San Francisco Bay / Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta) Program

Environmental Review

The State Water Board or Board will be the lead agency and will prepare environmental documentation for the potential update and changes to implementation of the 2006 Bay-Delta Plan. The proposed Project includes both: 1) the review and update of water quality objectives, including flow objectives, and the program of implementation in the Bay-Delta Plan; and 2) changes to water rights and water quality regulation consistent with the program of implementation. The environmental documentation will identify and evaluate the significant environmental impacts associated with potential changes to the Bay-Delta Plan and potential changes to water rights and other measures implementing the plan that may be needed to ensure the reasonable protection of beneficial uses in the Bay-Delta watershed. Through the environmental review process, the Board will identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects and describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the potential changes to the Bay-Delta Plan and its implementation through water rights and other measures.

  • December 31, 2012 - Draft Update to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary Substitute Environmental Document
  • February 13, 2009 - Cover Letter for Bay-Delta NOP/Scoping Meeting and San Joaquin River Flow and Southern Delta Salinity Water Quality Control Planning Workshop
  • February 13, 2009 - Notice of Preparation and of Scoping Meeting for Environmental Documentation for the Update and Implementation of the Bay Delta Plan: Southern Delta Salinity and San Joaquin River Flows.

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