State Water Board - Water Rights Orders 2019

Order Number Project Description Adoption Date
2019-0033-DWM In the Matter of Violation of Annual Reporting Requirements by LAMB GIANELLI FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - SETTLEMENT DECISION 06/25/2019
2019-0034-DWM In the Matter of Water Right License 2639 - Lamb Gianelli Family Limited Partnership - ORDER PARTIALLY REVOKING WATER RIGHT 06/25/2019
2019-0053-EXEC Order Approving Settlement - In the Matter of the Unauthorized Diversion and Use by Parties Listed in Order 2019-0053 08/02/2019
2019-0054-EXEC In the Matter of the Petition for Reconsideration of North Tahoe Public Utility District Regarding Orders Cancelling Applications A023475 and A023727 - ORDER GRANTING PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 08/20/2019
2019-0148 In the Matter of Permits 11308 and 11310 (Applications 11331 and 11332) held by the United States Bureau of Reclamation for the Cachuma Project on the Santa Ynez River 09/17/2019
2019-0149 In the Matter of Draft Cease and Desist Order and Administrative Civil Liability Complaint against G. Scott Fahey and Sugar Pine Spring Water, LP 09/17/2019