Remotely Participating in Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Meetings

 Please check this page regularly and again before the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan Water Board) meeting starts as it will be updated with additional information to facilitate the public’s participation in the meeting.

Details for May 13-14, 2025 Lahontan Regional Water Board Meeting

The Lahontan Water Board is conducting this meeting on May 13-14, 2025.

Information about participating in the Lahontan Water Board meeting remotely is further down on this page and should be reviewed before joining the meeting. Once you have reviewed details on this page, including instructions for attending remotely and submitting a "virtual orange speaker card," please use the link below to join the meeting if you wish to comment on an agenda item or during public forum

You do not need to create a Zoom account to join the meeting.

Resumption of In-Person Meetings with a Remote Participation Option

Beginning with the May 11, 2022 Lahontan Regional Water Board meeting, Board Members and staff resumed in-person meetings with a physical meeting location open to the public. Members of the public who wish to observe or to address the members may join the Board Members at the noticed, physical location, or may use the Zoom application to address the Board from a remote location. Members of the public will also be able to listen to and watch the meeting on:

Individuals who require special accommodations are requested to contact the Board Clerk by email at:

  If you only want to watch and/or listen to the Board meeting

The webcast can be viewed through most web browsers from

Individuals who only want to watch or listen should use this option as it preserves interactive meeting resources for those who are commenting on items.

  Requesting to Speak In-Person (Orange Speaker Card)

If you wish to speak on an agenda item, and plan to attend in-person, please fill out the orange “Speaker Card” available during the meeting, and hand the card to Katrina Fleshman our Board clerk.

If you have any written materials as part of the agenda item, send to the Board clerk at least 10 business days in advance of the meeting to so the Board Clerk can distribute the materials to the members of the Board.

  Requesting to Speak Remotely (the “Virtual Orange Speaker Card”)

To allow for a more orderly process of identifying speakers in advance, the Lahontan Water Board will use virtual speaker cards. The virtual speaker card will allow the Board Clerk to identify commenters interested in a particular item, locate them within the Zoom meeting waiting list, and unmute them so they can address the Water Board at the appropriate time.

To request to speak on an item and to receive the meeting password:

  • Click on the link below to register
    Register in advance for this webinar: Register
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Once you receive confirmation, please email the Board Clerk at:, and provide the following information.
    • In the subject line, indicate: May 13-14 Speaker Comment, item number ___”.
    • In the body of the email, indicate:
      • Your name
      • Who you represent (i.e., self, another person, an organization)
      • The item number and name you wish to speak on
      • Whether you definitely want to speak or whether you are unsure and will decide during the item whether you want to speak.  This will help the meeting run smoothly and allow you to participate timely
      • Whether you intend to participate via videoconference or telephonically (note: through Zoom video conference, you will be able to see the Water Board Meeting video, but you will not have the option to show your own video)
      • If calling in, please provide the last three digits of the phone number you will be calling from

  (Page last updated 02/03/2025)