Hearings Program
Tejon Ranchcorp
Tejon Ranchcorp (TRC) filed water right Applications 30325, 30326, 31043 and 31047, to appropriate water from Tejon and El Paso Creeks in Kern County. The purpose of this hearing was to receive evidence to be considered by the State Water Board to resolve the protest of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) against the above listed water right applications of TRC. Subsequently, TRC and CDFG notified the State Water Board that they agreed with the permit terms proposed by the Division of Water Rights, State Water Board, which were based on a Memorandum of Understanding, between the CDFG and TRC. Further, CDFG requested its protest be dismissed. Accordingly, the hearing was canceled.
- 10/4/06 - Notice of Cancelation of Public Hearing
- 9/20/06 - Letter to SWRCB supplemental request to cancel hearing.
- 9/18/06 - Letter to SWRCB requesting cancellation of hearing.
- 9/18/06 - DFG letter to SWRCB regarding executed Memorandum of Understanding with Tejon Ranchcorp.
- List of Participants
- Notice of Intent to Appear
- 9/8/06 - Notice of Public Hearing