West Fork Carson River Multiple Pollutants Vision Plan
The West Fork Carson River (WFCR), located in Alpine County, CA, is listed on the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 303(d) list of impaired waters due to exceedances of water quality standards for multiple pollutants, including chloride, nitrate, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfates, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and iron. Placement of the waterbody on the 303(d) list requires development of a regulatory action plan, such as a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), to address the impairments to the waters of the WFCR.
In 2022, USEPA announced the 2022 - 2032 Vision for the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Program (2022 Vision). The 2022 Vision recognizes that, in addition to TMDLs, other types of plans may be more immediately beneficial or practicable for restoring water quality, encourages the most effective approaches for restoring water quality and acknowledges how vital creativity and collaboration are for successful restoration.
In 2023, Water Board staff, in collaboration with stakeholders, completed the development of the WFCR Vision Plan, which describes present and future actions that will be taken to restore and protect water quality in the WFCR.
In October 2023, the Lahontan Water Board adopted Resolution R6T-2023-0036 supporting implementation of the WFCR Vision Plan and directing staff to forward the WFCR Vision Plan to USEPA. Continued collaboration with stakeholders and local landowners in the watershed will be integral to success in implementing the WFCR Vision Plan.
View an interactive story map for an educational experience on the West Fork Carson River Vision Plan.

- General Inquiries
- Danny McClure: 530-542-5443
- Danny McClure: 530-542-5443
- Grazing
- Mo Loden: 530-542-5450
- Mo Loden: 530-542-5450
- US Forest Service
- Bryan Talmadge: 530-542-5422
- Bryan Talmadge: 530-542-5422
- Septic and Sewage
Trevor Miller: 530-542-5430
Trevor Miller: 530-542-5430
- Final WFCR Vision Plan
- Lahontan Water Board Resolution R6T-2023-0036
- Alpine Watershed Group’s West Fork Carson River Vision Plan webpage, which contains recordings of the four stakeholder forums held to support the development of the WFCR Vision Plan.
- West Fork Carson River Story Map
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