 1.53 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8689 |
LOE ID: | 7721 |
Pollutant: | Magnesium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved magnesium in four samples ranged from 3.7 to 4.32 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for magnesium for the protection of freshwater aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7722 |
Pollutant: | Magnesium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of total magnesium in four samples ranged from 3.64 to 4.09 mg/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for magnesium for the protection of human health. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7684 |
LOE ID: | 7711 |
Pollutant: | Manganese |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled manganese under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved manganese in four samples ranged from 11.6 to 36.5 ug/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for manganese for the protection of aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5085 |
Pollutant: | Manganese |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 4 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled manganese under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Total manganese concentrations in 4 samples ranged from 82 to 119 ug/L. All four samples exceeded the MCL. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The secondary MCL for manganese is 50 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7682 |
LOE ID: | 5082 |
Pollutant: | Mercury |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled mercury under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Mercury concentrations in four samples ranged from less than 0.01 ug/L to 0.01 ug/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL tor inorganic mercury is 2 ug/L.
The California Toxics Rule water and fish consumption standard for mercury is 0.050 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5764 |
Pollutant: | Mercury |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled mercury quarterly in the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Three of four total mercury samples were below the detection level, and one was 0.01 ug/L The criteria were not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) freshwater aquatic life criteria (expressed as total mercury) are a 4- day average of 0.77 ug/L and a 1-hour maximum of 1.4 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8690 |
LOE ID: | 7707 |
Pollutant: | Molybdenum |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Total recoverable molybdenum concentrations in four samples ranged from 4.4 to 4.9 ug/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no applicable state or federal standards or criteria for molybdenum for protection of the Municipal and Domestic Supply use. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7709 |
Pollutant: | Molybdenum |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of dissolved molybdenum in four samples ranged from 4.3 to 4.8 ug/L. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for cobalt for the protection of freshwater aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7681 |
LOE ID: | 5119 |
Pollutant: | Nickel |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled nickel under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved nickel concentrations in 4 samples ranged from less than 0.06 ug/L to 0.28 ug/L. The MCL was not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for nickel is 100 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5089 |
Pollutant: | Nickel |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled nickel under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved nickel concentrations in 4 samples ranged from less than 0.06 ug/L to 0.28 ug/L. The CTR standards were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) freshwater aquatic life standards for nickel are dependent on hardness. At the hardness levels reported for this station, the acute (1-hour average) standard ranges from 234.01 to 336.75 ug/L. The chronic (4-day average) standard ranges from 32.69 to 37.44 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 16122 |
LOE ID: | 5034 |
Pollutant: | Nitrate/Nitrite (Nitrite + Nitrate as N) |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled this station under the Region 6 SWAMP program between 2001 and 2005. Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate in 16 quarterly samples ranged from below detection level to 0.42 mg/L. One sample was an estimated value. The MCL was not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for nitrite plus nitrate is 10 mg/L expressed "as nitrogen." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. Boron in this watershed is from natural sources. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 16124 |
LOE ID: | 7747 |
Pollutant: | Nitrite |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 1 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey collected one NO2-N sample under the Region 6 SWAMP program on 6/28/2002. The nitrite concentration was 0.011 mg/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for nitrite is 1 mg/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | One sample was collected on 6/28/2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8691 |
LOE ID: | 5731 |
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Spawning |
Number of Samples: | 15 |
Number of Exceedances: | 4 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured dissolved oxygen quarterly between 2001 and 2005 under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in 15 samples ranged from 7.1 to 12 mg/L. Four of 15 samples were below the 8 mg/L minimum concentration. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | For waters designated for the COLD and SPWN beneficial uses the 1- day minimum objective is 8 mg/L (Lahontan Basin Plan Table 3-6) |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, the East Walker River near state line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fifteen quarterly samples were collected between August 2002 and August 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 16415 |
LOE ID: | 7792 |
Pollutant: | Phosphate |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 3 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled the East Walker River under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2002 and 2003. Concentrations of PO4-P in 3 samples ranged from 0.03 to 1.61 mg/L. No biological data are available for assessment of compliance with the objective for biostimulatory substances. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no site specific numerical objectives for phosphate for this segment. The regionwide narrative objective for biostimulatory substances states:
"Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Three quarterly samples were collected in 2002 and 2003. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8692 |
LOE ID: | 5123 |
Pollutant: | Selenium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled selenium under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved selenium concentrations in 3 of 4 samples were below the detection level. The concentration in the remaining sample was an estimated value. The CTR standards were not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) standards for protection of freshwater aquatic life are as follows: 4 day average = 5.0 ug/L; 1-hour average = 20 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7713 |
Pollutant: | Selenium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled selenium under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Concentrations of total selenium in 3 of 4 samples were estimated values, and the fourth sample was below the detection level. The MCL was not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for selenium is 50 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7625 |
LOE ID: | 5061 |
Pollutant: | Silver |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled silver under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Four dissolved silver samples had concentrations less than 1.0 ug/L, the presumed detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the objective and CTR standards are presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule standard for silver (for protection of freshwater aquatic life) is dependent on hardness. At the hardness values reported for this station, the instantaneous maximum standard ranges from 1.34 to 1.77 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5064 |
Pollutant: | Silver |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled silver under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Four total silver samples had concentrations less than 0.05 ug/L, the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the objective is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for silver is 100 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7639 |
LOE ID: | 5050 |
Pollutant: | Specific Conductance |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 14 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured specific conductance under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005. Fourteen field measurements of specific conductance ranged from 144 to 271 uS/cm. An additional 6 laboratory measurements were taken for samples collected on the same dates as field measurements. Laboratory specific conductance ranged from 151 to 202 uS/cm. The MCL was not exceeded. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for specific conductance is 900 microsiemens per centimeter (uS/cm). |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fourteen quarterly field measurements and 6 laboratory measurements of specific conductance were taken between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7678 |
LOE ID: | 5052 |
Pollutant: | Sulfates |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 7 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled sulfate under the Region 6 SWAMP program between 2003 and 2005. Sulfate concentrations in 7 samples ranged from 5.1 to 23 mg/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for sulfate is 250 mg/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. | |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Seven samples were collected approximately quarterly between November 2003 and August 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7677 |
LOE ID: | 5055 |
Pollutant: | Temperature, water |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured water temperature at quarterly intervals under the Region 6 SWAMP program between 2001 and 2005. Sixteen water temperature measurements ranged from 0 to 22.5 degrees Celsius. Sampling frequency was not sufficient to determine the natural seasonal and annual temperature range or the extent to which changes occur due to human activities such as reservoir management. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The temperature objective in the Lahontan Basin Plan states: "The natural receiving water temperature of all waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Board that such an alteration in temperature does not adversely affect the water for beneficial uses.
For waters designated WARM, water temperature shall not be altered by more than five degrees Fahrenheit ... above or below the natural temperature. For waters designated COLD, the temperature shall not be altered. Temperature objectives for COLD interstate waters and WARM interstate waters are as specified in the 'Water Quality Control Plan for Control of Temperature in The Coastal and Interstate Waters and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California' including any revisions." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Sixteen quarterly samples were collected between 2001 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7685 |
LOE ID: | 7712 |
Pollutant: | Thallium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled thallium under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Dissolved thallium concentrations in four samples were all below the detection limit. Per listing policy Section, the objective is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Lowest Observed Effect Levels (LOEL) criteria include an acute toxicity value of 1400 ug/L,and a chronic toxicity value of 40 ug/L. The criteria also include an "Other" limit of 20 ug/L based on 2600 hour exposure of one fish species. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Quality Criteria for Water 1986. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Regulations and Standards. Washington D.C. EPA 440/5-86-001. |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5124 |
Pollutant: | Thallium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled thallium. under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of total thallium in four samples were all below the detection level. Per listing policy Section, the objective is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for thallium is 2 ug/L.
The California Toxics Rule water and fish consumption standard (for waters designated MUN) is 1.7 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7642 |
LOE ID: | 5053 |
Pollutant: | Total Dissolved Solids |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 5 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled TDS under the Region 6 SWAMP program at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005. Two different laboratory methods were used. TDS concentrations in 15 individual samples analyzed as "residue" ranged from 90 to 186 mg/L. Of two additional samples analyzed as "nonfilterable" , one was below detection level and the other was 11 mg/L. (The "residue" TDS concentration on the same date was 121 mg/L.) There were no violations of the annual average objective in five years of sampling. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The site-specific objective for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) includes an annual average of 45 mg/L and a 90th percentile value of 160 mg/L (Lahontan Basin Plan Table 3-15). |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fifteen TDS samples analyzed as "residue" were collected between 2001 and 2005. Two additional samples collected in 2003 and 2004 were analyzed as "nonfilterable." |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5054 |
Pollutant: | Total Dissolved Solids |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 15 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled TDS under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2005. TDS concentrations in 15 samples analyzed as "residue" ranged from 90 to 186 mg/L. One of two additional samples analyzed as "nonfilterable" had a TDS concentration below detection level; the other sample had a concentration of 11 mg/L. The MCL was not violated. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient surface waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is 500 mg/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fifteen TDS samples analyzed as "residue" were collected quarterly between 2001 and 2005. Two additional samples analyzed as "nonfilterable" were collected in 2003 and 2004.. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8693 |
LOE ID: | 5057 |
Pollutant: | Turbidity |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 12 |
Number of Exceedances: | 9 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured turbidity under the Region 6 SWAMP program at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2004. Turbidity in 12 samples ranged from below the detection level to 12 NTU. The MCL was exceeded in 9 of the 12 samples. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for turbidity is 5 NTU. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Twelve samples reported as NTU were collected quarterly between 2001 to 2004. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7718 |
Pollutant: | Turbidity |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured turbidity under the Region 6 SWAMP program at quarterly intervals between 2004 and 2005. Turbidity in 4 samples ranged from 2 to 4.2 NTRU. Since the MCL is expressed as NTU these samples cannot be used to assess compliance. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for turbidity is 5 NTU. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four samples reported as NTRU were collected quarterly between 2004 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7717 |
Pollutant: | Turbidity |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured turbidity under the Region 6 SWAMP program at quarterly intervals between 2004 and 2005. Turbidity in 4 samples ranged from 2 to 4.2 NTRU. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The applicable objective in the Lahontan Basin Plan states: "Waters shall be free of changes in turbidity that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses. Increases in turbidity shall not exceed natural levels by more than 10 percent." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four samples reported as NTU were collected quarterly in 2004 and 2005. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5056 |
Pollutant: | Turbidity |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 12 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey measured turbidity under the Region 6 SWAMP program at quarterly intervals between 2001 and 2004. Twelve turbidity samples reported as NTU ranged from below the detection level to 12 NTU. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The applicable objective in the Lahontan Basin Plan states: "Waters shall be free of changes in turbidity that cause nuisance or adversely affect the water for beneficial uses. Increases in turbidity shall not exceed natural levels by more than 10 percent." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Twelve samples reported as NTU were collected quarterly from 2001 to 2004. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8694 |
LOE ID: | 7715 |
Pollutant: | Vanadium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled vanadium under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of dissolved vanadium in four samples were all below the detection level. Per listing policy Section, the criterion is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There are no state or federal standards or criteria for vanadium for the projection of freshwater aquatic life. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 7714 |
Pollutant: | Vanadium |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled vanadium under the Region 6 SWAMP program. Concentrations of total vanadium in four samples were all below the detection level. Per listing policy Section, the criterion is presumed to be attained. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Notification Level criterion for vanadium in drinking water is 50 ug/L. |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Drinking Water Notification and Response Levels: An overview |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 7650 |
LOE ID: | 5126 |
Pollutant: | Zinc |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Total |
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled zinc under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Four total zinc samples had concentrations ranging from below the detection level to 2 ug/L. The MCL was not violated. . |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels apply to ambient waters under the Lahontan Basin Plan's "Chemical Constituents" objective. The MCL for zinc is 5000 ug/L.
The California Toxics Rule water and fish consumption standard (for waters designated MUN) is 1.7 ug/L |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |
| |
LOE ID: | 5125 |
Pollutant: | Zinc |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | Dissolved |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 4 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological Survey sampled zinc quarterly under the Region 6 SWAMP program in 2001 and 2002. Dissolved zinc concentrations in three of four samples were below the detection level and the fourth sample was 2 ug/L. The CTR standards were not violated. . |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The California Toxics Rule (CTR) freshwater aquatic life standards for zinc are dependent on hardness. At the hardness levels reported for this station, the acute (1-hour average) standard ranges from 73.53 to 84.23 ug/L and the chronic (4-day average) standard ranges from 74.13 to 84.92ug/L.) |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Four quarterly samples were collected in 2001 and 2002. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |
Lines of Evidence (LOEs) for Decision ID 8695 |
LOE ID: | 5043 |
Pollutant: | pH |
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water |
Matrix: | Water |
Fraction: | None |
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat |
Number of Samples: | 16 |
Number of Exceedances: | 0 |
Data and Information Type: | Fixed station physical/chemical (conventional plus toxic pollutants) |
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The U.S. Geological survey sampled pH under the Region 6 SWAMP program, at quarterly intervals between 2002 and 2005. Fifteen field measurements had pH values ranging from 7.8 to 9.7 units. Three measurements exceeded 8.5 units. Five laboratory pH measurements ranged from 7.4 to 8.5 units. However, the 6.5 to 8.5 unit limit does not apply to waters designated for the COLD use. |
Data Reference: | 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. |
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The Lahontan Basin Plan's narrative objectives for pH states: "In fresh waters with designated beneficial uses of COLD or WARM, changes in normal ambient pH levels shall not exceed 0.5 pH units. For all other waters of the region, the pH shall not be depressed below 6.5 nor raised above 8.5 units.
The Regional Board recognizes that some waters of the Region may have natural pH levels outside of the 6.5 to 8.5 range. Compliance with the pH objective for these waters will be determined on a case-by-case basis." |
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). |
Evaluation Guideline: | |
Guideline Reference: | |
Spatial Representation: | One station, East Walker River at the California-Nevada State Line, was sampled. |
Temporal Representation: | Fifteen field measurements of pH were taken quarterly between 2001 and 2005. Five laboratory measurements were taken in samples collected on the same dates as the corresponding field measurements. |
Environmental Conditions: | The East Walker River is an interstate river, influenced by geothermal springs, agricultural and highway drainage, and releases from Bridgeport Reservoir. Headwater streams originate near the Sierra Nevada crest. The state line is in an area transitional to Great Basin environmental conditions. The segment of the river between Bridgeport Reservoir and the state line supports a trophy brown trout fishery. In addition to the Cold Freshwater Habitat beneficial use, the East Walker River is designated for the Spawning, Reproduction and Development use and the Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species use. The latter designation reflects the watersheds role as habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. |
QAPP Information: | Data meet the quality assurance requirements of the SWAMP QAPP. |
QAPP Information Reference(s): |