COVID-19 - Water Boards’ response to COVID-19: Meeting information and remote participation; Compliance with requirements; Guidance for regulators and public; Service of process; Delivery/interruption of water; and more…
Scott & Shasta Draft EIR CEQA Scoping for Public Comment: Notice of Preparation, Initial Study, and CEQA Scoping Meeting
A Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report to analyze environmental impacts from the Commercial Agricultural Operations in the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds has been noticed. An Initial Study has been released for public comment. Access these documents at the State Clearinghouse (SCH#2025020048)
Klamath Dams Project Information: Drawdown, dam removal, monitoring, and restoration of the river and tributaries have begun. For project information, permitting and updates see the Klamath River Renewal Corporation's website at the following web location
New Wastewater Program Newsletter: The North Coast Water Board has created a new newsletter for wastewater permittees to keep them informed about upcoming events, important deadlines, infrastructure funding news and opportunities, items of general interest, and much more. The inaugural edition of the newsletter includes an introduction and link to the new toolkit developed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to highlight the most relevant CISA and EPA resources to protect against, and reduce impacts from, threats posed by malicious cyber actors looking to attack water and wastewater system. Sign up for the Waste Discharge Permitting Program newsletter by updating your subscriptions on your Subscriber Preferences Page.
The North Coast Water Board had adopted a Racial Equity Resolution and is developing a Racial Equity Action Plan. For more information, visit our Racial Equity webpage
- Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Board Hearing Concerning Proposed Amendment of the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region to Incorporate Applicable Provisions of Statewide Plans and Policies and Improve Clarity
- Notice of Public Hearing and Hearing Procedure, Draft Time Schedule Order No. R1- 2025-XXXX, Sexton Properties, LLC
- State Water Board readopts emergency flow regulation for Scott, Shasta River watershed
- North Coast Water Board Notice of Public Hearing and Final Hearing Procedure, Proposed Cease and Desist Order No. R1-2024-0035, Ray's Station Winery, Vintage Wine Estates Inc.
- North Coast Water Board Notice of Public Hearing and Tentative Hearing Procedure, Proposed Cease and Desist Order No. R1-2024-0035, Ray's Station Winery, Vintage Wine Estates Inc.
- North Coast Water Board Notice of Public Hearing and Hearing Procedure, First Amended Administrative Civil Liability Complaint No. R1-2021-0047A, Bo Dean Co. Inc.
- Court approves $1.75 million settlement for cannabis cultivator's environmental violations
- State Water Board approves emergency regulation to ensure minimum flows for Scott, Shasta rivers
- Draft General Waste Discharge Requirements for Commercial Vineyards and supporting Draft Environmental Impact Report are now available for public comment. Comments are due by August 30th, 2023. A public workshop will be held August 4th, 2023.
- Sediment discharge during improper timber harvest near Healdsburg leads to $276,000 penalty
- North Coast Regional Water Board proposes $450,000 Settlement Agreement for unauthorized vineyard development for alleged violations in the Russian River Watershed
- California’s Recycled Water and Treated Wastewater Is Safe from the COVID-19 Virus
- Frequent Questions about Wastewater and Septic Systems and Coronavirus (COVID-19)