Welcome to the State Water Resources Control Board - Los Angeles Welcome to the California Environmental Protection Agency


The Division of Administrative Services - Fee Branch, is responsible for setting and collecting fees for the Water Quality Program. Below are some of the most requested fee information.

  • Check invoice status? Click here. Enter the Facility ID or WDID number to know if the State Board has received your payment. Invoice status is updated nightly.

  • Do you need a W-9 form? Click here.

  • State Board's Tax ID Number: 680281986

  • 2009-2010 Fee Schedules.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Did not find an answer to your question? Send us your question by email at RB4Fees@waterboards.ca.gov or call us at 213-620-2424

For more fee information, go to the State Board's web page. Click here.