Salinas River Watershed Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment TMDL
Problem Statement - Surface waters in the lower Salinas River watershed are impaired for sediment toxicity to the aquatic invertebrate (Hyalella azteca) and pyrethroid pesticides in sediment. These surface waters do not meet the Basin Plan general narrative objectives for toxicity and pesticides and aquatic life beneficial uses are not protected.
Final TMDL Documents
- Regional Board Resolution No. R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment
- TMDL Technical Report
- Appendix A - Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions
- Appendix B - Summary of Studies and Reports
- Appendix C - Additional Sediment Toxicity Data Analysis
- Appendix D.1 - SPoT Project Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- Appendix D.2 - Cooperative Monitoring Program Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- August 9, 2018 - USEPA approves TMDLs
- June 28, 2018 - OAL approves TMDLs
- March 6, 2018 - State Board approved TMDL adoption
- July 14, 2017 - Central Coast Water Board Adopoted Documents
- Staff Report
- Attachment 1 - Resolution R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment - Updated July 5, 2016 (with changes shown in red text)
- Attachment 2 - TMDL Technical Project Report: Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed (Updated July 5, 2016)
- Appendix A - Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions
- Appendix B - Summary of Studies and Reports
- Appendix C - Additional Sediment Toxicity Data Analysis
- Appendix D.1 - SPoT Project Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- Appendix D.2 - Cooperative Monitoring Program Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- Attachment 3 - Email correspondence with Ms. Dunham
- Attachment 4 - Email correspondence with Ms. Lopez
- Staff Report
- July 28, 2016 Central Coast Water Board Hearing Documents (Item was postponed to July 14, 2017 Board Hearing)
- Staff Report
- Attachment 1 - Resolution R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment - Updated July 5, 2016 (with changes shown in red text)
- Attachment 2 - TMDL Technical Project Report: Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment Toxicity and Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment in the Lower Salinas River Watershed (Updated July 5, 2016)
- Appendix A - Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions
- Appendix B - Summary of Studies and Reports
- Appendix C - Additional Sediment Toxicity Data Analysis
- Appendix D.1 - SPoT Project Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- Appendix D.2 - Cooperative Monitoring Program Pyrethroid Sediment Chemistry Data
- Attachment 3 - Email correspondence with Ms. Dunham
- Attachment 4 - Email correspondence with Ms. Lopez
The following attachments are from the May 13, 2016 Central Coast Water Board hearing Staff Report
- Staff Report
- May 13, 2016 - Board Hearing Documents
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board members and the interested public)
- Resolution No. R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan Amendment
- TMDL Technical Report (A technical report that provides the scientific and policy-basis for the TMDL)
- Appendix A - Summary of Sediment Toxicity Listing Decisions
- Appendix B - Summary of Monitoring Studies and Reports
- Appendix C - Sediment Toxicity Data Summary
- Appendix D.1 - SPoT Chemistry Data
- Appendix D.2 - CMP Chemistry Data
- CEQA Checklist and Analysis
- Public comments and staff responses
- Notice of opportunity for public comment
- Notice of public hearing and notice of filing a draft environmental document
- Department of Pesticide Regulation Memo: Review of the Draft Technical Project Report
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board members and the interested public)
- March 30, 2016 - Presentation at UCCE workshop on the pyrethroid pesticides
- January 20, 2016 - Documents that were available for the public review period (January 20, 2016 - March 7, 2016)
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board members and the interested public)
- Resolution No. R3-2016-0003 and Basin Plan amendment
- TMDL Technical Report (A technical report that provides the scientific and policy-basis for the TMDL)
- Appendix A - summary of sediment toxicity listing decisions
- Appendix B - summary of monitoring studies and reports
- Appendix C - sediment toxicity data summary
- Appendix D.1 - SPoT chemistry data
- Appendix D.2 - CMP chemistry data
- CEQA Checklist and Analysis
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board members and the interested public)
- December 8, 2015 - Presentation for stakeholder meeting
- April 21, 2015 - Presentation for Grower-Shipper Association of Central California
- March 3, 2015 - Presentation from CEQA scoping meeting. TMDL and CEQA summary
- January 22, 2015 - Presentation from kick-off meeting
Supplemental Information
- Management Practices – Available management practices to implement the TMDL
Subscribe to our Email Lists
- To be notified of updates and meetings regarding this TMDL please subscribe to the Lower Salinas River Sediment Toxicity TMDL email subscription list
- Daniel Ellis
Status and Public Notices
- Status: Approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL).
- Public Notice: None at this time.
Approval status
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
– approved August 9, 2018. - Office of Administrative Law (OAL)
– approved June 28, 2018, which is the effective date. - State Water Board
- approved March 6, 2018. - Central Coast Water Board
- adopted July 14, 2017.