SWAMP Resources and Toxicity Documents
Toxicity Resources
- Acute Toxicity of American River and Tributary Waters to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Fathead Minnows (March 2007)
- Acute Toxicity of Sacramento Area Urban Creeks to Ceriodaphnia dubia (July 2007)
- Introduction to Toxicity Test Methodology and Applications (February 2016)
- Toxicity in California Waters (October 2011)
- Toxicity in California Waters, Regional Toxicity Reports (August 2012):
- Toxicity Work Group Recommendation for Evaluating Toxicity Data from Tests Conducted at a Non-Standard Test Temperature (March 2016)
- Statewide Investigation of the Role of Pyrethroid Pesticides in Sediment Toxicity in California's Urban Waterways (August 2008)
- Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program (SPoT)
- SWAMP Toxicity Testing and Toxicity Identification Evaluation Final Report (April 2007)
- SWAMP Toxicity Test Control Water Memorandum
- Updated Recommendations for Monitoring Current-use Pesticide Toxicity in Water and Sediment in the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (September 2015)