Water Body Name: | Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Water Body ID: | CAR1142100020131010055952 |
Water Body Type: | River & Stream |
79522 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Indicator Bacteria |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2020 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | Data included in this decision were originally assessed under the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body, which has been split into two water bodies for the current Integrated Report cycle: (1) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and (2) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries). LOEs 47081 and 47083 are exact copies of the original 2010 LOEs 7075 and 7067 respectively. LOE 47596 is new for the 2012 Integrated Report cycle. This pollutant is being considered for removal from the Section 303(d) list under section 4.11 of the Listing Policy. If the weight of evidence indicates attainment, the water segment shall be removed from the section 303(d) list. Two lines of evidence (LOEs 47081 and 47596) are available in the administrative record to assess fecal indicator bacteria in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa. It should be noted that one additional LOE assessing total coliform (LOE 47083) was not utilized in this decision as total coliform are widespread in nature and occur in non-fecal sources such as soil and submerged wood. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) List (i.e., sufficient justification to not delist). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (2) Detectable levels of non-natural (e.g. human or bovine) pathogen indicator bacteria are in violation of the Basin Plan bacterial Water Quality Objective. Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL results reflect that both human-host and bovine-host Bacteroides bacteria have been detected in surface waters throughout Russian River Watershed. E. Coli data from the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and Green Valley Creek violate the objective. PhyloChip data results reflect the presence of human host pathogens in the Russian River watershed. Therefore, it is concluded that natural background levels of bacteriological quality are not being achieved in the Russian River watershed and are in violation of the Basin Plan narrative bacteria Water Quality Objective. (3) This process is scientifically defensible and reproducible. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | This waterbody was not assessed this cycle. All decisions have been carried over from the previous cycle and remain the same. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After reviewing public comments on the draft 2018 303(d) list for the North Coast Region and after distributing written responses and the proposed final staff report, Water Board staff identified concerns with the proposed 2018 listing decisions pertaining to bacteria in waterbodies in the Russian River watershed. Therefore, this bacteria listing decision remains substantially unchanged from the 2014-2016 California Integrated Report to afford adequate time for staff and stakeholders to review proposed changes in a future listing cycle. |
LOE ID: | 133728 | ||||
Pollutant: | Escherichia coli (E. coli) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | STV | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 20 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 13 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 13 of 20 statistical threshold values (STVs) from year-round data (November-October), 11 of 15 STVs calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 2 of 5 STVs calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the objective for E. coli. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy: The bacteria water quality objective for all waters where the salinity is equal to or less than 1 part per thousand (ppth) 95 percent or more of the time during the CALENDAR YEAR is: a STATISTICAL THRESHOLD VALUE (STV) of Escherichia coli of 320 cfu/100 mL not to be exceeded by more than 10 percent of the samples collected in a CALENDAR MONTH, calculated in a static manner. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Blucher Creek at Lone Pine Road (114BL1999), Copeland Creek at Commerce Drive (114CO0655), Crane Creek at Snyder Lane (114CR3673), Gossage Creek at Gilmore Avenue (114GO0351), and Unnamed Tributary at Turner and Daywalt Road (114UT3915) in the Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 12/9/2011 to 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133770 | ||||
Pollutant: | Escherichia coli (E. coli) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | GeoMean | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 21 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 11 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 11 of 21 geometric means calculated from year-round data (November-October), 4 of 4 geometric means calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 7 of 17 geometric means calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the objective for E. coli. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy: The bacteria water quality objective for all waters where the salinity is equal to or less than 1 part per thousand (ppth) 95 percent or more of the time during the CALENDAR YEAR is: a six-week rolling GEOMETRIC MEAN of Escherichia coli (E. coli) not to exceed 100 colony forming units (cfu) per 100 milliliters (mL), calculated weekly. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road (114LG0916), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411), and Unnamed Tributary at Sanford Road (114XX1675) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 12/19/2008 and 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133727 | ||||
Pollutant: | Escherichia coli (E. coli) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | STV | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 22 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 15 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 15 of 22 statistical threshold values (STVs) from year-round data (November-October), 11 of 13 STVs calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 4 of 9 STVs calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the objective for E. coli. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy: The bacteria water quality objective for all waters where the salinity is equal to or less than 1 part per thousand (ppth) 95 percent or more of the time during the CALENDAR YEAR is: a STATISTICAL THRESHOLD VALUE (STV) of Escherichia coli of 320 cfu/100 mL not to be exceeded by more than 10 percent of the samples collected in a CALENDAR MONTH, calculated in a static manner. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California - Bacteria Provisions and a Water Quality Standards Variance Policy | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road (114LG0916), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411), and Unnamed Tributary at Sanford Road (114XX1675) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 12/19/2008 to 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 47081 | ||||
Pollutant: | Escherichia coli (E. coli) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | One of the 1 E. coli samples from the Laguna de Santa Rosa exceeds the evaluation guideline. The sample concentration is 23,100 MPN / 100 ml. The sample was collected by the Community Clean Water Institute (CCWI 2006). | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 2007): The bacteriological quality of waters of the North Coast Region shall not be degraded beyond natural background levels. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Per the "Draft Guidance for Fresh Water Beaches" (DHS 2006): Beach posting is recommended when single sample E. coli levels exceed 235 MPN / 100 ml. *Note: MPN is the most probable number of coliform units. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Draft Guidance for Fresh Water Beaches. Last Update: May 8, 2006. Initial Draft: November 1997. California Department of Public Health. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | As described by CCWI, the sample was collected from the Laguna de Santa Rosa at the gage station behind the Sebastopol Community Center in Sebastopol. Regional Water Board staff are unaware of any gage in this area of the Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The sample was collected on January 4, 2006. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | The samples were collected in accordance the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 47596 | ||||
Pollutant: | Escherichia coli (E. coli) | Indicator Bacteria | Pathogens | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Detectable levels of non-natural (e.g. human or bovine) pathogen indicator bacteria are in violation of the Basin Plan bacterial Water Quality Objective. Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL results reflect that both human-host and bovine-host Bacteroides bacteria have been detected in surface waters throughout Russian River Watershed. E. Coli data from the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and Green Valley Creek violate the objective. PhyloChip data results reflect the presence of human host pathogens in the Russian River watershed. Therefore, it is concluded that natural background levels of bacteriological quality are not being achieved in the Russian River watershed and are in violation of the Basin Plan narrative bacteria Water Quality Objective. | ||||
Data Reference: | Evidence of Water Contact Recreation Impairment in the Russian River Watershed. | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 2007): The bacteriological quality of waters of the North Coast Region shall not be degraded beyond natural background levels. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Russian River watershed, including the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | January 2001 - December 2012 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133975 | ||||
Pollutant: | Indicator Bacteria | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PATHOGEN MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | HuBac concentrations >1000/100mL were found in both dry and wet weather samples in the following HUC-12s within the mainstem and tributary Laguna de Santa Rosa HSAs: Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 and Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | HuBac data are assessed to determine attainment of the beneficial use. Data are not assessed to determine attainment of an objective or criteria, and no objective or criteria is included here. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | HuBac (Bacteroides) are present in the human gut and do not survive long outside of the human gut. When present in the water column, measurable HuBac indicate the recent discharge of human fecal waste. There is no defined health-based threshold associated with HuBac results. The detection limit for HuBac is <60/100mL. HuBac concentrations >1000/100mL, which is two orders of magnitude greater than the detection limit, is reliable evidence of the presence of human fecal waste. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Detection of the human specific Bacteroides genetic marker provides evidence of widespread sewage contamination of stormwater in the urban environment. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa, LSR (114LG3411), and Mays Creek (114UM0355) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 and at Blucher Creek (114BL1999), Copeland Creek (114CO0655), Crane Creek (114CR3673), Gossage Creek (114GO0351), and Turner Creek (114UT3915) in the Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Dry weather samples were collected 8/18/2011, 12/9/2011, and 3/5/2012. Wet samples were collected on 10/5/2011, 1/21/2012, and 1/23/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 198712 | ||||
Pollutant: | Indicator Bacteria | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | No samples indicated a presence of human fecal waste in the water column in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 or Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | PhyloChip DNA data are assessed to determine attainment of the beneficial use. Data are not assessed to determine attainment of an objective or criteria, and no objective or criteria is included here. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | PhyloChip DNA microarray quantifies over 59,000 bacterial taxa in a single sample by targeting variations in the 16S rRNA gene. There is no defined health-based threshold associated with PhyloChip results. There is moderate evidence of human fecal waste in the water column when 10% or greater of the taxa measured in an ambient water quality sample are associated with the human gut. When 20% or greater of the taxa measured are associated with the human gut, there is strong evidence of the presence of human fecal waste in the water column. Samples with greater than 10% of the taxa measured associated with the human gut is evidence of the presence of human fecal waste in the waterbody. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Russian River Human Impact Study PhyloChip Microbial Community Analysis. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Microbial source tracking in impaired watersheds using PhyloChip and machine-learning classification. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Personal Communication between Alydda Mangelsdorf (NCRWQCB) and Eric Dubinsky (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) about the Russian River Pathogen TMDL and PhyloChip Study. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa / LSR (114LG3411), and Mays Creek (114UM0355) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. Samples were collected at Blucher Creek (114BL1999), Copeland Creek (114CO0655), Crane Creek (114CR3673), Gossage Creek (114GO0351), Turner Creek (114UT3915) in the Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 8/18/2011 to 3/5/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133778 | ||||
Pollutant: | Enterococcus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | STV | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 22 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 20 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 20 of 22 statistical threshold values (STVs) from year-round data (November-October), 11 of 13 STVs calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 9 of 9 STVs calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the criterion for Enterococci. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The national criteria for enterococci are set as a geometric mean (30 cfu/100 mL) or the statistical threshold value (110 cfu/100 mL) to ensure no more than 32 illnesses per 1000 recreators, as defined by U.S. EPA (2012). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2012 USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria - Bacteria | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road (114LG0916), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411), and Unnamed Tributary at Sanford Road (114XX1675) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 12/19/2008 to 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133808 | ||||
Pollutant: | Enterococcus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | GeoMean | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 21 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 12 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 12 of 21 geometric means calculated from year-round data (November-October), 4 of 4 geometric means calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 8 of 17 geometric means calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the criterion for Enterococci. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The national criteria for enterococci are set as a geometric mean (30 cfu/100 mL) or the statistical threshold value (110 cfu/100 mL) to ensure no more than 32 illnesses per 1000 recreators, as defined by U.S. EPA (2012). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2012 USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria - Bacteria | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Irwin Creek (114US1675), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road (114LG0916), Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411), and Unnamed Tributary at Sanford Road (114XX1675) in the Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 12/19/2008 to 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
LOE ID: | 133785 | ||||
Pollutant: | Enterococcus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | STV | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Water Contact Recreation | ||||
Number of Samples: | 21 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 19 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 19 of 21 statistical threshold values (STVs) from year-round data (November-October), 15 of 16 STVs calculated from Winter/Wet data (November-March), and 4 of 5 STVs calculated from Summer/Dry data (April-October) in Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12 exceed the criterion for Enterococci. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation utilized in the RWQCB1 Russian River TMDL . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | The national criteria for enterococci are set as a geometric mean (30 cfu/100 mL) or the statistical threshold value (110 cfu/100 mL) to ensure no more than 32 illnesses per 1000 recreators, as defined by U.S. EPA (2012). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | 2012 USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria - Bacteria | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at Blucher Creek at Lone Pine Road (114BL1999), Copeland Creek at Commerce Drive (114CO0655), Crane Creek at Snyder Lane (114CR3673), Gossage Creek at Gilmore Avenue (114GO0351), and Unnamed Tributary at Turner and Daywalt Road (114UT3915) in the Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa HUC-12. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected from 12/9/2011 to 4/18/2012. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data were collected in accordance with the Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL QAPP (Version 1.0), Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan QAPP (Version 1.0), and/or the Russian River Pathogen Project QAPP. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Project Plan - Russian River Pathogen Project. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Russian River Pathogen Indicator Bacteria TMDL - Supplemental Sampling Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan. | ||||
73226 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Mercury |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2025 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.1 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Eleven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess pollutant.
LOE 47086 has not been reassessed according to the new mercury objective since these LOEs are based on placeholder references which consist of older data. These samples exceed the objective previously used for assessment of mercury in tissue. Fish used in these assessments are limited to lengths that are within Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife legal size limits applicable to this waterbody. One of one trophic level four fish tissue samples exceed the objective for the COMM beneficial use. One of one sample for trophic level three fish also exceeded the objective for the COMM beneficial use, however there are an insufficient number of trophic level three fish for an assessment. One of one trophic level four fish tissue samples exceed the objective for the WILD beneficial use. One of one sample for trophic level three fish also exceeded the objective for the WILD beneficial use, however there are an insufficient number of trophic level three fish for an assessment. There are insufficient samples for an assessment of sediment and water samples for the COMM, MUN, and aquatic life beneficial uses for the LOEs developed during the 2018 Listing Cycle. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One of one samples exceed the objective for the COMM (LOE 132948) and WILD (LOE 133304) beneficial uses. The COMM and WILD assessments each have one exceeding tissue sample aggregated from at least eight fish. An aggregate of eight or more fish within a sample are needed to determine non-attainment of the mercury objective following weight of evidence in Listing Policy section 3.11. 4. Pursuant to SECTION 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 132945 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. This LOE contains data only for trophic level 3 fish. The concentration of Mercury in fish collected within the same calendar year, for the same trophic level were averaged into a single sample for comparison with the objective. A total of 5 fish were aggregated into 1 annual averages, which consisted of 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these annual averages, 1 average(s), (Year(s): 2011) exceeded the objective.This LOE does not contain data from fish whos average length was outside of the legal size limits as described by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The Statewide Sport Fish Water Quality Objective for the protection of the Commercial and Sport Fishing beneficial comes from the Statewide Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California, and is 0.2 mg/Kg wet weight skinless fillet samples of trophic level 3, or trophic level 4 fish (whichever is highest in the water body) over a one year averaging period. Trophic levels of applicable fish are defined in, but not limited to those in Attachment C of the Final Regulatory Language document (Appendix A) of State Water Resources Control Board Resolution No. 2017-0027. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 133299 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. This LOE contains data only for trophic level 3 fish. The concentration of Mercury in fish collected within the same calendar year, for the same trophic level were averaged into a single sample for comparison with the objective. A total of 5 fish were aggregated into 1 annual averages, which consisted of 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these annual averages, 1 average(s), (Year(s): 2011) exceeded the objective.This LOE does not contain data from fish whos average length was outside of the legal size limits as described by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The Statewide Sport Fish Water Quality Objective for the protection of Wildlife Habitat comes from the Statewide Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California, and is 0.2 mg/Kg wet weight skinless fillet samples of trophic level 3, or trophic level 4 fish (whichever is highest in the water body) over a one year averaging period. If trophic level 3 fish are used in the assessment then the Prey Fish Water Quality Objective must also be used to determine that the Sport Fish Objective is being met. Trophic levels of applicable fish are defined in, but not limited to those in Attachment C of the Final Regulatory Language document (Appendix A) of State Water Resources Control Board Resolution No. 2017-0027. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 132948 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. This LOE contains data only for trophic level 4 fish. The concentration of Mercury in fish collected within the same calendar year, for the same trophic level were averaged into a single sample for comparison with the objective. A total of 11 fish were aggregated into 1 annual averages, which consisted of 1 fish species (11 composite(s) of Largemouth Bass each composed of 1 fish per composite). Of these annual averages, 1 average(s), (Year(s): 2011) exceeded the objective.This LOE does not contain data from fish whos average length was outside of the legal size limits as described by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The Statewide Sport Fish Water Quality Objective for the protection of the Commercial and Sport Fishing beneficial comes from the Statewide Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California, and is 0.2 mg/Kg wet weight skinless fillet samples of trophic level 3, or trophic level 4 fish (whichever is highest in the water body) over a one year averaging period. Trophic levels of applicable fish are defined in, but not limited to those in Attachment C of the Final Regulatory Language document (Appendix A) of State Water Resources Control Board Resolution No. 2017-0027. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 133304 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. This LOE contains data only for trophic level 4 fish. The concentration of Mercury in fish collected within the same calendar year, for the same trophic level were averaged into a single sample for comparison with the objective. A total of 11 fish were aggregated into 1 annual averages, which consisted of 1 fish species (11 composite(s) of Largemouth Bass each composed of 1 fish per composite). Of these annual averages, 1 average(s), (Year(s): 2011) exceeded the objective.This LOE does not contain data from fish whos average length was outside of the legal size limits as described by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fishing Regulations. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The Statewide Sport Fish Water Quality Objective for the protection of Wildlife Habitat comes from the Statewide Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California, and is 0.2 mg/Kg wet weight skinless fillet samples of trophic level 3, or trophic level 4 fish (whichever is highest in the water body) over a one year averaging period. If trophic level 3 fish are used in the assessment then the Prey Fish Water Quality Objective must also be used to determine that the Sport Fish Objective is being met. Trophic levels of applicable fish are defined in, but not limited to those in Attachment C of the Final Regulatory Language document (Appendix A) of State Water Resources Control Board Resolution No. 2017-0027. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries Plan. Part 1: Trash Provisions; Part 2: Tribal Subsistence Beneficial Uses and Mercury Provisions; Part 3: Bacteria Provisions and Variance Policy | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24. When composited fish were collected over multiple days, the first day of fish collection was used as the sample date in the LOE, both for LOE writing, and for averaging period purposes. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 122286 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury . | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | In freshwater sediments the probable effect concentration (predictive of sediment toxicity) for mercury in 1.06 mg/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al. 2000a) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 39: 20-31 | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2016-04-19 to 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121891 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Sediment | ||||
Matrix: | Sediment | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline for Mercury . | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | In freshwater sediments the probable effect concentration (predictive of sediment toxicity) for mercury in 1.06 mg/Kg dry weight (MacDonald et al. 2000a) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystems. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 39: 20-31 | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data were collected from 1 station(s). Station Code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this waterbody were collected over the date range 2016-04-19 to 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 47086 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 17 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 3 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Fish tissue analysis | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Three out of 17 samples exceeded the evaluation guideline. Individual and composite filet samples of the following species were collected: black bullhead, bluegill, carp, channel catfish, green sunfish, redear sunfish, Sacramento blackfish, and sucker. Composite samples consisted of 1-10 fish depending on species. Samples were collected from 1996-2000. One 1996 (Stony Point) individual green sunfish sample, one 1999 (Stony Point) composite green sunfish sample, and one 2000 (Occidental Pond) individual bluegill sample exceeded the guideline (TSMP, 2002). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | North Coast RWQCB Basin Plan: All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The USEPA 304(a) recommended water quality criterion for concentrations of methylmercury in fish tissue of trophic level 4 fish (150 - 500 mm; fillet wet weight) is 0.20 mg/kg. Total mercury is usually analyzed for most fish studies and assumed to be 100 percent methylmercury for the purposes of risk assessment (Klasing & Brodberg 2008). The fish consumption rate of 32 grams/day is considered more protective of human health since recommendations are now to eat 1 meal a week of fish to obtain necessary Omega 3 nutrition. The fish consumption rate of 32 grams/day is also protective of wildlife, as it protects 6 out of 7 endangered species. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury. Final. United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Science and Technology Office of Water. EPA-823-R-01-001. January 2001 | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Three stations were sampled: upstream of Occidental Road (Occidental Pond), adjacent to the sewage treatment plant in Sebastopol (Sebastopol Pond), and Laguna de Santa Rosa at Stony Point Road (Stony Point). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected 1996-2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Environmental Chemistry Quality Assurance and Data Report for the Toxic Substances Monitoring Program, 1996-2000, Department of Fish and Game. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 114526 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Recommended Water Quality Criteria Continuous Concentrations (4-day average concentrations) for freshwater aquatic organisms exposure to total mercury is 0.77 ug/L. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. Current as of 08/03/2016. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LDSROR) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2016-04-19 and 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 114525 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. The established numeric criteria for mercury to protect of human health from the consumption of organisms only is 0.051 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LDSROR) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2016-04-19 and 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 114529 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mercury | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mercury. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. The established numeric criteria for mercury to protect of human health from the consumption of water and organisms is 0.050 ug/L (California Toxics Rule, 2000). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Standards 2000. Establishment of numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for the State of California: Rules and regulations. Federal Register Vol. 65, No. 97. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LDSROR) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2016-04-19 and 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
79275 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2023 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.2 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. One thousand six hundred and eight (1,608) of the one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one (1,721) samples exceed the objective for protection of COLD. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One thousand six hundred and eight (1,608) of the one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one (1,721) samples exceed the objective for protection of COLD and this exceeds the allowable frequency listed in Table 4.2 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be removed from the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards for the pollutant are being exceeded. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47092 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 9 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 7 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | At sampling station LAG030 5 out of 9 samples were below the minimum 7.0 mg/L objective, this sampling locations samples were in exceedance Upper Limit 50% and Upper Limit 90% objectives as well. At sampling station LAG040 1 out of 2 samples were below the minimum 7.0 mg/L objective. At sampling station LTL010 1 out of 2 samples were below the minimum 7.0 mg/L objective. At sampling station LAG050 the only sample was below the minimum 7.0 mg/L objective (Sandler, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Dissolved oxygen- is 7.0mg/L as a minimum; and the water must meet the 50% Upper Limit of 10 mg/L and 90% Upper Limit of 7.5 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | There are 5 sampling locations for Laguna de Santa Rosa. Sampling station LAG030 is located at Permanent gage behind Community Center in Sebastopol. Sampling station LAG040 is located at By bridge at Todd Rd. South of Sebastopol. Sampling station LTL010 is located at North of LAG050 on Llano Rd., by bridge. Sampling station LAG050 is located at By bridge at Llano Road south of Sebastopol. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Sampling station LAG030 was sampled once a month, with one measurement for that day of the month during 2003, with no samples collected for May, July and September. Sampling station LAG040 was sampled once in June and once in August 2003. Sampling station LTL010 was sampled once in June and once in August 2003. Sampling station LAG050 was sampled once in June 2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Draft QAPP for Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Community Clean Water Institute. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 101414 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | If DO concentrations fall below the numeric objectives set forth by the Basin Plan (2018). If NO, then the waterbody is supporting that beneficial use, if YES, then that waterbody is considered impaired. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations shall conform to the numeric objectives expressed in section 3.3.5. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | EVIDENCE OF SALMONID PRESENCE & LIFE CYCLE USE: Steelhead, Chinook and Coho are present in the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa (Busby et al. 1996, McClary et al. 2018, Moyle et al. 2008, Myers et al. 1998, Obedzinski et al. 2016, Obedzinski et al. 2017). Rearing occurs year round and spawning/incubation/emergence occurs from October through April (Busby et al. 1996, McClary et al. 2018, Moyle et al. 2008, Myers et al. 1998, Obedzinski et al. 2016, Obedzinski et al. 2017). Core rearing is supported throughout the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report; Winter 2015/2016. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Status Review of West Coast Steelhead from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report: Spring 2017 | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Status Review of Chinook Salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and California | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout in California: Status of an Emblematic Fauna | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report: Summer 2017 | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Information pertains to the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data are reflective of current conditions in this water body. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Information is considered to be of adequate quality for the Integrated Report process. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47095 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Migration | Fish Spawning | Preservation of Rare & Endangered Species | Warm Freshwater Habitat | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 93 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 54 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Fifty-four of the 93 samples collected in the Laguna de Santa Rosa exceeded the minimum DO water quality objective. The DO values ranged from 0.8 mg/L to 17.6 mg/L. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute¿s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, CCWI 2007). | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2006. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | |||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2004. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on October 1, 2008 | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 2007): The minimum dissolved oxygen objective is 7.0 mg/l. The 90% lower limit dissolved oxygen objective is 7.5 mg/l. The 50% lower limit dissolved oxygen objective is 10.0 mg/l. The 90% and 50% lower limits represent the 90/50 percentile values for a calendar year. 90% or 50% or more of the values must be less than or equal to the lower limit. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The DO samples were collected from January 2004 to December 2006. The DO samples were collected as instantaneous values and do not represent diurnal conditions. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 101280 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Spawning | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed the data for this water body to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for dissolved oxygen. Data range from 6.0 mg/L. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall conform to those limits listed in Section 3.3.5. Section 3.3.5 lists dissolved oxygen concentration limits for SPAWN beneficial use waters to be a daily minimum of 9.0 mg/L and a 7-day moving average of 11.0 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 10/6/2011. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 129866 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 36 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 17 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 17 of 36 daily minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) values calculated from samples collected in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa exceed the objectives. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute¿s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, CCWI 2007). This LOE is a copy of LOE 47095 from the 2012 Integrated Report. The data was reassessed based on new minimum thresholds for DO. | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2006. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | |||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2004. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on October 1, 2008 | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall conform to those limits listed in Section 3.3.5. Section 3.3.5 lists dissolved oxygen concentration limits for COLD beneficial use waters to be a daily minimum of 6.0 mg/L and a 7-day moving average of 8.0 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The DO samples were collected from May 2004 to September 2006. The DO samples were collected as instantaneous values and do not represent diurnal conditions. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 101313 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 17 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 11 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed the data for this water body to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 11 of 17 samples exceeded the water quality standard for dissolved oxygen. Data range from 1.4 - 7.9 mg/L. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall conform to those limits listed in Section 3.3.5. Section 3.3.5 lists dissolved oxygen concentration limits for COLD beneficial use waters to be a daily minimum of 6.0 mg/L and a 7-day moving average of 8.0 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 5/26/2011 - 9/29/2011 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 129867 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Spawning | ||||
Number of Samples: | 63 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 53 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | 53 of 63 daily minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) values calculated from samples collected in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa exceed the objectives. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute's Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, CCWI 2007). This LOE is a copy of LOE 47095 from the 2012 Integrated Report. The data was reassessed based on new minimum thresholds for DO. | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2006. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | |||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2004. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on October 1, 2008 | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Dissolved oxygen concentrations shall conform to those limits listed in Section 3.3.5. Section 3.3.5 lists dissolved oxygen concentration limits for SPAWN beneficial use waters to be a daily minimum of 9.0 mg/L and a 7-day moving average of 11.0 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The DO samples were collected from January 2004 to November 2006. The DO samples were collected as instantaneous values and do not represent diurnal conditions. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 47089 | ||||
Pollutant: | Oxygen, Dissolved | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1595 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1519 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | A total of 1519 of the 1595 samples violated the water quality objective. This LOE and LOE 47176 replace LOE 1719. | ||||
Data Reference: | 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 65 For Laguna De Santa Rosa | ||||
2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 108 For Laguna De Santa Rosa | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2011): The minimum dissolved oxygen objective is 7.0 mg/L. The 90% lower limit dissolved oxygen objective is 7.5 mg/L. The 50% lower limit dissolved oxygen objective is 10.0 mg/L. The 90% and 50% lower limits represent the 90/50 percentile values for a calendar year. 90% or 50% or more of the values must be greater than or equal to the lower limit. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Data were collected at 3 points along the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road (LGR), Occidental Road (LOR), and Stony Point Road (LSP). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The data were collected over 5 to 6 years between 1995 and 2001 over 4 seasons | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Data came from the NCRWQCB 2002 Listing Update. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
78952 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Temperature, water |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Revised |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2023 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | "This pollutant is being considered for removal from the CWA section 303(d) List under section 4.2 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Data used for the original listing were from prior to 2006 and are not held in this assessment database. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. Data used for the original listing were from prior to 2006 and are not held in this assessment database. 4. Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met." |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are exceeded and a pollutant contributes to or causes the problem. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 101389 | ||||
Pollutant: | Temperature, water | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | The following process is utilized to interpret the narrative temperature objective in the Basin Plan for impairment assessments. Step 1: Determine if temperatures reflect natural conditions. If Yes, then the water body is not considered impaired, if No, then go to Step 2. Step 2: Determine if temperatures adversely affect beneficial uses. If Yes, then the water body is considered impaired, if No , then go to Step 3. Step 3: Determine if temperatures are increased by 5 degrees F. If Yes, then water body is impaired, if No, then water body is not impaired. | ||||
Data Reference: | Presentation: Interpreting Temperature Standards in the North Coast Region. North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): Natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Water Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses. At no time or place shall the temperature of any COLD water be increased more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit (F) above natural receiving water temperature. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | EVIDENCE OF ALTERATION OF NATURAL RECEIVING WATER TEMPERATURES (NON-NATURAL TEMPS): The water temperatures of the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa does not reflect natural conditions as environmental factors that influence water temperature have been anthropogenically altered due to land management practices including roads, grazing, logging and agriculture resulting in reduced riparian cover and increased solar radiation input (Russian Riverkeeper 2012). EVIDENCE OF SALMONID PRESENCE & LIFE CYCLE USE: Steelhead, Chinook and Coho are present in the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa (Busby et al. 1996, McClary et al. 2018, Moyle et al. 2008, Myers et al. 1998, Obedzinski et al. 2016, Obedzinski et al. 2017). Rearing occurs year round and spawning/incubation/emergence occurs from October through April (Busby et al. 1996, McClary et al. 2018, Moyle et al. 2008, Myers et al. 1998, Obedzinski et al. 2016, Obedzinski et al. 2017). Core rearing is supported throughout the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Converting Forests to Vineyards | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report; Winter 2015/2016. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Status Review of West Coast Steelhead from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report: Spring 2017 | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Status Review of Chinook Salmon from Washington, Idaho, Oregon and California | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout in California: Status of an Emblematic Fauna | ||||
Guideline Reference: | UC Coho Salmon and Steelhead Monitoring Report: Summer 2017 | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Information pertains to the Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data are reflective of current conditions in this water body. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Information is considered to be of adequate quality for the Integrated Report process. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47111 | ||||
Pollutant: | Temperature, water | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 101159 | ||||
Pollutant: | Temperature, water | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Spawning | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed the data for this water body to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Temperature. Data range from 14.3 degrees C. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Water Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses. At no time or place shall the temperature of any COLD water be increased more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit (F) above natural receiving water temperature. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | According to Carter (2008) the lethal temperature for spawning, incubation, and emergence life stages are 20 degrees C. The lethal temperatures for adult migration and holding, and juvenile migration and rearing is 24 degrees C. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Effects of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen/Total Dissolved Gas, Ammonia, and pH on Salmonids. Implications for California's North Coast TMDLs. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 10/6/2011. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 101322 | ||||
Pollutant: | Temperature, water | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 18 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed the data for this water body to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 18 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Temperature. Data range from 15.0 - 20.6 degrees C. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Reference Condition Management Plan . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states: Natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Water Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses. At no time or place shall the temperature of any COLD water be increased more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit (F) above natural receiving water temperature. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | According to Carter (2008) the lethal temperature for spawning, incubation, and emergence life stages are 20 degrees C. The lethal temperatures for adult migration and holding, and juvenile migration and rearing is 24 degrees C. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Effects of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen/Total Dissolved Gas, Ammonia, and pH on Salmonids. Implications for California's North Coast TMDLs. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) Laguna de Santa Rosa at Sebastopol Community Center (114LG3411). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 5/26/2011 - 9/29/2011. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
101186 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Aldrin |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121237 | ||||
Pollutant: | Aldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Aldrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Aldrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121033 | ||||
Pollutant: | Aldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Aldrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Aldrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104627 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Ammonia |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | "This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
Four lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. All samples lack pH data to make determination. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the zero samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met." |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47082 | ||||
Pollutant: | Ammonia as Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | There were 86 sampling events completed by the RWQCB TMDL Monitoring Program. The range of values measured was from 0.025 mg/L to 3.24 mg/L. The number of exceedances of the criteria was not calculated, as pH was not available. Data are from Scoles, 2004. This LOE and LOE 47409 reconsider data from 1725 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to: (1) reflect that there is criteria for ammonia in freshwater, however ammonia toxicity could not be calculated due to a lack of pH data and (2) remove data for Mark West at Trenton Healdsburg Road to a separate LOE. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia (USEPA 1999): Where salmonids and fish early life stages are present, the 30-day average concentration (criterion continuous concentration or CCC) of total ammonia (as mg N/L) in freshwater are not to be exceeded more than once every three years on average. The CCC values are based on pH, temperature, and the presence of early life stages of fish. The CCC formula is found on p.83 and the table of CCC values are found on p.87. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Up to three sample sites: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, and Laguna at Stony Point Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 and 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | RWQCB Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47085 | ||||
Pollutant: | Ammonia as Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-five sampling events were completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. There were 101 samples taken for Ammonia-Nitrogen, the values ranged from 0.2 mg/L to 1.1mg/L. The number of exceedances of the criteria was not calculated, as pH was not available. Data are from Scoles, 2004. This LOE is a copy of LOE 1729 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to reflect that there is criteria for ammonia in freshwater, however ammonia toxicity could not be calculated due to a lack of pH data. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia (USEPA 1999): Where salmonids and fish early life stages are present, the 30-day average concentration (criterion continuous concentration or CCC) of total ammonia (as mg N/L) in freshwater are not to be exceeded more than once every three years on average. The CCC values are based on pH, temperature, and the presence of early life stages of fish. The CCC formula is found on p.83 and the table of CCC values are found on p.87. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at up to 4 sampling sites: Laguna at Todd Road, Upstream at Delta, Laguna upstream of D-Pond Incline pump, and Laguna upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 1/2003 and 12/2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47084 | ||||
Pollutant: | Ammonia as Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-five sampling events were conducted by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The values of the measurements ranged from 0.2 mg/L to 1.1 mg/L. The number of exceedances of the criteria was not calculated, as pH was not available. Data are from Scoles, 2004. This LOE is a copy of LOE 1726 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to reflect that there is criteria for ammonia in freshwater, however ammonia toxicity could not be calculated due to a lack of pH data. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia (USEPA 1999): Where salmonids and fish early life stages are present, the 30-day average concentration (criterion continuous concentration or CCC) of total ammonia (as mg N/L) in freshwater are not to be exceeded more than once every three years on average. The CCC values are based on pH, temperature, and the presence of early life stages of fish. The CCC formula is found on p.83 and the table of CCC values are found on p.87. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at up to 4 sites: Laguna at Todd Road, Upstream at Delta, Laguna upstream of D-Pond Incline pump, and Laguna upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 1/2003 and 12/2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47079 | ||||
Pollutant: | Ammonia as Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | There were sixty sample events from the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program cited in the report. The measured values of ammonia ranged from 0.1 mg/L to 6.8 mg/L. The number of exceedances of the criteria was not calculated, as pH was not available. Data are from Scoles, 2004. This LOE and LOE 47080 reconsider data from 1727 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to: (1) reflect that there is criteria for ammonia in freshwater, however ammonia toxicity could not be calculated due to a lack of pH data and (2) remove data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa to a separate LOE. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia (USEPA 1999): Where salmonids and fish early life stages are present, the 30-day average concentration (criterion continuous concentration or CCC) of total ammonia (as mg N/L) in freshwater are not to be exceeded more than once every three years on average. The CCC values are based on pH, temperature, and the presence of early life stages of fish. The CCC formula is found on p.83 and the table of CCC values are found on p.87. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 10 sites: Laguna at Llano Road, Laguna at Todd Road, Laguna at Hwy 12, Laguna at Occidental Bridge, Laguna 100 feet upstream of D-Pond incline Pump, Laguna 150 feet downstream of D-Pond Incline Pump, Laguna at La Franchi, Laguna-approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge, Laguna upstream of D-Pond 36, upstream Laguna at Delta, and Laguna @ confluence of Santa Rosa Creek. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 12/1995 and 3/2004. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
103485 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Chlordane |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. One of one samples exceed the objective for the COMM beneficial use. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One of the samples exceeded the objective for the COMM beneficial use and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121194 | ||||
Pollutant: | Chlordane | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total Chlordanes. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total Chlordane concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121272 | ||||
Pollutant: | Chlordane | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total Chlordanes. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total Chlordane concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121474 | ||||
Pollutant: | Chlordane | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total Chlordanes. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (Common Carp) exceeded the water quality standard. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total chlordane in fish tissue is 3.9 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
105178 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Diazinon |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Zero of 1 sample exceeds the objective for the protection of the COLD and MUN beneficial uses. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3.Zero of 1 sample exceeds the objective for the protection of the COLD and MUN beneficial uses and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to Section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 133933 | ||||
Pollutant: | Diazinon | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Diazinon. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Based on USEPA reference dose (RfD) as a drinking water level, the drinking water health advisory level for Diazinon is 1.4 µg/L. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | 2012 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LG5615) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-02-05 and 2014-02-05 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 133934 | ||||
Pollutant: | Diazinon | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries) to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Diazinon. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | No individual pesticide or combination of pesticides shall be present in concentrations that adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The freshwater chronic value for diazinon is 0.1 ug/L, expressed as a continuous concentration (Finlayson, 2004). | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Water quality for diazinon. Memorandum to J. Karkoski, Central Valley RWQCB. Rancho Cordova, CA: Pesticide Investigation Unit, CA Department of Fish and Game | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LG5615) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2014-02-05 and 2014-02-05 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
103537 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Dieldrin |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. One of one samples exceed the objective for the COMM beneficial use. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One of one samples exceeded the objective for the COMM beneficial use and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121086 | ||||
Pollutant: | Dieldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Dieldrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (Common Carp) exceeded the water quality standard. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for dieldrin in fish tissue is 0.32 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121505 | ||||
Pollutant: | Dieldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Dieldrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Dieldrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121464 | ||||
Pollutant: | Dieldrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Dieldrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Dieldrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104628 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Nitrate |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. LOEs were split from an existing decision for Nitrogen. None of the samples exceed the objective for the MUN beneficial use(s). Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the samples exceed the objective for the MUN beneficial use(s) and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47090 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrate | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 258 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Eighty-six sampling events were conducted at each of the 3 sites by the RWQCB Nutrient TMDL Monitoring Program. It is assumed that the units of the data submitted were in mg/L. There were no samples that exceeded the 10 mg/L MCL criterion (Scoles, 2004). This LOE and LOE 47173 reconsider data from LOE 1718 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to: (1) reflect that there were 86 site visits are each site, for a total of 258 samples from the three sites considered in this LOE, (2) remove data for Mark West at Trenton Healdsburg Road to a separate LOE, and (3) update the evaluation guideline to the USEPA MCL criteria. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Nitrate is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. There is no a nitrate numeric water quality criterion for the Cold Water Beneficial Use. However, for the beneficial use of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN), the MCL Criteria for Nitrates is 10 mg/L (ppm) can be considered. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 3 sample sites: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, and Laguna at Stony Point Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 and 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | RWQCB TMDL Monitoring Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47109 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen, Nitrate | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Sixty sampling events were conducted by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The sample values ranged from 0.2 mg/L to 9.7 mg/L and the values were presented as monthly averages of weekly observations. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Nitrate-Nitrogen is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality criterion for nitrate-nitrogen. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from up to 12 sites: Laguna at Llano Road, Laguna at Todd Road, Laguna at Hwy 12, and Laguna at Occidental Bridge, Laguna 100 feet upstream of D-Pond incline Pump, Laguna 150 feet downstream of D-Pond Incline Pump, Laguna at La Franchi, Laguna-approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge, Laguna upstream of D-Pond 36, upstream Laguna at Delta, Russian River at Wohler Bridge, Russian River at Mirabel, upstream Roseland Cr. at Llano Rd., downstream Roseland Cr. at Summer Crossing/South of Alpha Bldg., upstream Kelly-downstream confluence of Duer Creek and Kelly Farm Drainage, downstream Duer Creek at Kelly, Colgan Creek upstream confluence with Laguna. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 10/1995 and 3/2004. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47410 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrate | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 77 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | None of the 77 nitrate as nitrogen samples collected in the Laguna de Santa Rosa exceeded the objective. The sample concentrations range from non-detect (detection limits of 0.02 mg/L - 0.08 mg/L) to 3.2 mg/L. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute¿s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, CCWI 2007). This LOE replaces LOE 8983 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The MCL has been updated from 45 mg/L to 10 mg/L. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 20011): Waters designated as MUN shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in excess of the MCL specified in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. The Nitrate (as N) MCL is 10 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected from January 2004 to August 2006 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). At each site a grab sample was collected using a container on a pole or by a bucket attached to a rope. The samples were then put into sterilized Whirl Pak bags, put into coolers on ice, and brought to the lab for analysis. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
104546 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Nitrogen, Nitrite |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective for the MUN beneficial use(s). Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the samples exceed the objective for the MUN beneficial use(s) and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.1 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47411 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrite as Nitrite NO2 | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 258 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Eighty-six sampling events were conducted at each of the 3 sites by the RWQCB Nutrient TMDL Monitoring Program. It is assumed that the units of the data submitted were in mg/L. The nitrite values ranged from 0.025mg/L to 0.28 mg/L (Scoles, 2004). This LOE and LOE 47412 reconsider data from LOE 1717 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle under the MUN beneficial use. The original LOE has been edited to: (1) reflect that there were 86 site visits are each site, for a total of 258 samples from the three sites considered in this LOE, (2) remove data for Mark West at Trenton Healdsburg Road to a separate LOE, and (3) update the evaluation guideline to the USEPA MCL criteria. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2011): Waters designated for use as domestic or municipal supply (MUN) shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in excess of the limits specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 15. The maximum contaminant level listed in table 64431-A for Nitrite as N is 1.0 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, and Laguna at Stony Point Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 - 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47097 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrite as Nitrite NO2 | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Up to eighty-six sampling events were completed at each site by the RWQCB Nutrient TMDL Program. The nitrite values ranged from 0.025mg/L to 0.28 mg/L. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective/criteria to compare the concentration of nitrite (Scoles, 2004). This LOE and LOE 47413 re-assess data from LOE 1717 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle under the COLD beneficial use. The LOE was re-done so that data for Mark West Creek at Trenton Healdsburg Road could be assessed in its own, separate LOE. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Nitrite is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no applicable numeric water quality criterion for nitrite. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of nitrite exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, and Laguna at Stony Point Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 - 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
103830 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. One samples exceeded the objective for the beneficial use(s). Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One samples exceeded the objective for the beneficial use and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121472 | ||||
Pollutant: | PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (Common Carp) exceeded the water quality standard. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for polychlorinated biphenyls in fish tissue is 2.6 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121254 | ||||
Pollutant: | PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total PCB Arochlor concentration of 500 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121251 | ||||
Pollutant: | PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total PCB Arochlor concentration of 500 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
105189 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Pesticides |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | These pollutants are being considered for placement on the Section 303(d) List under Section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under Section 3.1, a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
At least one line of evidence is available for each pollutant evaluated in this decision. Data were evaluated to determine protection of the following beneficial uses: COLD, WARM, and COMM. None of the water and sediment samples exceed the objectives for the protection of COLD, WARM, and COMM. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the samples exceeded the objectives for COLD, WARM, and COMM. Additionally, the sample size for each pesticide is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating as a minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if each beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to Section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121241 | ||||
Pollutant: | Hexachlorobenzene/ HCB | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Hexachlorobenzene. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for hexachlorobenzene in fish tissue is 2.8 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121342 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Endrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121129 | ||||
Pollutant: | Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for HCH, gamma-. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for lindane in fish tissue is 4.6 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 2005) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Air Toxics Hotspots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines. Part ll Technical Support Document for Describing Available Cancer Potency Values. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121135 | ||||
Pollutant: | Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for HCH, gamma-. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Lindane concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121374 | ||||
Pollutant: | Mirex | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Waterboard staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: Zero of Zero samples exceeded the water quality standard for Mirex. Although data was collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite), all 1 sample(s) had to be thrown out due to quantitation issues. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for mirex in fish tissue is 0.28 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1992) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Expedited Cancer Potency Values and Proposed Regulatory Levels for Certain Proposition 65 Carcinogens. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121378 | ||||
Pollutant: | Heptachlor | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Heptachlor. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Heptachlor concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121130 | ||||
Pollutant: | Lindane/gamma Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for HCH, gamma-. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Lindane concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121487 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endosulfan | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endosulfan. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Endosulfan, Total concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121485 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endosulfan | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endosulfan. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endosulfan (l and ll) in fish tissue is 13,000 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121056 | ||||
Pollutant: | Heptachlor epoxide | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Heptachlor Epoxide. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Heptachlor Epoxide concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121493 | ||||
Pollutant: | Heptachlor epoxide | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Waterboard staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows: Zero of Zero samples exceeded the water quality standard for Heptachlor Epoxide. Although data was collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite), all 1 sample(s) had to be thrown out due to quantitation issues. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for heptachlor epoxide in fish tissue is 0.93 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; OEHHA, 1999) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Public Health Goal for Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide in Drinking Water | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121123 | ||||
Pollutant: | Heptachlor epoxide | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Heptachlor Epoxide. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Heptachlor Epoxide concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121419 | ||||
Pollutant: | Heptachlor | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Heptachlor. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Heptachlor concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121362 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Endrin concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121127 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endrin | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endrin. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for endrin in fish tissue is 660 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008; USEPA, 2000) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use In Fish Advisories Volume 1: Fish Sampling and Analysis | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121049 | ||||
Pollutant: | Endosulfan | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Endosulfan. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum Endosulfan, Total concentration of 100 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104889 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Selenium |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | "This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the one samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met." |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121394 | ||||
Pollutant: | Selenium | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Selenium. Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Largemouth Bass each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for selenium in fish tissue is 7.4 ppm. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day. A background dietary consumption rate of 0.114 mg/day is applied for this micronutrient. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104500 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Specific Conductivity |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the nineteen samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 26 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.2. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 114532 | ||||
Pollutant: | Specific Conductivity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 19 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality standard for SpecificConductivity. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Waters designated for use as domestic or municipal supply (MUN) shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in excess of the limits specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 15, Division 4, Article 4, Section 64435 (Tables 2 and 3), and Section 64444.5 (Table 5), and listed in Table 3-2 of this Plan (Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin). | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | California Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) apply to ambient waters under the Basin Plan's \Chemical Constituents\" objective. The California Secondary MCL for specific conductivity is 900 uS/cm." | ||||
Guideline Reference: | California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 15. Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring | ||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LG3411) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2011-05-26 and 2011-10-06 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104661 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Sulfates |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
One lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the one samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 26 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.2. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 114534 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sulfates | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Dissolved | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Municipal & Domestic Supply | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 0 of 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Sulfate. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2018): Waters designated for use as domestic or municipal supply (MUN) shall not contain concentrations of chemical constituents in excess of the limits specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 15. The secondary maximum contaminant level listed in Table 64449-B for sulfate is 250 mg/L. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LDSROR) | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates of 2016-04-19 and 2016-04-19 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
103862 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD) |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.1 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.1 a single line(s) of evidence are necessary to assess listing status.
Three lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. One out of one samples exceed the objective for the COMM beneficial use(s). Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. One out of one samples exceed the objective for the COMM beneficial use and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 16 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.1. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 121154 | ||||
Pollutant: | Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Commercial or recreational collection of fish, shellfish, or organisms | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 1 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 1 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). Of these, 1 species (Common Carp) exceeded the water quality standard. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | The modified OEHHA Fish Contaminant Goal for total DDT in fish tissue is 15 ppb. This screening level assumes an average body weight of 70 kg and a consumption rate of 32 g/day for a 30 year exposure over a 70-year lifetime. This constituent is a carcinogen therefore the risk level is set to one in a million. A cooking reduction factor of 1 is applied for skin-off fillets. (Klasing, S., and R. Brodberg, 2008) | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Development of Fish Contaminant Goals and Advisory Tissue Levels for Common Contaminants in California Sport Fish: Chlordane, DDTs, Dieldrin, Methylmercury, PCBs, Selenium, and Toxaphene | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121081 | ||||
Pollutant: | Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Warm Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total DDT concentration of 1000 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
LOE ID: | 121461 | ||||
Pollutant: | Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD) | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Tissue | ||||
Matrix: | Tissue | ||||
Fraction: | Fish fillet | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 1 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams data for Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa to determine beneficial use support and the results are as follows 0 of the 1 samples exceeded the water quality standard for Total DDT (sum of 4,4'- and 2,4'- isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD). Data were collected for 1 fish species (1 composite(s) of Common Carp each composed of 5 fish per composite). | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP Sportfish Rivers and Streams . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | There shall be no bioaccumulation of pesticide concentrations found in bottom sediments or aquatic life. (Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region) | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | National Academy of Science guidelines (NAS 1972) establish a maximum total DDT concentration of 1000 ug/Kg (wet weight) in tissue samples for protection of aquatic life from bioaccumulation of toxic substances. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | National Academy of Sciences. Water Quality Criteria 1972. EPA-R3-73-033. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Data was collected from 1 station(s) with the station code(s): 114LDSROR. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Data for this line of evidence were collected between 2011-05-24 and 2011-05-24 | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||
104501 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Turbidity |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | New Decision |
Revision Status | Revised |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
One line of evidence is available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. None of the samples exceed the objective. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. None of the samples exceeded the objective and this sample size is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. A minimum of 26 samples is needed to determine if a beneficial use is fully supported using table 3.2. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list. The readily available data and information is insufficient to determine, with the power and confidence of the Listing Policy, the applicable beneficial use support rating. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47107 | ||||
Pollutant: | Turbidity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 15 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | At the present time, natural background turbidity levels have not been determined for this watershed, and exceedence probabilities (the turbidity, associated with flow, that is exceeded X% of the time) have not been calculated. Thus, there is currently no appropriate evaluation guideline for this watershed, and no way to determine whether the objective is being exceeded. This LOE replaces LOE 1737 which utilized an evaluation guideline that was determined to be inappropriate by the Intagrated Report Roundtable comprised of State and Regional Water Board staff members. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2011): Turbidity shall not be increased more than 20 percent above naturally occurring background levels. Allowable zones of dilution within which higher percentages can be tolerated may be defined for specific discharges upon the issuance of discharge permits or waiver thereof. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | There were 4 sampling locations for Laguna de Santa Rosa. Sampling station LAG030 is located at permanent gauge behind Community Center in Sebastopol. Sampling station LAG040 is located by bridge at Todd Rd. South of Sebastopol. Sampling station LTL010 is located north of LAG050 on Llano Rd., by bridge. Sampling station LAG050 is located by bridge at Llano Road south of Sebastopol. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Sampling station LAG030 was sampled once a month for ten months in 2003, no samples were taken in May and September. Sampling station LAG040, LAG050, and LTL010 were sampled once a month in June and August 2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Draft QAPP for Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Community Clean Water Institute. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
79501 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Nitrogen |
Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Original |
Reason for Delisting: | Applicable WQS attained; according to new assessment method |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | Regional Board Conclusion:
The pollutant was considered for placement on the section 303(d) list in a previous assessment cycle. LOEs for Ammonia and Nitrate were split into their own decisions. No new information was reviewed for this current assessment cycle. Therefore, the previous conclusion remains unchanged, and is as follows: Data included in this decision were originally assessed under the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body, which has been split into two water bodies for the current Integrated Report cycle: (1) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and (2) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries). Data assessed in the original 2010 decision (Decision 4347) were collected in (1) the mainstem of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, (2) tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa, and (3) the mainstem of Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa. The data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa are now assessed in the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries)" water body and data for the mainstem Mark West Creek are now evaluated in the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Mark West HSA, mainstem Mark West Creek downstream of the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body. The data for the mainstem of the Laguna de Santa Rosa are evaluated in this decision. LOEs 47084, 47085, 47155, 47410, 47099, 47098, 47103, 47104, 47105, and 47109 are copies of the original 2010 LOEs 1726, 1729, 1739, 8983, 1733, 1732, 1734, 1731, 1730, and 1728 respectively. LOE 47416 is a revision of LOE 1735. Data and information from the following LOEs have been split as follows: (1) LOEs 47082 and 47409 replace LOE 1725; LOEs 47090 and 47173 replace LOE 1718; LOEs 47097, 47413, 47411 and 47412 replace LOE 1717. The original 2010 LOEs were split into two LOEs for the following reasons: (A) in order to assess mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa data in a separate LOE from data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa or (B) in order to assess mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa data in a separate LOE from data for the mainstem of Mark West Creek. Although there are no new data for this water segment-pollutant combination for the current Integrated Report cycle, the decision information has changed since the 2010 Listing cycle in order to: (1) reflect the decrease in the number of samples resulting from the removal of data for (a) the mainstem Mark West Creek downstream of the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa and (b) tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa to separate decisions, (2) update the MCLs in the LOEs for Nitrate and Nitrite, (3) reflect that there is criteria for ammonia toxicity in the LOEs for Ammonia, and (4) reflect a new assessment methodology for evaluating nitrogen in the Laguna de Santa Rosa as explained in LOE 47416. This pollutant is being considered for removal from the Section 303(d) List under Section 4.11 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Sixteen lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. They cover TIN:TP ratio, TIN, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia as nitrogen, and Exotic Vegetation. Many of the LOEs have insufficient information to make determine use support rating. However LOE numbers 47090, 47410 and 47411 indicate that beneficial uses are being fully supported. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the Section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category (i.e., sufficient information to delist). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) Given the latest science on limiting nutrients (as explained in the evaluation guideline field of LOE 47416) phosphorus is the limiting nutrient and reductions in nitrogen loads beyond current levels are not expected to result in added protection of the beneficial use or significant water quality improvements. The nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus and not nitrogen (Fitzgerald 2013). (2) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (3) The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. (4) 0 of 593 samples exceeded the objectives for Nitrate and Nitrite and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. (5) Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current cycle. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the Section 303(d) List under Section 4.11 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Sixteen lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. They cover TIN:TP ratio, TIN, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia as nitrogen, and Exotic Vegetation. Many of the LOEs have insufficient information to make determine use support rating. However LOE numbers 47090, 47410 and 47411 indicate that beneficial uses are being fully supported. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification in favor of removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the Section 303(d) List in the Water Quality Limited Segments category (i.e., sufficient information to delist). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) Given the latest science on limiting nutrients (as explained in the evaluation guideline field of LOE 47416) phosphorus is the limiting nutrient and reductions in nitrogen loads beyond current levels are not expected to result in added protection of the beneficial use or significant water quality improvements. The nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus and not nitrogen (Fitzgerald 2013). (2) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (3) The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. (4) 0 of 593 samples exceeded the objectives for Nitrate and Nitrite and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in table 4.1 of the Listing Policy. (5) Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47098 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-five sampling events were completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The TIN:TP ratios for the 101 samples taken ranged from 2.5 to 29.1667 with an average value of 4.365 and a standard deviation of 3.282. There was a 99% confidence interval of 0.841. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the TIN:TP ratios. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the decrease in dissolved oxygen is due solely to the TIN:TP ratio levels (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Data is recorded as TIN:TP ratio. TIN:TP ratio is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality objective for TIN:TP ratio. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of TIN:TP ratio exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 4 sampling sites: Laguna at Todd Road, Upstream at Delta, Laguna upstream of D-Pond Incline pump, and Laguna approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 1/2003 and 12/2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa Quality Assurance Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47105 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Sixty sampling events were completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The values of the total inorganic nitrogen ranged from 0.3 to 12.2. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of total inorganic nitrogen (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Total Inorganic Nitrogen was measured and is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality objective for total inorganic nitrogen. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of total inorganic nitrogen exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 12 sites: Laguna at Llano Road, Laguna at Todd Road, Laguna at Hwy 12, and Laguna at Occidental Bridge, Laguna 100 feet upstream of D-Pond incline Pump, Laguna 150 feet downstream of D-Pond Incline Pump, Laguna at La Franchi, Laguna-approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge, Laguna upstream of D-Pond 36, upstream Laguna at Delta, Russian River at Wohler Bridge, Russian River at Mirabel, upstream Roseland Cr. at Llano Rd., downstream Roseland Cr. at Summer Crossing/South of Alpha Bldg., upstream Kelly-downstream confluence of Duer Creek and Kelly Farm Drainage, downstream Duer Creek at Kelly, Colgan Creek upstream confluence with Laguna. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 10/1995 and 3/2004. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa Quality Assurance Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47416 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 18 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | USEPA provided testimony that nitrogen levels should be compared to nutrient assessment guidelines for the protection of aquatic life (USEPA, 2006). Many values are available and potentially could be used to evaluate Laguna de Santa Rosa nitrogen data. The threshold values ranged from 0.22 to 1.5 mg/L. Data were provided in comments by USEPA (Strauss, 2006). Data were evaluated from two sources (Whickhan and Rawson, 2000 and Scoles, 2006 as referenced in USEPA, 2006). Nitrogen levels are significantly higher than the range of assessment levels provided by USEPA (USEPA, 2006). Approximately 30% of the samples exceeded the thresholds. At least 18 samples exceeded by a factor 10. The nitrogen data reported by Scoles also was expressed in terms of individual nitrogen components, Forty-three percent of the samples exceeded the screening threshold and about 10% of samples exceeded this threshold by a factor or at least 4. However, given the latest science on limiting nutrients (as explained in the evaluation guideline field) Regional Water Board staff conclude that because phosphorus is the limiting nutrient, reductions in nitrogen loads beyond current levels are not expected to result in added protection of the beneficial use or significant water quality improvements. Therefore the nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus and not nitrogen (Fitzgerald 2013). | ||||
Data Reference: | Comments on the Draft 2006 section 303(d) list. San Francisco, CA: USEPA | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | To interpret the narrative objective, Regional Water Board staff evaluate available data and information under three distinct categories: biostimulatory stressors, indicators of a biostimulatory response, and stressor-response relationships. Where sufficient site-specific data are available, staff use a combination of research, analysis, and/or modeling to characterize relationships between biostimulatory stressors and observed responses, and if possible, to determine which stressors cause (or control) those responses in a particular water body. Based upon current conditions for the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa, phosphorus is the primary nutrient stressor that limits algal and macrophytic biomass production, and thus causes harmful biostimulatory responses such as decreases in dissolved oxygen levels (Fitzgerald 2013). Because nitrogen can never be completely controlled (since it is available from numerous sources including nitrogen fixing plants and blue green algae) the attempt to limit nitrogen in the Laguna and Mark West Creek is potentially fruitless if it is the sole nutrient being addressed (Butkus 2012a; Wickham and Rawson 2000). Limnologists widely regard phosphate as the predominant limiting nutrient for plant production in freshwater ecosystems, and plant growth can be stopped by limiting phosphate even when other nutrients (including nitrogen) remain abundant (Butkus 2012a; Wickham and Rawson 2000). Preliminary TMDL linkage analysis and modeling results by Butkus (2012b) provide further evidence that total phosphorus concentrations (and not nitrogen) drive algal biomass, and Regional Water Board staff conclude that reductions in total phosphorus, not nitrogen, are needed to reduce algal biomass and thus reduce the biostimulatory response. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Assessment of Nutrients Limiting Algal Biomass Productin in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Laguna de Santa Rosa TMDL Linkage Analysis through the Application of Water Quality Models. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Summary of TMDL Development Data Pertaining To Nutrient Impairments in the Laguna De Santa Rosa Watershed [Revised]. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 21 For Laguna De Santa Rosa | ||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47104 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-five sampling events were conducted by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The samples ranged from values of 0.2 mg/L to 2.3 mg/L total organic nitrogen. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of total organic nitrogen (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Total Organic Nitrogen was measured and is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality objective for total organic nitrogen. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of total organic nitrogen exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Sample were collected from 4 sites: Laguna at Todd Road, Upstream at Delta, Laguna upstream of D-Pond Incline pump, and Laguna upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 1/2003 and 12/2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa Quality Assurance Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47155 | ||||
Pollutant: | Exotic Vegetation | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | Not Specified | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Ludwigia hexapetala, an exotic vegetation, is a direct threat to the diversity of native plant and animal communities in the Laguna by growing over surrounding vegetation to produce thick mats of woody perennial stems and decaying plant matter (Sears et al., 2005). This mat inhibits the recovery and recruitment of other plants, and eliminates open-water habitats that are important foraging grounds for bird and other wildlife. As Ludwigia tissue decomposes, microbes reduce dissolved oxygen in water, impacting fish and invertebrate populations. Ludwigia is adapted to low-oxygen (anaerobic) conditions, through specialized root structures that extract oxygen and nutrients from the water column. These root structures also provide a conduit for atmospheric gases to the plant in anaerobic conditions. Along with the ability to tolerate low oxygen levels, Ludwigia appears to grow well in nutrient-rich waters. In general for this species, increased nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in water result in increased growth and greater plant biomass. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Ludwigia hexapetala covers at least 150 acres of shallow-water areas in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | Ludwigia has contributed to a public health threat as it creates protective habitat for mosquitoes that can carry West Nile virus (Sears et al., 2005). This virus reached Sonoma county in 2004. Densely growing Ludwigia inhibits current mosquito control efforts. Several areas with dense stands of Ludwigia produce mosquito populations more than 100 times greater than acceptable levels. The stands of Ludwigia also inhibit the ability to control mosquitoes because dense Ludwigia growth prevents mosquito larvacides from being applied effectively. | ||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47099 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Not Recorded | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Sixty sampling events were completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program. The range of measured values for the ratio of TIN: 0.80 TP was from 0.3 to 16.9. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of TIN: 0.80 TP (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Data is reported in TIN: 0.80 TP (Bioavailable N:P ratio). TIN: 0.80 TP is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality objective for TIN: 0.80 TP. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of TIN: 0.80 TP exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 12 sites: Laguna at Llano Road, Laguna at Todd Road, Laguna at Hwy 12, and Laguna at Occidental Bridge, Laguna 100 feet upstream of D-Pond incline Pump, Laguna 150 feet downstream of D-Pond Incline Pump, Laguna at La Franchi, Laguna-approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge, Laguna upstream of D-Pond 36, upstream Laguna at Delta, Russian River at Wohler Bridge, Russian River at Mirabel, upstream Roseland Cr. at Llano Rd., downstream Roseland Cr. at Summer Crossing/South of Alpha Bldg., upstream Kelly-downstream confluence of Duer Creek and Kelly Farm Drainage, downstream Duer Creek at Kelly, Colgan Creek upstream confluence with Laguna. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 10/1995 and 3/2004. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa Quality Assurance Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47103 | ||||
Pollutant: | Nitrogen | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Eighty-six sampling events were conducted by the RWQCB Nutrient TMDL Program. The values of the TIN: 0.80 TP recorded ranged from 0.03 up to 20.02. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the measurement of TIN: 0.80 TP (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Data is reported in TIN: 0.80 TP (Bioavailable N:P ratio). TIN: 0.80 TP is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. However, there is no numeric water quality objective for TIN: 0.80 TP. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of TIN: 0.80 TP exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Four sample sites: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, Laguna at Stony Point Road and Laguna at Trenton-Healdsburg Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 and 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
79312 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Phosphorus |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | A Source Unknown |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2023 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | Regional Board Conclusion:
This pollutant was considered for removal from the section 303(d) list in a previous assessment cycle. No new information was reviewed for this current assessment cycle. Therefore, the previous conclusion remains unchanged, and is as follows: Data included in this decision were originally assessed under the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body, which has been split into two water bodies for the current Integrated Report cycle: (1) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and (2) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries). Data assessed in the original 2010 decision (Decision 4505) were collected in (1) the mainstem of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, (2) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries), and (3) the mainstem of Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa. The data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa are now assessed in the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries)" water body and data for the mainstem Mark West Creek are now evaluated in the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Mark West HSA, mainstem Mark West Creek downstream of the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body. The data for the mainstem of the Laguna de Santa Rosa are evaluated in this decision. LOEs 47155, 47159, and 47163 are copies of the original 2010 LOEs 1739, 9037, 1722 respectively. Data and information from the following LOEs have been split as follows: (1) LOEs 47423 and 47424 replace LOE 1724; 47161 and 47178 replace LOE 1723; 47418 and 47422 replace LOE 1720; and 47420 and 47421 replace LOE 1721. The original 2010 LOEs were split into two LOEs for the following reasons: (A) in order to assess mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa data in a separate LOE from data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa or (B) in order to assess mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa data in a separate LOE from data for the mainstem of Mark West Creek. Although there are no new data for this water segment-pollutant combination for the current Integrated Report cycle, the decision information has changed since the 2010 Listing cycle in order to: (1) reflect the decrease in the number of samples resulting from the removal of data for (a) the mainstem Mark West Creek downstream of the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa and (b) tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa to separate decisions, and (2) reflect a new assessment methodology for evaluating phosphorus in the Laguna de Santa Rosa as explained in LOE 47423. This pollutant is being considered for removal from the Section 303(d) List under Section 4.11 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the Section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category (i.e., sufficient justification to not de-list). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) While no numeric water quality objective is available for phosphorus, USEPA provided guidelines that were used to assess the magnitude of the observed phosphorus concentrations. (2) Assessment of phosphorus measurements show that many measurements are an order of magnitude higher than the USEPA-provided thresholds. (3) The Laguna is infested with exotic aquatic vegetation (Ludwigia) that thrives in oxygen poor, nutrient rich waters. This plant prevents effective mosquito control efforts. (4) The nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus (Fitzgerald 2013). Preliminary TMDL linkage analysis and modeling results by Butkus (2012b) provide evidence that total phosphorus concentrations drive algal biomass, and Regional Water Board staff conclude that reductions in total phosphorus are needed to reduce algal biomass and thus reduce the biostimulatory response. (5) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of Section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (6) The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of Section 6.1.5 of the Policy. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current cycle. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | This pollutant is being considered for removal from the Section 303(d) List under Section 4.11 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Seven lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant.
Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the Section 303(d) list in the Water Quality Limited Segments category (i.e., sufficient justification to not de-list). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) While no numeric water quality objective is available for phosphorus, USEPA provided guidelines that were used to assess the magnitude of the observed phosphorus concentrations. (2) Assessment of phosphorus measurements show that many measurements are an order of magnitude higher than the USEPA-provided thresholds. (3) The Laguna is infested with exotic aquatic vegetation (Ludwigia) that thrives in oxygen poor, nutrient rich waters. This plant prevents effective mosquito control efforts. (4) The nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus (Fitzgerald 2013). Preliminary TMDL linkage analysis and modeling results by Butkus (2012b) provide evidence that total phosphorus concentrations drive algal biomass, and Regional Water Board staff conclude that reductions in total phosphorus are needed to reduce algal biomass and thus reduce the biostimulatory response. (5) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of Section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (6) The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of Section 6.1.5 of the Policy. |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47418 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | There were up to 86 sampling events conducted by the RWQCB TMDL Monitoring Program at these sampling sites between 7/1997 and 11/2000. The data range for values of total phosphorus was between 0.113 mg/L and 2.98 mg/L. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance, there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of total phosphorus measured (Scoles, 2004). This LOE and LOE 47422 reconsider data from LOE 1720 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to remove data for Mark West at Trenton Healdsburg Road to a separate LOE. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Phosphorus is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. A numeric water quality objective is not available so it is difficult to determine whether the concentration of total phosphorus exceeded standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 3 sample sites: Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, and Laguna at Stony Point Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 and 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47420 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | There were sixty sampling events completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES Program at up to 10 sample sites between 12/1995 and 3/2004. The data range for values of total phosphorus was between 0.1 mg/L and 3.9 mg/L. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance, there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of total phosphorus measured (Scoles, 2004). This LOE and LOE 47421 reconsider data from LOE 1721 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. The original LOE has been edited to remove data for tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa to a separate LOE. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Phosphorus is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. A numeric water quality objective is not available so it is difficult to determine whether the concentration of total phosphorus exceeded standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected from 10 sites: Laguna at Llano Road, Laguna at Todd Road, Laguna at Hwy 12, Laguna at Occidental Bridge, Laguna 100 feet upstream of D-Pond incline Pump, Laguna 150 feet downstream of D-Pond Incline Pump, Laguna at La Franchi, Laguna-approximately 100 feet upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge, Laguna upstream of D-Pond 36, upstream Laguna at Delta, and Laguna @ confluence of Santa Rosa Creek. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 12/1995 and 3/2004. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47163 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Twenty-five sampling events were completed by the City of Santa Rosa NPDES at up to 5 sample sites between 1/2003 and 12/2003. The range of values for total phosphorus measured was between 0.4 mg/L and 1.6 mg/L. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare to the concentration of total phosphorus (Scoles, 2004). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Phosphorus is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. A numeric water quality objective is not available so it is difficult to determine whether the concentration of total phosphorus exceeded standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Samples were collected at 4 sites: Laguna at Todd Road, upstream at Delta, Laguna upstream of D-Pond Incline pump, and Laguna upstream of Llano Rd. Bridge. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 1/2003 and 12/2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | City of Santa Rosa QA Manual. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47423 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | USEPA provided testimony that phosphorus levels should be compared to nutrient assessment guidelines for the protection of aquatic life (USEPA, 2006). These values range from 0.010 to 0.2 mg/L. Data were provided in comments by USEPA (USEPA, 2006). Data were evaluated from two sources (Whickhan and Rawson, 2000 and Scoles, 2006 as referenced in USEPA, 2006). Total phosphorus data were presented in both sources and were compared to the guideline levels from USEPA. Approximately 95% of phosphorus measurements exceeded the least conservative screening threshold. Approximately 20% of measurements exceeded the 0.1 mg/L threshold by a factor of 10. Given the latest science on limiting nutrients (as explained in the evaluation guideline field) Regional Water Board staff conclude that phosphorus is the limiting nutrient in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Therefore the nutrient driving biostimulatory conditions in the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa is phosphorus (Fitzgerald 2013). Preliminary TMDL linkage analysis and modeling results by Butkus (2012b) provide further evidence that total phosphorus concentrations (and not nitrogen) drive algal biomass, and Regional Water Board staff conclude that reductions in total phosphorus, not nitrogen, are needed to reduce algal biomass and thus reduce the biostimulatory response. | ||||
Data Reference: | Comments on the Draft 2006 section 303(d) list. San Francisco, CA: USEPA | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | To interpret the narrative objective, Regional Water Board staff evaluate available data and information under three distinct categories: biostimulatory stressors, indicators of a biostimulatory response, and stressor-response relationships. Where sufficient site-specific data are available, staff use a combination of research, analysis, and/or modeling to characterize relationships between biostimulatory stressors and observed responses, and if possible, to determine which stressors cause (or control) those responses in a particular water body. Based upon current conditions for the mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and mainstem Mark West Creek below the confluence with the Laguna de Santa Rosa, phosphorus is the primary nutrient stressor that limits algal and macrophytic biomass production, and thus causes harmful biostimulatory responses such as decreases in dissolved oxygen levels (Fitzgerald 2013). Limnologists widely regard phosphate as the predominant limiting nutrient for plant production in freshwater ecosystems, and plant growth can be stopped by limiting phosphate even when other nutrients (including nitrogen) remain abundant (Butkus 2012a; Wickham and Rawson 2000). Preliminary TMDL linkage analysis and modeling results by Butkus (2012b) provide further evidence that total phosphorus concentrations (and not nitrogen) drive algal biomass, and Regional Water Board staff conclude that reductions in total phosphorus, not nitrogen, are needed to reduce algal biomass and thus reduce the biostimulatory response. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | 2002 303(d) List Update Reference # 21 For Laguna De Santa Rosa | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Summary of TMDL Development Data Pertaining To Nutrient Impairments in the Laguna De Santa Rosa Watershed [Revised]. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Assessment of Nutrients Limiting Algal Biomass Productin in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Laguna de Santa Rosa TMDL Linkage Analysis through the Application of Water Quality Models. | ||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47161 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Total | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Eighty-six sampling events were conducted by the RWQCB TMDL Program. The range of values of 80% TP was between 0.02 and 2.38. Even though there is a narrative objective for biostimulatory substance there is not a numeric objective or criteria to compare the concentration of 80% TP. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the decrease in dissolved oxygen is solely due to the 80% TP (SWRCB, 2003). | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | Data reported in 80% TP (total phosphorus). 80% TP is considered in the narrative objective for biostimulatory substances. There is no numeric water quality objective for 80% TP. Therefore, it is difficult to determine that the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen exceeds standards. | ||||
Guideline Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Spatial Representation: | Three to four sample sites (Laguna at Guerneville Road, Laguna at Occidental Road, Laguna at Stony Point Road and Laguna at Trenton-Healdsburg Road. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Samples were collected between 7/1997 and 11/2000. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | NCRWQCB Nutrient TMDL Program. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47159 | ||||
Pollutant: | Phosphorus | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | Not Recorded | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Migration | Fish Spawning | Preservation of Rare & Endangered Species | Warm Freshwater Habitat | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | It is unknown whether any of the 73 phosphorus samples collected in the Laguna de Santa Rosa exceed the objective as there is insufficient information available to determine exceedance. Specifically, the samples cannot be compared to the objective because diel samples for dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and/or chlorophyll-a are not available. Nutrients, such as phosphorus, alone do not impair beneficial uses or cause non-attainment of the objective. Rather, they cause indirect impacts through algal growth and extreme diel patterns for DO and pH, which then impair uses. Waterbody-specific factors such as riparian cover, flow conditions, and stream channel configuration also affect how nutrients are processed within the stream and play a large role in determining whether or not nuisance algal conditions will prevail. For these reasons, comparing a single nutrient value to the biostimulatory objective is not recommended. Instead, nutrient-related indicator parameters, such as diel measurements of DO, pH, and/or chlorophyll-a, should be evaluated to determine attainment of the objective and protection of beneficial uses. When nutrient-related indicator parameters exceed targets, nutrient concentrations will then be analyzed to determine whether phosphorus should be added to a possible listing under the 303(d) List. The sample concentrations range from non-detect (reporting limits of 0.03 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L) to 1.67 mg/L. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute¿s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, and CCWI 2007). | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2006. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | |||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2004. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on October 1, 2008 | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 2007): Waters shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected from January 2004 to July 2006. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 47155 | ||||
Pollutant: | Exotic Vegetation | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Narrative Description Data | ||||
Matrix: | Not Specified | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Ludwigia hexapetala, an exotic vegetation, is a direct threat to the diversity of native plant and animal communities in the Laguna by growing over surrounding vegetation to produce thick mats of woody perennial stems and decaying plant matter (Sears et al., 2005). This mat inhibits the recovery and recruitment of other plants, and eliminates open-water habitats that are important foraging grounds for bird and other wildlife. As Ludwigia tissue decomposes, microbes reduce dissolved oxygen in water, impacting fish and invertebrate populations. Ludwigia is adapted to low-oxygen (anaerobic) conditions, through specialized root structures that extract oxygen and nutrients from the water column. These root structures also provide a conduit for atmospheric gases to the plant in anaerobic conditions. Along with the ability to tolerate low oxygen levels, Ludwigia appears to grow well in nutrient-rich waters. In general for this species, increased nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in water result in increased growth and greater plant biomass. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Basin Plan: Water shall not contain biostimulatory substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growths to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | Ludwigia hexapetala covers at least 150 acres of shallow-water areas in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | Ludwigia has contributed to a public health threat as it creates protective habitat for mosquitoes that can carry West Nile virus (Sears et al., 2005). This virus reached Sonoma county in 2004. Densely growing Ludwigia inhibits current mosquito control efforts. Several areas with dense stands of Ludwigia produce mosquito populations more than 100 times greater than acceptable levels. The stands of Ludwigia also inhibit the ability to control mosquitoes because dense Ludwigia growth prevents mosquito larvacides from being applied effectively. | ||||
QAPP Information: | QA Info Missing | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
78904 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | Sedimentation/Siltation |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not Delist from 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Original |
Sources: | Flow Alteration/Regulation/Modification | Removal of Riparian Vegetation |
Expected TMDL Completion Date: | 2023 |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | Regional Board Conclusion:
This pollutant was considered for removal from the section 303(d) list in a previous assessment cycle. No new information was reviewed for this current assessment cycle. Therefore, the previous conclusion remains unchanged, and is as follows: Data included in this decision were originally assessed under the "Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna de Santa Rosa" water body, which has been split into two water bodies for the current Integrated Report cycle: (1) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa and (2) Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, tributaries to the Laguna de Santa Rosa (except Santa Rosa Creek and its tributaries). LOE 47100 is a copy of LOE 4767 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle. LOE 47107 is a copy of LOE 1737 from the 2010 Integrated Report cycle, however the original LOE information has been edited to reflect that here is not an appropriate evaluation guideline for turbidity. This pollutant is being considered for removal from the section 303(d) list under section 4.2 of the Listing Policy. Under this section a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status. Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against removing this water segment-pollutant combination from the section 303(d) list (i.e., sufficient justification to not delist). This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: (1) The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. (2) The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. (3) 303(d) listing determinations made prior to 2006 were not held in an assessment database. LOE 47100 is a placeholder for the 303(d) listing data and information from a previous assessment cycle that was initially utilized to make this listing determination. (4) Pursuant to section 4.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | This is a decision previously approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and the USEPA. No new data were assessed by the Regional Board for the current cycle. The decision has not changed. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47100 | ||||
Pollutant: | Sedimentation/Siltation | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 0 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | Not Specified | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | This LOE is a placeholder to support a 303(d) listing decision made prior to 2006. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference pre-2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | |||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | |||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | |||||
Temporal Representation: | |||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | unspecified | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | |||||
LOE ID: | 47107 | ||||
Pollutant: | Turbidity | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 15 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | At the present time, natural background turbidity levels have not been determined for this watershed, and exceedence probabilities (the turbidity, associated with flow, that is exceeded X% of the time) have not been calculated. Thus, there is currently no appropriate evaluation guideline for this watershed, and no way to determine whether the objective is being exceeded. This LOE replaces LOE 1737 which utilized an evaluation guideline that was determined to be inappropriate by the Intagrated Report Roundtable comprised of State and Regional Water Board staff members. | ||||
Data Reference: | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Region (NCRWQCB 2011): Turbidity shall not be increased more than 20 percent above naturally occurring background levels. Allowable zones of dilution within which higher percentages can be tolerated may be defined for specific discharges upon the issuance of discharge permits or waiver thereof. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | There were 4 sampling locations for Laguna de Santa Rosa. Sampling station LAG030 is located at permanent gauge behind Community Center in Sebastopol. Sampling station LAG040 is located by bridge at Todd Rd. South of Sebastopol. Sampling station LTL010 is located north of LAG050 on Llano Rd., by bridge. Sampling station LAG050 is located by bridge at Llano Road south of Sebastopol. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | Sampling station LAG030 was sampled once a month for ten months in 2003, no samples were taken in May and September. Sampling station LAG040, LAG050, and LTL010 were sampled once a month in June and August 2003. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | |||||
QAPP Information: | Draft QAPP for Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Community Clean Water Institute. | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Placeholder reference 2006 303(d) | ||||
79445 |
Region 1 |
Russian River HU, Middle Russian River HA, Laguna HSA, mainstem Laguna de Santa Rosa |
Pollutant: | pH |
Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list) |
Last Listing Cycle's Final Listing Decision: | Do Not List on 303(d) list (TMDL required list)(2016) |
Revision Status | Original |
Impairment from Pollutant or Pollution: | Pollutant |
Regional Board Conclusion: | This pollutant is being considered for placement on the CWA section 303(d) List under section 3.2 of the Listing Policy. Under section 3.2 a single line of evidence is necessary to assess listing status.
Two lines of evidence are available in the administrative record to assess this pollutant. Two of one-hundred and two of the samples exceed the objective for the COLD beneficial use(s). Based on the readily available data and information, the weight of evidence indicates that there is sufficient justification against placing this water segment-pollutant combination on the CWA section 303(d) List. This conclusion is based on the staff findings that: 1. The data used satisfies the data quality requirements of section 6.1.4 of the Policy. 2. The data used satisfies the data quantity requirements of section 6.1.5 of the Policy. 3. Two of one-hundred and two samples exceeded the objective and this does not exceed the allowable frequency listed in Table 3.2 of the Listing Policy. 4. Pursuant to section 3.11 of the Listing Policy, no additional data and information are available indicating that standards are not met. |
Regional Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of the available data and information, RWQCB staff concludes that the water body-pollutant combination should not be placed on the section 303(d) list because applicable water quality standards are not being exceeded. |
State Board Review of Regional Board Conclusion and Recommendation: | |
State Board Decision Recommendation: | After review of this Regional Board decision, SWRCB staff recommend the decision be approved by the State Board. |
LOE ID: | 47113 | ||||
Pollutant: | pH | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Aquatic Life Use: | Fish Migration | Fish Spawning | Preservation of Rare & Endangered Species | Warm Freshwater Habitat | Wildlife Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 102 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 2 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Two of the 102 samples for pH collected in the Laguna de Santa Rosa exceeded the pH water quality objective. The pH values ranged from 7.0 to 9.6. These samples were collected by the Community Clean Water Institute¿s Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program (CCWI 2005, CCWI 2006, CCWI 2007). | ||||
Data Reference: | Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2005. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | ||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2006. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on August 25, 2008 | |||||
Community Clean Water Institute Master Data for 2004. Downloaded from http://ccwi.org/issues/data.htm on October 1, 2008 | |||||
SWAMP Data: | Non-SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Per the Basin Plan (NCRWQCB 2007): The maximum pH objective is 8.5. The minimum pH objective is 6.5. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - North Coast Region (Region 1) | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected from four sites in the Laguna de Santa Rosa from Stony Point Road to the Sebastopol Community Center. | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The pH samples were collected during 102 site visits from January 2004 to December 2006. The pH samples were collected as instantaneous measurements and do not represent diurnal conditions. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Samples were collected in accordance with the "Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods" (CCWI 2007). | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Community Clean Water Institute Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program Sampling and Analysis Methods. Updated April 12, 2007 | ||||
LOE ID: | 100891 | ||||
Pollutant: | pH | ||||
LOE Subgroup: | Pollutant-Water | ||||
Matrix: | Water | ||||
Fraction: | None | ||||
Beneficial Use: | Cold Freshwater Habitat | ||||
Number of Samples: | 19 | ||||
Number of Exceedances: | 0 | ||||
Data and Information Type: | PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL MONITORING | ||||
Data Used to Assess Water Quality: | Water Board staff assessed the data for this water body to determine beneficial use support and results are as follows: 1 of 19 samples exceeded the water quality standard for pH. Data range from 7.2 - 8.1. | ||||
Data Reference: | Water Quality Assessment Data for the 2018 solicitation cycle submitted through CEDEN for SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring . | ||||
SWAMP Data: | SWAMP | ||||
Water Quality Objective/Criterion: | Water Quality Control Plan, North Coast Basin, Chapter III, General Objectives for all Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays and Estuaries states the following: The pH shall conform to the values listed in Table 3-1 which states that the water quality objective for pH shall not be depressed below 6.5 or raised above 8.5. | ||||
Objective/Criterion Reference: | Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the North Coast Region | ||||
Evaluation Guideline: | |||||
Guideline Reference: | |||||
Spatial Representation: | The samples were collected at 1 monitoring site(s) (114LG3411). | ||||
Temporal Representation: | The samples were collected between the dates 5/26/2011 - 10/6/2011. | ||||
Environmental Conditions: | There are no known environmental conditions (e.g., seasonality, land use practices, fire events, storms, etc.) that are related to these data. | ||||
QAPP Information: | Quality Assurance Program Plan and Standard Operating Procedures for SWAMP program | ||||
QAPP Information Reference(s): | Quality Assurance Program Plans, Quality Assurance Project Plans, and Standard Operating Procedures for the SWAMP program | ||||