DWSRF, SAFER, and EDWG Programs - Recent Activity


The grant helps us make critical repairs and upgrades to our system so that we can reliably provide safe and affordable drinking water for our customers and El Adobe as well. Both Lamont and El Adobe are severely disadvantaged communities and our customers are mostly agricultural workers. This never would have been possible without the board’s funding and technical support through the SAFER program.

Scott Taylor, General Manager of Lamont Public Utility District

Our median household income is only $40,000 per year, and we cannot raise water rates to pay for improvements. We are 140 miles away from the next California town and temperatures here can hit 120 degrees, so the water outage in 2020 threatened our very existence. The technical and financial assistance the state provided gave our city a future.

Rick Daniels, City Manager of City of Needles

The State’s support for the City’s drinking water projects has always been strong, but over the past five years, it has become more streamlined and effective thanks to the development of the Water Board’s SAFER program. This program has provided a solid foundation of expertise, public engagement, funding, and partnership.

Michael Knight, Assistant City Manager for the City of Porterville

This project would not have happened without the grant from the State Water Board’s SAFER program. When completed, the facility will benefit our community for generations, providing confidence in the security of our homes and protecting the health of our entire town with a reliable and resilient source of water.

Dewayne Jones, City Manager of Dos Palos