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California Department of Fish and Game


coulston update of 1987 exhibit17
baxter statement of qualifications
smith statement of qualifications
smith testimony on causes of the decline in striped bass
potsford testimony on causes of the decline in striped bass
rectenwald water quality & water quantity needs for chinook salmon production in the upper sacramento river
chadwick interim actions to protect anadromous fisheries in the lower american river
chadwick statement of qualifications
somach the american river decision balancing instream protection with other competing beneficial uses
snider instream flow requirements lower american river sacramento county
stevens factors affecting striped bass
meyer testimony
meyer statement of qualifications
interim actions to reasonably protect san joaquin fall run chinook salmon
orsi long term trends in abundance of native zooplankton in relation to delta outflow in the sacramento san joaquin estuary
kohlhorst sturgeon in relation to water development in the sacramento san joaquin estuary
summary and recommendations for the department of fish and game testimony on the tributaries to the sacramento san joaquin estuary
kohlhorst a model for evaluating the impacts of freshwater outflow and export on striped bass in the sacramento san joaquin estuary
rebuttal testimony of the department of fish and game
arnold catfish
arnold splittail
armor estuary dependent species
sweetnam statement of qualifications
chadwick summary & recommendations for estuary
sweetnam delta smelt
gibbons opening statement
exhibt index

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