Tentative Orders
A Tentative Order (TO) issuing Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements (Order) to the California Department of Transportation’s Interstate 80 Westbound Cordelia Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility Project will be considered by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board at its March 12, 2025, meeting. The draft Order would authorize the placement of fill in waters of the State for the construction of a Class B Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility (Facility) and two new off-ramps to the Facility on Interstate 80 westbound in the City of Fairfield by the California Department of Transportation. The public comment period is closed. A draft NPDES permit is being considered for the Fairfield Suisun Wastewater Treatment Plant. The draft permit would regulate an average daily discharge of up to about 24 million gallons per day of treated wastewater to Boynton through a shallow water outfall and intermittently to two managed duck ponds and Ledgewood Creek. The San Francisco Bay Water Board will consider this item at its March 12, 2025, meeting. The public comment period is closed. NPDES Permits are being considered for the East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EBMUD's) Wet Weather Facilities, along with the cities of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, and Piedmont, and the Stege Sanitary District. These Orders would prohibit discharge from EBMUD's three Wet Weather Facilities and sanitary sewer overflows from sewer collection systems. The San Francisco Water Board will consider this item at its March 12, 2025, meeting. The public comment period is closed.- Public Notice
- Tentative Order - Alameda
- Tentative Order - Albany
- Tentative Order - Berkeley
- Tentative Order - EBMUD Wet Weather Facilities
- Tentative Order - Emeryville
- Tentative Order - Oakland
- Tentative Order - Piedmont
- Tentative Order - Stege
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Tentative Order - Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Grazing Operations in the North San Francisco Bay Region
- Attachment A - Area Map
- Attachment B - CEQA Addendum
- Attachment C - Notice of Intent
- Attachment D - Notice of Non-Applicability
- Attachment E - Annual Certification Template
- Attachment F - Checklist Form for Assessing Grazing Operations
- Attachment G - Notice of Termination