Comments |
Parent # | Ref # | Description | Date Received |
3396 | California Forestry Association. 2007. Letter to Judith Unsicker, Lahontan RWQCB, Subject: 2008 Integrated Report-Section 303(d)/305(b). | 02/26/2007 | |
3406 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2009. Response to Testimony by Jack Landy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, at the Lahontan Water Board's July 8, 2009 Public Hearing. | 08/28/2009 | |
3417 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2009. Responses to Comments from Searles Valley Minerals. | 06/24/2009 | |
3416 | Searles Valley Minerals. 2009. Re: Water Quality Data and Information for 2008 Integrated Report-List of Impaired Surface Waters and Surface Water Quality Assessment [303(d)/305(b)]. | 06/12/2009 | |
3407 | USEPA. 2009. EPA Testimony at July 8-9, 2009 Lahontan Water Board Hearing re: Clean Water Act 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. | 08/31/2009 | |
3654 | USEPA Region 9. 2011. USEPA Region 9 data summary for addition of total dissolved solids to California 2010 303(d) list for Carson River and Mammoth Creek in Lahontan Region. | 10/11/2011 | |
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Data and Information |
Parent # | Ref # | Description | Date Received |
185 | Angerman, J., G.M. Fellers, and F. Matsumura. 2002. Polychlorinated biphenyls and toxaphene in pacific tree frog tadpoles (Hyla regilla) from the CA Sierra Nevada, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21(10): 2209-2215. | 09/20/2006 | |
178 | Blin, D.W., and D.B. Herbst. 2000. Use of diatoms and soft algae as indicators of environmental determinants in the Lahontan Basin, USA. Re: Multiple waterbodies. Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory, University of CA. | 09/20/2006 | |
3168 | Brown's Supply, Inc.. 2009. Temperature data for stations at Keough's Hot Springs Resort . | 04/10/2009 | |
2966 | California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Department of Pesticide Regulation Database Records for the West Fork Carson River and Upper Truckee Rivers . | 02/28/2007 | |
3697 | California Department of Water Resources. 2010. Data for turbidity in Truckee River, Jul. 2008-Aug. 2010. | 08/30/2010 | |
471 | Chan, I. 2001. Benthic macroinvertebrates: Application of the CA Stream Bioassessment Procedure in Reaches of Bear Creek. Tahoe City, CA. | 09/20/2006 | |
167 | Chan, V. 2001. Annual water quality report-Martis Creek Lake-water year 2000. Sacramento, CA: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. | 09/20/2006 | |
2902 | Cranmer Analytical Laboratory. 2007. Chemical Report dated 01/08/07 on samples collected from Squaw Creek on 12/19/06 by the Squaw Valley Public Service District. | 02/02/2007 | |
895 | Eccles, L.A. 2002. Sources of Arsenic In Streams Tributary To Lake Crowley CA. | 07/25/2003 | |
3106 | Fong, S, V. de Vlaming, and K. Edgar.. 2005. Susan River Toxicity Testing Project, Final Report May 2003-August 2004. University of California Davis Aquatic Toxicity Laboratory. Contract # 02-107-250-0 with Lahontan RWQCB and SWRCB . | 10/25/2005 | |
176 | Hatch, L.K., J.E. Rueter, and C.R. Goldman. 2001. Stream phosphorous transport in the Lake Tahoe Basin, 1989-1996. Blackwood, General, Glenbrook, Incline, Loganhouse, Third, Trout, Upper Truckee and Ward streams. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 69: 63-83. | 09/20/2006 | |
166 | Herbst D.B. 2002. Development of biological water quality targets for assessment of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) of sediment in the Squaw Creek Watershed (Placer County, CA). Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory. University of CA. | 09/20/2006 | |
172 | Herbst, D.B. 2003. Macroinvertebrate monitoring for the Bagley Valley Watershed restoration project on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest: First year post-project assessment. Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory, University of CA, Davis. | 09/20/2006 | |
473 | Herbst, D.B. 2002. Development of biological water quality targets for assessment of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) of sediment in the Squaw Creek Watershed (Placer County, CA). Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory. | 09/20/2006 | |
193 | Herbst, D.B. 1995. Aquatic invertebrate bioassessment monitoring of acid mine drainage impacts in the Leviathan Creek Watershed (Alpine County, CA). Also includes Bryant and Mountaineer creeks. Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory. University. | 09/20/2006 | |
184 | Jellison, R., D.R. Dawson and J.O. Sickman. 2003. Arsenic sources and the feasibility of using nitrogen isotopes to determine nitrogen sources to Crowley Lake. Mammoth Lakes, CA: Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory, University of CA, Santa Barbara. | 09/20/2006 | |
187 | Jellison, R., K. Rose and J.M. Melack. 2003. Assessment of internal nutrient loading to Crowley Lake, Mono County. Santa Barbara, CA: Marine Science Institute. University of CA, Santa Barbara. | 09/20/2006 | |
175 | Johnson, D.W., R.B. Susfalk, R.A. Dahlgren, V. Boucher and A. Bytnerowicz. 1998. Nutrient fluxes in forests of the eastern Sierra Nevada: Comparisons with humid forest systems. Also includes Sagehen Creek and Little Valley. USDA Forest Service General Technology Report PSW-GTR-166. 1998. | 09/20/2006 | |
2431 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for Waters of the Surprise Valley Hydrologic Unit. | 06/18/2008 | |
2432 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the West Walker River and East Walker River Hydrologic Units. | 06/19/2008 | |
2443 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the Mojave River Watershed. | 06/23/2008 | |
2452 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the Antelope Hydrologic Unit. | 06/27/2008 | |
2455 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the Amargosa Hydrologic Unit. | 06/27/2008 | |
2510 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the Owens Hydrologic Unit. | 07/07/2008 | |
2511 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. SWAMP Data for the East Fork and West Fork Carson River Hydrologic Units. | 07/08/2008 | |
2516 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2006. Technical Staff Report for Revised Sodium-Related Standards for the Carson and Walker River Watersheds. | 07/10/2008 | |
2906 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2008. Big Meadow Post Grazing Allotment Violation Analysis. | 04/08/2009 | |
2991 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2000. Use Attainability Analysis for Nine "Naturally Impaired" Waters of the Lahontan Region. April 2000. | 04/01/2000 | |
3001 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. Fact Sheet for Hot Springs Canyon Creek De-List. | 02/13/2009 | |
3004 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2008. Non-Point Source (NPS) Fecal Coliform (colonies/100 ml) for Upper Truckee River above Christmas Valley. | 04/08/2009 | |
3107 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2009. Determination of Fecal Coliform Violations of Lahontan Basin Plan Water Quality Objectives: Data Reduction Procedure. | 04/08/2009 | |
3108 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2008 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Fecal Coliform Data (colonies per 100 ml) for Trout Creek above Highway 50. | 04/08/2009 | |
3109 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2008 Non-Point Source (NPS) Fecal Coliform Data (colonies/100 mL) for Trout Creek. | 04/08/2009 | |
472 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2005. Recommendation to remove Bear Creek from the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
712 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2005. Turbidity Data from Alpine Meadows Ski Area (for WDR), Bear Creek. | 09/20/2006 | |
177 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2004. Region 6 water quality data: biologically available phosphorous, final investigation of near-shore turbidity at Lake Tahoe, Region 6 summary data, statistical analysis/end use, storm water runoff, stream channel erosion, watershed modeling. Lahontan Region. | 09/20/2006 | |
188 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2004. Recommendation to remove Cinder Cone Springs from the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired water bodies. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
448 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2004. Lake Tahoe nutrient and sediment TMDL, 2003-2004 winter newsletter. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahonton RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
732 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2004. Bodie Creek TMDL for Metals: Results of Impairment Verification Sampling. April-June 2004). South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahonton RWQCB. | 07/13/2006 | |
186 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2003. Recommendation to remove Tinemaha Reservoir from the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Staff Report. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
1250 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2002. Audio recording of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board meeting agenda item #5, recommend updates to the 2002 303(d) List and priorities for Total Maximum Daily Loads, Jan. 9-10, South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. | 07/25/2003 | |
2109 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2002. Requiring Imc Chemicals and The U S Department of The Interior Bureau of Land Management To Clean Up and Abate The Effects of Waste Discharges To Searles Lake From The Trona Argus and Westend Facilities Searles Lake. | 07/25/2003 | |
2110 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2002. Requiring Imc Chemicals To Clean Up and Abate The Effects of Waste Discharges To Searles Lake From The Imcc Trona Argus and Westend Facilities Searles Lake. | 07/25/2003 | |
2150 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2002. Edits Section 303(d) List Proposals. | 07/25/2003 | |
183 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2001. Upper Walker River water quality study, 1999. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
189 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2001. Memorandum: Summary of water quality analysis for potential CWA 303(d) listing of the lower West Fork of the Carson River. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
2148 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2001. Staff Report On Recommended Changes To Lahontan Region's Section 303(d) List of Impaired Surface Water Bodies. | 07/25/2003 | |
2149 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2001. Staff Report On Recommended Changes To Lahontan Region's Section 303(d) List of Impaired Surface Water Bodies. | 07/25/2003 | |
170 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2000. Bishop Creek water quality data. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
171 | Lahontan RWQCB. 1999. MTBE monitoring in Alpine County (wastewater treatment plant final effluent, Harvey Place Reservoir, domestic wells and dedicated monitoring wells). Includes Indian creek reservoir and Diamond ditch. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan Regional Water Quality C. | 09/20/2006 | |
174 | Lawrence, S.J. 1997. Trace-element enrichment in streambed sediment and crayfish, Carson and Truckee Rivers, Nevada and CA, September 1992. U.S. Geological Survey. Water Resources Investigations report 97-4258. | 09/20/2006 | |
3788 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. 2009. Data for temperature in Rush Creek (below Grant Lake) and Lee Vining Creek, Oct. 1999-Oct. 2008. | 08/30/2010 | |
503 | MacDonald, C. and A. Lutz. 2000. Recommendation to remove Pine Creek from the 303(d) list. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 09/20/2006 | |
190 | Miller, A.C. and B.S. Payne. 2000. An evaluation of aquatic habitats at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. Re: Scout Road Pond, Piute Pond, Branch Pond, Sewage Lagoon, and Branch Memorial Road Ponds. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Corps of Engineers. Engineer Research and Development Center. | 09/20/2006 | |
3081 | Owens Valley Indian Water Commission. 2007. Data for Keough Hot Ditch. | 02/27/2007 | |
173 | Rowe, T.G. 2001. Loads and yields of suspended sediment and nutrients for selected watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA and Nevada. Re: Truckee River and Logan House Creek. U.S. Geological Survey. | 09/20/2006 | |
3791 |
3806 | SWAMP. RWB6 Donner Lake Fish Bioaccumulation Status. | 08/30/2010 |
3791 | 3807 | SWAMP. RWB6 Trend Monitoring CY2006 CY2007. | 08/30/2010 |
1234 | Salmon Forever. 2001. Finalized 15-Minute Data Stage Discharge Turbidity and Estimated Suspended Sediment Concentration. | 07/25/2003 | |
1236 | Salmon Forever. 2001. Finalized 15-Minute Data Stage Discharge Turbidity and Estimated Suspended Sediment Concentration. | 07/25/2003 | |
3789 | South Tahoe Public Utility District. 2010. Data for temperature, nutrients, and bacteria in Heavenly Valley Creek (USFS boundary to Trout Creek) and various water bodies in Alpine County, Jul 1980-Jun. 2010. | 07/06/2010 | |
165 | South Tahoe Public Utility District. 2001. Self-monitoring monthly reports from 2000 to 2003. Including Carson River and Indian Creek. | 04/23/2001 | |
180 | South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1998. Self-monitoring monthly reports from 1997 to 2000. Including Carson River and Indian Creek. | 09/20/2006 | |
169 | Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. 2000. Bioavailable nutrient loading into Lake Tahoe and control opportunities with an emphasis on utilizing SEZs to treat urban runoff. Vacaville, CA: Hydroscience. | 09/20/2006 | |
168 | Tahoe Research Group. 2000. Annual Progress Report-2000. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. | 12/09/2003 | |
179 | Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency. 1999. Surface water monitoring. Truckee, CA. | 09/20/2006 | |
2560 | U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Water quality data for surface waters on U.S Bureau of Land Management lands in Lassen and Modoc Counties. | 12/27/2006 | |
2882 | U.S. Forest Service, LTBMU. 2007. Water quality data for upper Cold Creek in the High Meadows Area of the Lake Tahoe Basin. | 01/06/2009 | |
192 | USGS. 2002. Development of a budget for mercury in waters of the Upper Carson River Watershed. U.S. Geological Survey. | 09/20/2006 | |
191 | USGS. 1999. Concentrations and distribution of man-made organic compounds in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Nevada and CA, 1997-99. U.S. Geological Survey. Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4218. | 09/20/2006 | |
181 | Vance, L. 2000. Report on the upper Walker River water quality study, 1999. North Mono County Resource Conservation District. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. | 09/20/2006 | |
182 | Vance, L. 2000. Upper Walker River water quality study, 2000. Davis, CA: University of CA, Davis. | 09/20/2006 | |
115 | Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority. 2004. Water quality data submission. (CD) Victor Valley, CA. | 06/15/2004 | |
447 | Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority. 2004. Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority water quality data. Re: Ammonia and Nitrate data. Larry Walker and Associates. | 09/20/2006 | |
446 | Warden, B. 2004. Region 6 ammonia water quality criteria calculator. South Lake Tahoe, CA: Lahontan RWQCB. | 11/24/2004 | |
2567 | 2007. SWAMP Data for the Susan River. | 08/20/2008 | |
3787 | Data from discharger self-monitoring reports for the Heavenly Mountain Resort ski area at Lake Tahoe, Oct. 2007-Sep. 2009. | 08/30/2010 | |
1239 | 2002. Administrative Record of Lahontan RWQCB's 2001-2002 Section 303(d) List Update Process Resolution R6T-2002-0002. | 07/25/2003 | |
878 | 2002. Snarl Report Squaw Creek TMDL. | 07/25/2003 | |
879 | 2002. General References. | 07/25/2003 | |
880 | 2002. Mojave/Trona Ama Rgosa Hus. | 07/25/2003 | |
881 | 2002. Lake Tahoe Hu. | 07/25/2003 | |
884 | 2002. Region 6 Index To Administration Record. | 07/25/2003 | |
887 | 2002. Region 6 Resolution. | 07/25/2003 | |
888 | 2002. Carson River Hus. | 07/25/2003 | |
896 | 2002. Mono Hus. | 07/25/2003 | |
898 | 2002. Owens/Deep Springs Hus. | 07/25/2003 | |
910 | 2002. Other South Lahontan Watersheds. | 07/25/2003 | |
921 | 2002. Surprise Valley. | 07/25/2003 | |
925 | 2002. Susanville Hu. | 07/25/2003 | |
930 | 2002. Truckee/Little Truckee Hu's. | 07/25/2003 | |
936 | 2002. Walker River Hus. | 07/25/2003 | |
883 | 2001. Region 6 Board Meeting Jan 9-10 2000. | 07/25/2003 | |
885 | 2001. Public Comments. | 07/25/2003 | |
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Standards and Guidelines |
Parent # | Ref # | Description | Date Received |
3720 | California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region. 2001. TMDL for Indian Creek Reservoir, Alpine County, California. | 08/30/2010 | |
2517 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2006. Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region: Revised Sodium-Related Standards for the Carson and Walker River Watersheds. Adopted October 12, 2006 under Resolution R6T-2006-0047. | 07/10/2008 | |
2430 | Lahontan RWQCB. 2007. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (as amended). | 06/18/2008 | |
2535 | Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. 2001. Public Health Goal for Uranium in Drinking Water. April 2001. | 07/31/2008 | |
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