California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)

How to Report a BOE Number (April 1, 2016)

Question: How should Underground Storage Tank (UST) BOE numbers be reported?

Answer: The California Board of Equalization (BOE) requires that all UST owners have a BOE number for each facility. View their January 2014 Publication #88, Underground Storage Tank Fee ( for more information and contact information. A BOE number is required in order to make a UST submittal in CERS.

If you are a UST owner you should already have a BOE number for your facility. If you are a UST operator you can obtain the BOE number from the UST owner.

Certain facilities may use a generic BOE number to electronically report these types of UST facilities to CERS or a local CUPA reporting web portal:

  • UST facilities where all USTs contain only non petroleum products: 44051631
    • Note: The previous number 44000000 is no longer valid.
  • State owned UST facilities: 44032062
  • Federally owned UST facilities: 44032063

All other UST facility owners must contact the California Board of Equalization to register a facility that has USTs or to obtain further information about the requirement for a BOE number.

Please note that electronic reporting UST information to CERS cannot be completed without a valid eight digit BOE number beginning with 44.

UST owners must verify their BOE number is correct and update it, if needed, for each UST submittal to CERS.