San Diego Region - Background

The San Diego Water Board adopted Order No. R9-2014-0041 (Order) on June 26, 2014, Conditional Waivers of Waste Discharge Requirements for Low Threat Discharges in the San Diego Region (Waivers). The Waivers require the implementation of effective management measures (MMs), and structural and non-structural best management practices (BMPs) to manage low-threat discharges of waste to land. The required MMs and BMPs are necessary to mitigate potential impacts associated with storm water run on and runoff, groundwater, wastes, and wastewater discharges to land.

The San Diego Water Board is required to protect the quality and beneficial uses of the waters of the State. The Water Code requires any person (including any city, county, district, or other entity) discharging, or proposing to discharge waste that could affect the waters of the State must submit a report of waste discharge (ROWD). Water Code section 13269 gives the San Diego Water Board the authority to waive the requirements found in the Water Code. For specific discharges or specific types of discharge, the San Diego Water Board may issue a conditional waiver provided the waiver is consistent with the Basin Plan and is in the public interest. The San Diego Water Board may waive the requirements for a discharger to file a ROWD or obtain waste discharge requirements (WDRs), or both.

The environmental document for the Order is a Negative Declaration, which includes an Initial Study and Environmental Checklist. The Negative Declaration, approved by the San Diego Water Board through the adoption of Resolution No. R9-2014-0042, supports the conclusion the waivers in the Order will not have a significant impact on the environment. Copies of the environmental documents for the Order are available through the Waiver's Resources webpage.


  (Page last updated 1/24/25)
