STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, January 22, 1998 -- 9:00 a.m. First-Floor Hearing Room Paul R. Bonderson Building 901 P Street, Sacramento Questions regarding this agenda - call Maureen Marché (916) 657-0990 or fax 657-0932. This notice and associated staff reports can be accessed electronically through our Internet address: (Note: agenda items should be available electronically on January 15, 1998.) |
Declaration of Quorum
Public Forum. (Any member of the public may address and ask questions of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction, provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda, or pending before the Board or a Regional Board.)
1-14. The Board will be asked to approve Items 1-14 at one time. (See below for description of items.)
15. In the Matter of the Petition of Environmental Health Coalition for Review of Waste Discharge Requirements Order 96-03 Issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region. SWRCB/OCC File A-1041. (The Board will consider whether to adopt an order relating to this matter.) (Note: Written comments for Item #15 are due 5 p.m., January 15)
CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARDS - Item #16 will not be heard earlier than 1:00 p.m.
16. Presentation of Customer Service Awards.
Uncontested items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board, at one time, without discussion. If any Board Member, staff, or interested person requests that an item be removed from the Uncontested Items Calendar, it will be taken up in the regular agenda order.
2. Consideration of Whether to Impose Administrative Civil Liability Against Harvey and Donna Ridenhour for Unauthorized Diversion of Water. (The Board will consider whether to adopt an order imposing the administrative civil liability).
3. Consideration of A Request from Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) for an Additional $800,000 from the State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account to Implement Remediation of Penn Mine in Accordance with February 1997 Settlement Agreement. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the request.)
4. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund Loan for the City of Gustine, Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4488-110.) (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the loan.)
5. Consideration of Approval of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan for the City of Rialto, Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion, SRF Loan Project No. C-06-4648-110. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution approving the loan.)
6. Consideration of an Update to the Federal Fiscal Year (FYY) 1998 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program Project Priority List.) (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution to update the priority list.)
7. Consideration of Proposed Resolution Amending the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Cleanup Fund Priority List Amendment No. 48 (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution amending the priority list.)
8. Consideration of a Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate, Execute, and Amend an Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish and Game to Add Funding for Equipment for the State Mussel Watch Program in Fiscal Year (FY) 1997-98. (The Board will consider whether to adopt a proposed resolution authorizing the Executive Director or his Designee to enter into the Agreement).
9 . Consideration of A Resolution to Authorize the Executive Director to Amend the Interagency Agreement with the Department of Fish and Game for the Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program Monitoring Services. (The Board will consider whether to amend the interagency agreement with the Department of Fish and Game for the Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program monitoring services.)
10. Consideration of a Resolution Approving the Water Quality Management Administration Workplan and Authorizing the Executive Director, or his Designee, to Apply for and Accept the Continuation Grant. (The Board will consider whether to adopt a resolution authorizing the Executive Director to apply for and accept a federal grant for the administration of the Section 205(j) Water Quality Planning program during federal fiscal year 1999, in an amount not to exceed $355,601.)
11. Consideration of a Resolution To Provide a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan to the Charleston Drainage District for the Drainage Water Recirculation and Recovery Project (Loan Number C-06-6053-110). (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
12. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate, Execute and Amend, if Necessary, a $400,000 grant From the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9, for the Santa Ana Region to Provide Regulatory Oversight of Cleanup of a Portion of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands, Orange County. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
13. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Executive Director to Negotiate, Execute and Amend the Interagency Agreement With the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District to Support the Central Valley Regional Board Watershed Management Activities in the Sacramento River Watershed. (The Board will consider whether to adopt the proposed resolution.)
14. Consideration of a Resolution to Adopt Interim Regulations and Nonsubstantive Changes. (The Board will consider the adoption of interim regulations to conform its procedures in adjudicative proceedings to the Administrative Procedure Act, and the adoption of proposed nonsubstantive changes.) (For a copy of the regulations call (916) 657-2401 or fax (916) 653-0428.)
LITIGATION -- (This is authorized under Government Code Section 11126(e)(2) (A).
Closed Session to Confer With and Receive Advice of Legal Counsel Regarding Petitions for Writ for Mandate filed Against the State Water Resources Control Board in: (A) Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, et al. v State Water Resources Control Board, Case No. 32519 and Case No. 32530, Monterey County Superior Court; and (B) Sierra Club, et al., v State Water Resources Control Board, Case No. 105610, Monterey County Superior Court
*In order to be fully considered at the Board meeting, all written comments
for Items 1-14 must be received by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 20, 1998.
Mailing address: PO Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-0100; FAX 916-657-0932
Please note: Some of our older material may no longer be available in electronic form.
If you need assistance obtaining a file, please contact the Clerk to the Board,