Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - (BPTCP)
Development of sediment quality objectives is a highly complex and technically difficult process do to the lack of reliable predictive tools that can relate organism exposure to biological effects. The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) is responsible for independently assessing the soundness and adequacy of the technical approach, and the tools and indicators developed specifically for the SQO program. In addition the SSC is responsible for ensuring that all findings and conclusions are well supported by appropriate analyses and studies. The SSC provides a very high level review based upon the members technical expertise and experience from around the nation.
Members of the SSC participating in Phase II of the SQO development process
- Dr. Peter Landrum, SSC Chair: Research Chemist (Retired) NOAA/Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Ann Arbor, MI
- Dr. Donna Vorhees, Human Health Risk Assessment, Consultant
- Dr. James Shine, Harvard School of Public Health
- Dr. Charles Menzie, Principal Scientist, Consultant
- Dr. Rob Burgess, Research Scientist, EPA's Office of Research and Development (Atlantic Ecology Division-Narragansett)
- Dr. Todd Bridges, Research Biologist, Director of the Center for Contaminated Sediments, Waterways Experiment Station (WES) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC, Vicksburg, MS
- Mr. Tom Gries: Environmental Scientist Washington Dept. of Ecology
- Dr. Bruce Hope, Senior Environmental Toxicologist Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Dr. Robert Van Dolah: Benthic Ecologist, Director of the South Carolina Marine Resources Research Institute. Dr. Van Dolah’s participation is limited to in benthic indicators development
March 29-31 2011 Meeting Materials
- Draft SSC Meeting Agenda
- Tier I Method for Evaluation of Indirect Effects
- Tier II Method for Evaluation of Indirect Effects
- Dietary Guild and Target Species Development for SQO Indirect Assessment
- Home Range Parameter Estimation of SQO Indicator Fish Species
Meeting Summaries and Presentations
- July 10 - 12, 2007
- July 17, 2006 SSC Teleconference
- June 23, 2006 SSC Teleconference
- June 16, 2006 SSC Teleconference
- May 25, 2006 SSC Teleconference
- February 28-March 2, 2006
- Agenda
- Tuesday, February 28
- Wednesday, March 1, 2006
- Thursday, March 2, 2006
- July 26, 2005
- Chemistry Indicators Presentation
- MLOE Presentation
- Toxicity Indicators Presentation
- Benthic Indicators Presentation
- Summary
- April 7, 2005
- August 3, 2004
More Information
For more information, contact Chris Beegan at