Water Rights Revocation Information


One of the main goals of the Division of Water Rights (Division) is to maximize the beneficial uses of California’s water resources. If a water right owner determines that they no longer need or use their Board-issued water right, they may voluntarily request the Division revoke their water right, thereby freeing the water to be used by someone else. In rare circumstances, such as when an owner repeatedly fails to comply with the terms and conditions of their water right permit or license, the Division may statutorily revoke the water right (potentially without the owner's consent). This page provides information about how the Division processes revocations, and what water right holders can expect during the process.

  Contact Information – Voluntary Revocation Requests

Please contact the Division of Water Rights if you have any questions or comments regarding the Voluntary Water Rights Revocation process.

Division of Water Rights
Phone: (916) 341-5300
Email: dwr@waterboards.ca.gov

Revocation Request Form

If you no longer need or use a water right that you own, you may fill out and submit a Request for Revocation of Water Right form available in eletronic format.

The form, also known as a "Voluntary Revocation Request" form, must be fully completed and submitted with all required attachments via Email to: RevocationRequests@waterboards.ca.gov, or by mailing it to the following address:

P.O. Box 2000, Sacramento, CA 95812-2000
Tel: (916) 341-5300, FAX: (916) 341-5400

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a revocation?

A revocation is an action in which the State Water Board issues an order to terminate all or part of a water right license, permit, registration, or certification issued by the Board. In the case of a “partial” revocation, the revocation order may permanently reduce a water right by decreasing its quantity, season of diversion, or place of use. There are two types of revocation, differentiated by the parties that initiate them: (1) voluntary revocations, initiated at the request of the owner(s), and (2) statutory revocations, initiated by the Board where there is cause, such as failure to diligently develop a permit, voluntary non-use of a license (over a period of at least 5 years), failure to renew a registration, or repeated mis-use of any such Board-issued water right.

Who can revoke a water right?

Only the State Water Resources Control Board (Board) can revoke a water right permit, license, registration, or certification, but will generally do so only upon investigation and recommendation by Division of Water Rights staff. Revocation proceedings can be initiated by the Board or at the request of the owner(s) of the water right.

What is the difference between a “statutory” and a “voluntary” revocation?

A revocation is an action in which the State Water Board issues an order that reduces or eliminates a water right license, permit, registration, or certification issued by the Board for any of the reasons specified in California Water Code Section 1675(b), 1410(b), and 1228.4(b). It is considered a “statutory” revocation if the process is initiated by the State Water Board.  In the case of a statutory revocation, the owner of the water right proposed to be revoked is formally notified of the proposed revocation and given the opportunity to request a hearing before the Board, if they elect to contest the proposed revocation.  A revocation is considered “voluntary,” if the water right holder requests that their right be revoked.  In voluntary revocations, the water right holder waives the right to request a hearing before the Board, in advance, by submitting the revocation request form.

Does a water right revocation require a hearing before the Board?

Yes and no. The California Water Code (Water Code) states that the Board must give the water right owner(s) written notice of a proposed statutory revocation and provide the owner(s) 15 days from the receipt of such notice to request a hearing before the Board. However, when the water right holder(s) voluntarily request revocation of their water right, Division staff interprets the signed request as waiving their right to the hearing and notice requirements set forth in the Water Code, and the Board can issue a revocation order without a hearing.

I don’t need or use all the water available under my Board-issued water right, and I want to avoid the costs of complying with the 2016 measurement and reporting regulations. Can I request a partial revocation to reduce or eliminate my measurement accuracy and frequency requirements under the regulations?

Yes. If you no longer need/use some or all the water available to you under your water right, you can ask the Board to revoke the unneeded/unused portion of your water right. If your revocation request is granted, the measurement accuracy and frequency requirements for your right will be based on the resulting, reduced water right, and so may be reduced or eliminated altogether.

For example, if a reservoir owner finds that siltation has reduced the capacity of her stockpond from 12 acre-feet to 9 acre-feet, she can request a partial revocation to reduce her water storage right accordingly. If her revocation request is granted, she is not required to install or maintain a measurement device for her 9-acre-foot stockpond, since the 2016 measurement and reporting regulations only require a measurement device for reservoirs of 10-acre-feet or greater capacity.

If I have submitted a request to revoke my water right, do I still have to pay the annual fee?

Yes. You are responsible for any fees that are accrued until a revocation order is issued, with few exceptions.

Water right fees, which are usually issued in October, accrue based on ownership of a water right at the beginning of the State fiscal year beginning on July 1st and ending on June 30th of the following calendar year.  This annual fee is not prorated if you revoke your water right.  For example, if you request revocation in July and the revocation is completed in September, you will still receive a fee bill for the fiscal in October, because you are responsible for water rights fees for the entire fiscal year if you own the right on or after July 1.

One exception, however, is that the Division typically would not hold you responsible for the annual fees if (a) they accrued while your revocation request from the previous fiscal year was pending (i.e. you had filed a successful revocation request prior to July 1st), and (b) you did not divert water after they accrued (i.e. after July 1st).   So,  from the previous example, if you had submitted your complete and valid revocation request in May, rather than July, and did not divert water from July 1st until your revocation was completed in September, the Division may cancel the fees issued to you in October of that year.

The processing of annual fees requires significant lead time, because water right fee billing for the Division of Water Rights is handled by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA).  Some water right owners whose revocation request was submitted before July 1st, but could not be completed until after CDTFA began processing the annual fees, may still receive an annual fee (for which they are not responsible) even after their water right has been revoked. To facilitate the investigation and completion of the request, please provide as much information as you can on your Request for Revocation Form and try to submit it before June.  If you feel you have been assessed an annual fee in error and can prove to the Division that you submitted a complete revocation request prior to July 1st of the fiscal year of the fee, please contact the Division at (916) 341-5300 or by email at WaterRightsFees@waterboards.ca.gov.