Footnote_Number Text_Reference_Page 7-day For exposure of 7 days or less. 10-day For exposure of 10 days or less. 24-hr For exposure of 24 hours or less. A Class A: Known human carcinogen; sufficient epidemiologic evidence in humans. Carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). B Class B: Probable human carcinogen. Likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). B1 Class B1: Probable human carcinogen; limited epidemiologic evidence in humans. Likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). B2 Class B2: Probable human carcinogen; sufficient evidence from animal studies; no or inadequate human data. Likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). C Class C: Possible human carcinogen; limited evidence from animal studies; no human data. Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). D Class D: Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity; no data or inadequate evidence. Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). E Class E: Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans. Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). H Carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). I Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). L Likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). L/N Likely to be carcinogenic above a specified dose but not likely to be carcinogenic below that dose because a key event in tumor formation does not occur below that dose (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). N Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). S Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment). 1 Expressed as dissolved. 2 Expressed as total recoverable. 3 Now covered by the Primary MCL for Gross Beta Radioactivity. 4 For dissolved chloride associated with sodium; criterion probably will not be adequately protective when chloride is associated with potassium, calcium, or magnesium, rather than sodium. 5 For inorganic oxides; draft value. 6 If units are "per mg/kg/d", threshold is the oral cancer slope factor, not a concentration in water. Age dependent adjustment factors (ADAFs) should be applied to the cancer slope factor when assessing cancer risks, especially for early life exposures. Supplemental guidance available at 7 First value calculated for child; second value calculated for adult. 8 Advisory concentration; U.S. EPA Water Quality Advisory; Reference 13. 9 As CaCO3; minimum concentration except where natural concentrations are less. 10 USEPA Drinking Water Advisory. From Reference 33. 11 For dinitrophenols. 12 Value developed for chromium (VI); may be applied to total chromium if valence unknown. 13 For sum of bromoform, bromomethane and chloromethane. 14 Regulatory dose level divided by 2 liters per day average consumption; represents a 1-in-100,000 incremental cancer risk estimate or 1/1000 of the No Observed Effect Level for reproductive toxicity. 15 Determined to present no significant risk of cancer by the route of ingestion (Title 27, California Code of Regulation, Section 25707). 16 Toxicity to one species of fish after 2600 hours of exposure. 17 Mortality in a fish species after 30 day exposure. 18 Applies separately to endrin and endrin aldehyde. 19 For total trihalomethanes (sum of bromoform, bromodichloromethane, chloroform and dibromochloromethane); based largely on technology and economics. 20 For halomethanes. 21 Based on limited evidence. 22 For chlorinated benzenes. 23 Toxicity to a fish species exposed for 7.5 days. 24 For dichlorobenzenes. 25 1983 Suggested-No-Adverse-Response Level; to be reviewed in the future. 26 From Reference 8. 27 For dichloroethylenes. 28 For dichloropropanes. 29 For dichloropropenes. 30 This limit has a range of values between the first and second numbers shown. 31 Adverse behavioral effects occur to one species. 32 First value is an upper bound estimate, while second value is a central tendency estimate of risk. 33 For sum of acenaphthylene, anthracene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, fluorene, indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. 34 Flavor impairment in a fish species occurs. 35 Mortality to early life stages of a fish species occurs. 36 Based on analytical quantitation limit available at the time the limit was established. Adverse water quality impacts may occur at lower concentrations. 37 For mononitrophenols. 38 Toxicity to algae occurs. 39 Carcinogen; limit based on cancer risk. Cancer risk at Notification Level is 3.3-in-1,000,000. 1-in-1,000,000 cancer risk at 0.003 ug/L. 40 For white phosphorus. 41 For carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. 42 For the sum of alpha-Endosulfan, beta-Endosulfan, and Endosulfan sulfate. 43 For benzene hexachloride isomers. 44 First value calculated from corn oil gavage animal study; second value calculated from drinking water animal study. 45 For sum of phthalate esters. 46 For chloroalkyl ethers. 47 For tetrachloroethanes. 48 For chlorinated naphthalenes. 49 1980 U.S. EPA Suggested-No-Adverse-Response Level. 50 For DDT, DDD, and DDE, in combination. 51 This criterion is from a 1976 USEPA reference and also appears in the current list of recommended criteria published by USEPA. From Reference 9. 52 For polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. 53 For dinitrotoluenes. 54 This criterion is from a 1973 USEPA reference, but it does not appear in the current list of recommended criteria published by USEPA. From Reference 20. 55 From Reference 30. 56 For nitrosamines. 57 Guidance level to protect those individuals restricted to a total sodium intake of 500 mg/day; Reference 33. 58 For haloethers. 59 Chronic Suggested-No-Adverse-Response Level was estimated to be 100-fold lower than the listed 24-hour value in calculating this level. 60 Calculated from published Reference Dose using assumptions of 70 kg body weight, 2 liters/day water consumption, and 20% relative source contribution from drinking water. An additional uncertainty factor of 10 is used for Class C and S carcinogens. 61 6-month median. 62 For pH between 6.5 and 9.0. Use of Water-Effects Ratios might be appropriate because: (1) aluminum is less toxic at higher pH and hardness but relationship not well quantified; (2) aluminum associated with clay particles may be less toxic than that associated with aluminum hydroxide particles; (3) many high quality waters in U.S. exceed 87 ug/L as total or dissolved. 63 Average chain length, C12; approximately 60% chlorine by weight. 64 Based on kepone. 65 Value for 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, the technical grade of either chemical or a mixture of isomers. 66 Measured as Cl2. Maximum residual disinfectant level and goal. Applies only if this disinfectant is used. 67 Measured as ClO2. Maximum residual disinfectant level and goal. Applies only if this disinfectant is used. 68 Draft / tentative / provisional; applies only to second value if two separate values are listed; applies to range if a range of values is listed. 69 For Arochlor 1260. 70 At pH 6.8, caused 50% reduction in growth of yearling sockeye salmon in 56-day test. 71 May be present as a decomposition product in Ferbam, Maneb, Nabam, Thiram, Zineb, and Ziram. 72 Threshold 1 is the ten-day Health Advisory value for bottle-fed infants and young children of pre-school-age. Threshold 2 is the ten-day Health Advisory value for school-age children through adults. 73 Recommended level; Upper level = 500 mg/L; Short-term level = 600 mg/L. 74 Recommended level; Upper level = 1600 umhos/cm; Short-term level = 2200 umhos/cm. 75 Recommended level; Upper level = 1000 mg/L; Short-term level = 1500 mg/L. 76 For “TCDD equivalents” calculated as the sum of 2,3,7,8-chlorinated dibenzodioxin and dibenzofuran concentrations multiplied by their respecitve USEPA Toxicity Equivalency Factors. See page 26 of Reference 28. 77 For 1,2- and 1-3-dichlorobenzenes. 78 Unless otherwise noted, from Reference 19. 79 Threshold 1 - To protect swimmers, the concentration shall not be exceeded in a day. Threshold 2 - To protect the recreational use, the concentration shall not be exceeded more than 10 percent of days in a recreational season. 80 Instantaneous maximum. 81 For oxychlordane and alpha and gamma isomers of chlordane, chlordene and nonachlor. 82 A decrease in the number of algal cells occurs. 83 Adverse effects on a fish species exposed for 168 days. 84 Systems that use conventional or direct filtration may not exceed 1 NTU at any time or 0.3 NTU for 95th percentile value; stems that use other “alteranative” filtration systems may not exceed 5 NTU at any time or 1 NTU for 95th percentile value. 85 Expressed as total recoverable; this National Toxics Rule criterion applies to SF Bay through Susuin Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Salt Slough, Mud Slough (north), and San Joaquin River,Sack Dam to mouth of Merced River; does not apply to San Joaquin River, mouth of Merced to Vernalis; see reference 23. 86 For nonchlorinated phenolic compounds. 87 For chlorinated phenolic compounds. 88 For nitrophenols. 89 Expressed as nitrogen. 90 For total chlorine residual; for intermittent chlorine sources see Chapter IV, Table B of Reference 28. 91 Second value from Reference 16. 92 For 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine and its salts. 93 And salts that readily dissociate in solution. 94 Carcinogen; criterion based on cancer risk. Criterion refers to the inorganic form only. 95 Referenced in California Department of Public Health, Drinking Water Notification Levels or Archived Advisory Levels, reference 35. 96 EC50 for eastern oyster embryos. 97 Expressed as total recoverable; this National Toxics Rule criterion applies to SF Bay through Susuin Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Salt Slough, Mud Slough (north), and San Joaquin River,Sack Dam to mouth of Merced River; the California Toxics Rule applies this criterion to all other inland California waters; does not apply to Grassland Water District, San Luis National Wildlife Refuge, and Los Banos State Wildlife Refuge; see reference 23. 98 For total residual chlorine. 99 For sum of chlorine-produced oxidants. 100 First number for Radium-226; second number for Radium-228. 101 MFL = million fibers per liter; limited to fibers longer than 10 um. 102 Calculated from published oral Cancer Potency Slope Factor using assumptions of 70 kg body weight and 2 liters/day water consumption. 103 As nitrogen (N); in addition, limit for total nitrate + nitrite = 10,000 ug/L (as N). 104 Based on endosulfan; USEPA Water Quality Advisory; Reference 13. 105 Treatment Technique: Not to exceed 0.05% monomer in polyacrylamide when dosed at 1 mg/L for drinking water treatment. 106 For five haloacetic acids (sum of monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetic acid). 107 Unleaded; value for benzene. 108 The level for noncancer health effects is also considered adequately protective of public health for cancer by the oral route of exposure, on the basis of the nonlinear dose response for this chemical and the mode of action for both cancer and noncancer effects having a common link through cytotoxicity. 109 Optimal fluoride level and (range) vary with annual average of maximum daily air temperature; 50.0 to 53.7 degrees F - 1.2 (1.1 to 1.7) mg/L; 53.8 to 58.3 degrees F - 1.1 (1.0 to 1.7) mg/L; 58.4 to 63.8 degrees F - 1.0 (0.9 to 1.5) mg/L; 63.9 to 70.6 degrees F - 0.9 (0.8 to 1.4) mg/L; 70.7 to 79.2 degrees F - 0.8 (0.7 to 1.3) mg/L; 79.3 to 90.5 degrees F - 0.7 (0.6 to 1.2) mg/L. 110 Picocuries per liter; including Radium-226 but excluding Radon and Uranium. 111 MCL includes this Action Level to be exceeded in no more than 10% of samples at the tap. 112 Listed criterion expressed as unionized ammonia; criteria based on total ammonia are shown on Page 18. 113 Based on carcinogenicity at 1-in-a-million risk level. 114 test 22. 115 Criterion most appropriately applied to the sum of alpha-Endosulfan and beta-Endosulfan. Reference 26. 116 Applies separately to Aroclors 1016, 1242, 1254, 1221, 1232, 1248, and 1260; based on carcinogenicity at 1-in-a-million risk level. 117 Effluent limitation for wastes discharged to waters. 118 For the sum of Aroclors 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260. 119 Cancer classification not supported by ingestion data. 120 For isomers with chlorines in 2,3,7 and 8 positions. 121 Cancer risk may not be linear with dose above 60 ug/L. 122 For the oxide form. 123 For the pentoxide form. 124 For the gas phase. 125 Applies to first value if more than one individual value is listed. Applies to the range if a range of values is listed. From Reference 7. 126 Applies to second value if more than one value listed. Water-dilution odor threshold calculated from air odor threshold using equilibrium distributions. From Reference 29. 127 For protection of consumers of marine moluscs. 128 Virtually free from oil and grease, particularly from the tastes and odors that emanate from petroleum products. 129 0.01 of the lowest continuous flow 96-hour LC50 to several important freshwater and marine species, each having a demonstrated high susceptibility to oils and petrochemicals; surface waters shall be virtually free from floating nonpetroleum oils of vegetable or animal origin, as well as petroleum derived oils. 130 Waters shall be virtually free from substances producing objectionable color for aesthetic purposes; the source of supply should not exceed 75 color units on the platinum-cobalt scale for domestic water supplies. 131 Increased color, in combination with turbidity (suspended and settleable solids) should not reduce the depth of the compensation point for photosynthetic activity by more than 10% from the seasonally established norm for aquatic life. 132 For open ocean waters where depth is substantially greater than euphotic zone, pH should not be changed > 0.2 units from naturally occurring variation or in any case outside of range 6.5 to 8.5. For shallow highly productive coastal and estuarine areas where naturally occurring pH variations approach the lethal limits of some species, change in pH should be avoided but in any case should not exceed limits for freshwater., i.e., 6.5 to 9.0. 133 For chlorides and sulfates in domestic water supplies. 134 Withdrawn. 135 30-day average, as total recoverable. Threshold 1 for lentic (standing water); Threshold 2 for lotic (flowing water). Short term criterion for intermittent spike exposures also available. Freshwater aquatic life chronic criteria are applied in the following hierarchy: 15.1 mg/kg dry weight (fish egg-ovary), 8.5 mg/kg dry weight (fish whole body), and 11.3 mg/kg dry weight (fish muscle). Water column criteria may be used in the absence of steady state fish tissue concentrations. See Reference 24. 136 Draft chronic criterion. Because selenium might be as chronically toxic to saltwater fishes as it is to freshwater fishes, the status of the fish community should be monitored if selenium exceeds 5.85 ug/g dw in summer or fall or 7.91 ug/g dw during any season in the whole-body tissue of salt water fishes. See Reference 26. 137 Expressed as free cyanide (as CN). 138 Not toxic to aquatic organisms at or below the solubility limit of this chemical. Reference 26. 139 The derivation of this criterion did not consider exposure through the diet, which is probably important for aquatic life occupying upper trophic levels. Reference 26. 140 Criterion derived from data for inorganic mercury (II), but is applied to total mercury. It will probably be underprotective if a substantial portion of mercury in the water column is methylmercury. Derivation of criterion did not consider exposure through the diet, which is probably important for aquatic life occupying upper trophic levels. Reference 26. 141 See Reference 16. 142 Criteria do not apply to waters subject to water quality objectives in Tables III-2A and III-2B of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s 1986 Basin Plan. See Reference 17. 143 These criteria were promulgated for specific California waters in the National Toxics Rule, Reference 23. 144 Monitoring required for 2,3,7,8-TCDD Equivalents, calculated as the sum of the concentrations of each 2,3,7,8-chlorinated dibenzodioxin and 2,3,7,8-chlorinated dibenzofuran multiplied by the corresponding toxic equivalency factors (TEFs); see page 28 of Reference 27. 145 Treatment Technique: Not to exceed 0.01% residual when dosed at 20 mg/L for drinking water treatment. 146 Provisional reference dose or cancer slope factor from USEPA Superfund Program. Not from IRIS. See Reference 34. 147 The date is not the adoption date, but rather the date on which the limit was reaffirmed. 148 The sum of aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone should not exceed 7 ug/L because of similar mode of action. Administrative stay of the effective date. 149 For water-soluble PCBs expected to be found in drinking water, i.e., those with 4 or fewer chlorines and with a water solubility of 240 ug/L or more at 25°C. 150 Applies to the lithium salt. 151 Criterion derived by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife; not a national recommended criterion. Applies to first value if more than one value is listed. From Reference 32. 152 Interim criterion derived by the California Department of Fish and Game; not a national recommended criterion. Applies to first value if more than one value is listed. From Reference 32. 153 10 ug/L for neonatal infant boys age 0 to 28 days. 49 ug/L for infant boys age 29 days to 24 months. 205 ug/L for adults. 154 If assessment is to be done using an averaging period, the values given should be divided by 2 to obtain a value that is more comparable to a Criteria Maximum Concentration (1-hour average). See Reference 26. 155 Cancer Class D based on oral exposure data; Cancer Class A based on inhalation exposure data. 156 First value based on exposure from birth; second value based on adult exposure only. 157 Action Level temporarily at 1-in-100,000 risk level. 158 This limit covers the parent compound (thiobencarb), its chlorobenzyl and chlorophenyl moiety-containing degradation products and oxidation products such as thiobencarb sulfoxide, thiobencarb sulfone, and 4-chlorobenzosulfonic acid. 159 Effective 8 December 2003 for all community water systems. 160 Based on June 1995 IRIS oral reference dose with a relative source contribution of 40 percent. 161 Concentration in fish or shellfish tissue. 162 For natural uranium. Value is equal to 0.43 pCi/L. 163 Limit expressed as three separate values, 0.4, 0.7 and 0.8 ug/L, based on different toxicologic studies. 164 For soluble salts. 165 First value for aroclor 1016; second value for aroclor 1254. 166 Value modified using more recent information in USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). See Reference 3. 167 Value modified using more recent information in USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Eligibility Decisions Documents. From Reference 36. 168 Reference dose published in USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs Registration Eligibility Decisions Documents. Limit assumes 70 kg body weight, 2 liters/day water consumption, and 20% relative source contribution from drinking water. An additional uncertainty factor of 10 is used for Class C and S carcinogens. From Reference 36. 169 Measured as free chlorine. 170 From Reference 10. 171 Beta/photon MCL is 4 millirem/year annual dose equivalent to the total body or any internal organ; Sr-90 MCL = 4 mrem/yr to bone marrow; Tritium MCL = 4 mrem/yr to total body. 172 Applies to DDT and its metabolites (i.e., the total concentration of DDT and its metabolites should not exceed this value). 173 Applies to total PCBs (e.g., sum of all congener or all isomer or homolog or Aroclor analyses). 174 Second limit is for the hydrochloride or dihydrochloride salt. 175 Measured as Cl2. Maximum residual disinfectant level. 176 Measured as ClO2. Maximum residual disinfectant level. 177 For technical or commercial grade chemical. 178 In addition, the Average Primary Producer Steinhaus Similarity deviation for a site is less than 5% (as determined using Comprehensive Aquatic Systems Model (CASM) or other appropriate model and index) and is not exceeded more than once every three years (or other appropriate return frequency sufficient to allow system recovery). The 5% index for the protection of aquatic plant community should also be protective of most freshwater animals (chronic criterion). 179 This criterion is for a 30-day average, rather than 4-day average. 180 Acute and chronic freshwater aquatic life criteria are calculated using the Biotic Ligand Model, a metal bioavailability model. In addition to the thresholds shown, USEPA has proposed new acute and chronic saltwater aquatic life criteria calculated using the Biotic Ligand Model. As an example, the draft acute saltwater criterion of 2.0 ug/L and the draft chronic saltwater criterion of 1.3 ug/L are calculated based on the following parameters: pH of 8.0, temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, DOC of 1.0 mg/L and salinity of 32 ppt. See Reference 25. 181 Criterion expressed as total cyanide, even though IRIS RfD used to derive criterion based on free cyanide. The multiple forms of cyanide present in ambient water have significant differences in toxicity due to differing abilities to liberate CN-moiety. Some complex cyanides expected to have little or no bioavailability to humans. If a substantial fraction of cyanide present in water body is present in complexed form (e.g., Fe4[Fe(CN )6]3), this criterion may be over conservative. 182 Includes a 3-fold modifying factor to account for increased bioavailability from drinking water. From Reference 3. 183 Carcinogenic to humans by inhalation route. 184 Limit is non-corrosive. 185 MCL Goal is set at zero. 186 Limit is less than the numerical value shown. 187 Limit is greater than the numerical value shown. 188 Carcinogen; limit based on cancer risk. 189 Reproductive toxin; limit based on reproductive toxicity. 190 Not practical to adopt a limit for this parameter because a variety of radionuclides may be responsible. See limits for individual radionuclides. OEHHA has determined that the MCL for this parameter is associated with a cancer risk far in excess of the de minimis risk level of one-in-a-million for lifetime cancer risks. 191 First number is the Notification Level, above which local government notification is required and customer notification is recommended. Second number is the Response Level, at which the drinking water source is recommended to be taken out of service. 192 Carcinogen; limit based on cancer risk. Cancer risk at Notification Level is 1-in-100,000. 1-in-1,000,000 cancer risk at 0.001 ug/L. 193 Carcinogen; limit based on cancer risk. Cancer risk at Notification Level is 2-in-1,000,000. 1-in-1,000,000 cancer risk at 0.005 ug/L. 194 No-observed-adverse-effect-level based on dental fluorosis in children, a cosmetic effect. 195 Based on skeletal fluorosis. 196 Value modified using more recent information in USEPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) for mercuric chloride, but with cancer class “D” from earlier health advisory. See Reference 3. 197 Cancer Class I based on oral exposure data; Cancer Class L based on inhalation exposure data. 198 Cancer risk is likely to be no more than that of Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME), a contaminant of Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME). 199 Criteria for water and aquatic organism consumption range from 0.58 to 2.1 ug/L, based on different cancer slope factors. Criteria for aquatic organism consumption only range from 16 to 58 ug/L, based on different cancer slope factors. 200 Acute criterion for selenite. 201 Limit assumes the default Relative Source Contribution of 20% exposure from drinking water (and 80% from other sources). Toxicologists with the Cal/EPA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment have stated that this is not a valid assumption for this chemical and that a much higher RSC should be used. Such a change would result in a limit higher than the current drinking water standard for total chromium. 202 For thallium oxide, thallium selenite, and soluble thallium salts, including thallium (I) acetate, thallium (I) carbonate, thallium (I) chloride, thallium (I) nitrate and thallium (I) sulfate. 203 Provisional short-term value. 204 Interim value based on subchronic effects on pregnant women. 205 Taken from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), Reference 6. 206 Applies to first value if more than one value listed. For chlorinated systems. Referenced in California Department of Public Health, Drinking Water Notification Levels or Archived Advisory Levels, reference 35. 207 Draft value. Draft PHG for total trihalomethanes is 0.8 ug/L, based on the mean concentrations of each of the four chemicals in California drinking water. Source is draft PHG technical support document for Trihalomethanes. 208 Draft value; applies only to second value if two separate values are listed. If units are "per mg/kg/d", limit is the oral cancer slope factor. Age dependent adjustment factors (ADAFs) should be applied to the cancer slope factor when assessing cancer risks, especially for early life exposures. Supplemental guidance available at 209 Notification Level uses 1,2-dichlorobenzene as a surrogate, with its MCL and Public Health Goal. 210 Applies to first value if more than one value listed. Taste threshold listed in USEPA Drinking Water Advisory. From Reference 33. 211 Applies to second value if more than one value listed. Odor threshold listed in USEPA Drinking Water Advisory. From Reference 33. 212 For the calculation of the Public Health Goal (PHG), oral cancer potency estimates developed by the U.S. EPA (1985) were used. The cancer potency estimate derived from the cancer slope factor (CSF) of the male rat intestinal polyps was 1.4×10-13 (fibers/L)-1. The PHG was calculated assuming a de minimis theoretical excess individual cancer risk level of 10-6 (one in a million) from exposure to asbestos. 213 Nickel and nickel compounds. 214 Criterion is based on a rolling 30-day average, rather than a 4-day average. 215 See separate listings for alpha-Endosulfan, beta-Endosulfan, and Endosulfan sulfate. 216 Thresholds are OEHHA action levels. Threshold 1: Human recreational use. Threshold 2: Subchronic water intake for a dog. See list of action levels for selected scenarios on page iv for these and the following action levels: Human fish consumption and acute water intake for a dog. See Reference 37. 217 Thresholds are OEHHA action levels. Threshold 1: Subchronic water intake for cattle. Threshold 2: Acute water intake for cattle. See list of action levels for selected scenarios on page iv for these and the following action levels: Crust and mat intake for cattle. See Reference 37. 218 Threshold is a public health protective concentration and not a Public Health Goal. A public health protective concentration is a health-based advisory level that OEHHA develops for a chemical in drinking water for which there is no public health goal or formal regulatory standard. A public health protective concentration differs from a public health goal in that it does not undergo formal public review and comment, or an external scientific peer review. See reference 4. 219 USEPA has published draft aquatic life protective recommended water quality criteria for specific conductivity in wadeable streams derived for ecoregional or state-specific geographic areas and based on benthic macroinvertebrates (identified to genus-level) and natural variation in background specific conductivity. Two methods are available for derivation of criteria when use of the primary method (the Extirpation Concentration Distribution model) is precluded due to insufficient large, paired chemical and biological data sets. Guidance is also provided for estimation of criteria duration and exceedance frequency.