Strategic Data Management Action Plan
The draft Strategic Data Management Action Plan outlines the directives, goals, and framework for achieving optimal data quality, management, and accessibility.
Assembly Bill 1755
Assembly Bill 1755, The Open and Transparent Water Data Act. The bill requires the Department of Water Resources, in consultation with the California Water Quality Monitoring Council, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to create, operate, and maintain a statewide integrated water data platform, and to develop protocols for data sharing, documentation, quality control, public access, and promotion of open-source platforms and decision support tools related to water data.
Water Board Directive
The State Water Resources Control Board adopted an Open Data Resolution that outlined five core principles for open data:
![Diagram illustrating the relationship between the Open and Transparent Water Data Act and the Water Board’s Open Data Resolution. The four goals of AB1755 map to five goals of the Open Data Resolution. Specifically, 'Data Are Accessible' maps to 'Make Data Accessible'; 'Data Are Sufficient' maps to 'Data Quality and integrity'; ' Data Are Used' maps to 'Improve Data Literacy' and 'Use Data to Govern'; and 'Data Are Useful' maps to 'Govern Data.'](../../images/open_and_transparent.jpg)
Public Violation Summary Report
Figure 1. The four goals of AB1755. The Open and Transparent Data Act, mapped to the five guiding principles of the Water Boards Open Data Resolution.
D.O.T. Directive
The California Department of Technology on April 10, 2019, issued a statewide Open Data Policy, detailing the requirements of each Agency/state entity.
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals, Priorities, and Measures
![Diagram linking Strategic Action Plan goals with priorities. Specifically, the goal of 'Unlocking the Water Board’s Data' is supported by the priorities: increase the availability of our data to the public, improve the data flow architecture of our agency, and transform our data into usable formats. The goal of 'Value our Data' is supported by the priorities: improve the quality and integrity of our data, enhance the use of data in our work, and effectively govern our data. Finally, the goal of 'Enhancing our Data Culture' is supported by the following priorities: develop and empower our workforce, create a culture of data innovation, and establish a network of data leadership.](../../images/goals.jpg)
Figure 3. The three goals of this strategic plan are shown with their respective priorities.