UST Program - LG 113 - Vendors T - Z
Tank Automation, Inc.
Tanknology - NDE
- Proline Test Series III, Version 1.0 Line Test
- PTK-88 Line Test
- TLD-1 Line Test
- TLD-1 Line Test (for Flexible Pipelines)
- UST Ullage Test, Version U2 (Pressure Test)
- UTS-4T Ullage Test (Pressure Test)
- U3 Ullage Test (Vacuum or Pressure Test)
- Quick Test (Underfill Test)
- VacuTect (Vacuum Test)
- Computerized VPLT Testing System
- Sure Test - Assured Tight System, Series IV
TeleData, Inc.
Tidel Engineering, Inc.
- LIPSPC-301-0730-001, LIP-301-0729-001Line Integrity Probe and Submersible Pump Controller
- Tidel Environmental Monitoring System, 3500 Series (Ultrasonic Probes #401-0009, #401-0010, #401-0023)
- Tidel Environmental Monitoring System, EMS 2000, 3000, 3500 Series (Ultrasonic Probes #401-0009, #401-0010, #401-0021, #401-0022)
- Tidel Environmental Monitoring System, EMS 4000 (Ultrasonic Probe #312-9000)
- Tidel Environmental Monitoring System, EMS 4000 (Ultrasonic Probe #312-9001)
- EMS-3500 Liquid Discriminatory Probes Part 301-0635, Containment Sump Probes Part 301-0642, Tidel Detector #301-0752-001
- EMS-3500 with Monitoring Well Probe Part 301-0641, Sheen Probes Part 301-0687,Tidel Detector #301-0762
- Tidel Detector #301-0324-001, #301-0325-001, #301-0326-001, #301-0326-002
- MS-3000 301-0328-001, 301-0330-001 and EMS-3500 Vapor Sensor Probe Part #301-0634
Tokheim Corp.
TotalSIR (originally listed as Precision Tank Service, Inc.)
Tracer Research Corp. (see Linde Services, Inc.)
Training and Services Corp.
Triangle Environmental, Inc.
- TEI Model LT-3, Version 1.0
- TEI Ullage Test, Version 1.0 (Vacuum Test)
- TEI System 5000, Version 1.0, Version 1.0W
- TEI System 4000, Version 1.0
- TraceTek Alarm and Locator Modules with TT502, TT5000, TT3000 Fuel Sensing Cable
- TraceTek Alarm and Locator Modules with TT-FFS Fast Fuel Sensor
United Testing Systems
Universal Sensors and Devices, Inc.
- TICS-1000 (Magnetostrictive Probe)
- LTC-1000 (Mass Buoyancy Probe)
- LTC-2000 (Differential Pressure Probe)
- Leak Alert System Models LAL-100, LA-01, LA-02, LA-04, LA-X4, LA-08, DLS-01, LS-20, LS-36, LS-70, CATLAS with LALS-1Liquid Sensor
- Leak Alert System Models LAV-100, LA-01, LA-02, LA-04, LA-X4, LA-08, CATLAS with LAVS-1 MOS Vapor Sensor
USTest, Inc. (certain listings previously listed as Sound Products Manufacturing, Inc.)
- UST 2000/LL
- UST 2000/P
- UST 2001 and UST 2001 Quick Test (Ultrasonic Probe)
- UST 2000/U (Pressure and Vacuum Test)
- UST 2001/P (Ultrasonic Probe)
USTMAN Industries, Inc. (see Veeder-Root)
Vaporless Manufacturing
- Vaporless LD-2100 or PLC-5000 with 98LD-2000PLC (for Rigid and Flexible Pipelines)
- Vaporless LD-2000, LD-2000S
- Vaporless LD-2000E, LD-2000E-S (for Flexible Pipelines)
- Vaporless LD-2000T, LD-2000T-S
- Vaporless 98LD-2000, 99LD-2000, 99LD-2200, LD-2200 Scout (for Rigid and Flexible Pipelines)
- Vaporless 99 LD-3000, LD-3000, 99 LD-3000S, LD-3000S
Varec, Inc. (originally listed as Coggins Systems, Inc., and later as Endress + Hauser Systems and Gauging)
- Fuels Manager with Barton 3500 ATG
- Fuels Manager and Remote Terminal Unit RTU/8130 (MTS Magnetostrictive Probe)
- Fuels Manager with Barton Series 3500 ATG (48 hour test) (72 hour test)
- Fuels Manager with MTS Magnetostrictive Probe
- Fuels Manager with Enraf 854 ATG (Servo Buoyancy Probe)
- Fuels Manager with MTS M-Series ATG (MTS Magnetostrictive Probe)
- TLS-350, 350R Series, TLS-450 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax with Interstitial Sensor 794380-345 Interstitial Detector (Liquid-Phase)
- TLS-350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector, Series 8475
- TLS-350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector, Series 8475 (for Flexible Pipelines)
- TLS 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector, Series 8484
- TLS 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, LLD-300, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector,Series 8484 (for Flexible Pipelines)
- TLS 350, 350PC, 350R, 350 RPC, 350Plus, LLD-300, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector, Series 8494 Pressurized Line Leak Detector, Series 8494
- TLS-200, 200i, 250i, 300, 300C, 300i, 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus UST ATGS (Model 7842 Digital Sensing Capacitance Probe)
- TLS-200, 200i, 250i, 300, 300C, 300i, 300PC, 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus UST ATGS (Model 8472 Digital Sensing Capacitance Probe)
- TLS-200, 200i, 250, 250i, 300, 300C, 300i, 300PC, 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus UST ATGS (Model 8473 Digital Sensing Magnetostrictive Probe)
- TLS-250, 250i, 300, 300C, 300i, 300PC, 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus UST ATGS (Models 8473, 8493 Magnetostrictive Probes)
- TLS 300, 350, 350R, 350Plus, 8600 Series (Console TLS-450 and TLS-450PLUS), TLS2, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus (Models 8463, 8473, 8493 Magnetostrictive Probes)
- TLS-300i, 300J, 350, 350R, 350Plus, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus Monitoring Systems with CSLD (Models 8463, 8473, 8493 Magnetostrictive Probes)
- ILS-250, 350, TLS-250i, 250i Plus, 300, 300C, 300i, 300PC, TLS-350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Interstitial Liquid Sensor for Fiberglass Tanks 0794390-401, 404, 407, 409, Interstitial Liquid Sensor for Steel Tanks 0794390-420, 460, Liquid Sensor for Sumps 794390-206
- TLS-350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax with Interstitial Liquid Sensor 794380-341, Dispenser Pan Sensor 794380-320, Discriminating Containment Sump Sensor 794380-350, Discriminating Fibretrench Sensor 794380-360, 361, 362
- TLS-300, 300i, TLS-350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Discriminating Dispenser Pan Sensor 794380-322, Discriminating Containment Sump Sensor 794380-352
- Dispenser Pan Sensor 847990-001 and Differentiating Dispenser Pan Sensor 847990-002 with Dispenser Control Interface
- TLS-300 Series, TLS-350 series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC Series, EMC Basic, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Single Stage Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-301 and Dual Stage Hydrostatic Sensors 794380-302, 303
- ILS-300, TLS-300C, 300i, 300PC, 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, ILS-350, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Solid-State Pan/Sump Sensor 794380-321, 351, Piping Sump Sensor 794380-208, 209, Micro Sensor 794380-340
- TLS-350, 350R Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax with Discriminating Interstitial Sensor 794380-343, Micro Sensor 794380-344
- 350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax UST Monitoring Systems Models ILS-350, TLS-350, 350R, 350PC, 350RPC with Groundwater Sensors 794380-621, 622, 624
- ILS-350, TLS-350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Adsistor Vapor Probe 794390-700
- TLS 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, 350J, Red Jacket ProMax Line Leak Detector, Series 8484, Software Version X19 or Higher (for Rigid and/or Flexible Pipelines)
- ILS-350, TLS-300 Series, TLS 350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC Series, EMC Basic, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Position Sensitive Sensor 794380-323
- TLS-350
Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC, EMC-PC, EMC Enhanced, EMC-PC Enhanced,
and Red Jacket ProMax with Magnetostrictive Sump Sensors
with Form Numbers:
857080-101(12Gasoline); 857080-102 (24Gasoline); 857080-111 (12Diesel); 857080-112 (24 Diesel) - TLS-450Plus and TLS-350/ProMax/EMC Console with Vacuum Sensors 857280-100, 200, 30x, 330020-4xx*, or Assembly 332175-001
- TLS 350, 350PC, 350R, 350RPC, 350Plus, LLD-300, Red Jacket ProMax Leak Detector, Series 8484, Software Version X19 or Higher (for Rigid and/or Flexible Pipelines)
- ILS-350, TLS-300 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC, EMC-Series, and Red Jacket ProMax, Red Jacket ProPlus with Single-Point Mini Hydrostatic Sensor 794380-304
- TLS-300 Series, TLS-350 Series, TLS-4 8601 Series, EMC Series, EMC Basic, Red Jacket ProMax and ProPlus with Float Sensor 794380-430
- TLS-4; TLS-4B; TLS-300, 300C, 300i, 300PC; TLS-350, 350PC, 350R, 350R-PC; TLS-450 Series; Red Jacket ProMax, ProPlus and ProPlusPC with Position Sensitive Interstitial Sensor 794380-333
- 8601 Series/TLS4 Series Consoles (Model 8463 Magnetostrictive Probe)
- 8600 Series and 8601 Series Consoles Monitoring Systems with CSLD
- Series 8590 DPLLD with 8600 Series System Veeder-Root TLS-450)
- 8601 Series, 8600 Series, and TLS-3xx Series with Interstitial Liquid Sensor for Fiberglass Tanks 794390-409
- Control Engineers Products
- Entropy Limited
- Marconi
Commerce Systems Products (originally Gilbarco Environmental
- EMC Environmental Management Console with Line Leak Detector, Series PA02630000501
- EMC Environmental Management Console with Line Leak Detector, Series PA02630000501 (for Flexible Pipelines)
- EMC Environmental Management Console with Line Leak Detector, Series PA0263000060X
- EMC Environmental Management Console with Line Leak Detector, Series PA0263000060X (for Flexible Pipelines)
- EMC, EMC-PC, EMC Enhanced, EMC-PC Enhanced, LMS Environmental Management Consoles with Line Leak Detector Series PA0263000100X, PA0277000060X
- EMC Environmental Management Console EMC Basic Monitoring System Tank Monitors 2, 3, 2.1, 3.1 PAO238000XXXX (Capacitance Probe)
- EMC Environmental Management Console EMC Basic Monitoring System Tank Monitors 2.1, 3.1, PAO264XXX0000 (Capacitance Probe)
- EMC Environmental Management Console EMC Basic Monitoring System Tank Monitors 2.1, 3.1, PAO265XXX0000 (Magnetostrictive Probe)
- EMC/PC Series Monitoring Systems PA0265 and PA0300 (Magnetostrictive Probe)
- EMC Series with CSLD, PAO265XXXX100, PA0300XXXX100 (Magnetostrictive Probe)
- PA02590XXX000, PA02591144000, PA02592000010 Liquid-Phase Interstitial Detector
- EMC Environmental Management Console Groundwater Sensor Series PA02700XX0001
- PA02660000000: Vapor-Phase Out-Of-tank Detector
- Marley
Pump Co. Products
- Red Jacket PPM 4000, RLM 9000 (AELLD)
- Red Jacket PPM 4000, RLM 9000, ST 1401L, ST 1801L (AELLD) (for Flexible Pipelines)
- Red Jacket ST 1401L, ST 1801L, CPT, ProLink (AELLD)
- Red Jacket DLD, XLD (AMLLD)
- Red Jacket FX1, FX2 (AMLLD)
- Red Jacket FX1, FX2 Flexline (AMLLD) (for Flexible Pipelines)
- Red Jacket FX1V, FX2V in Big Flow or Packer Manifold (for Rigid and Flexible Pipelines)
- Red Jacket FX1D, FX2D, FX1DV, FX2DV Installed in the Big-Flow (AMLLD)
- Red Jacket FX1DV, FX2DV Installed in the Big-Flow (AMLLD) (for Flexible Pipelines)
- Red Jacket XLP (AMLLD)
- Red Jacket XLP (AMLLD) (for Flexible Pipelines)
- Prolink System RJE Probes # RE-400-094 thru 112-5 (ATG) (Magnetostrictive Probes)
- Red Jacket ATM System, Version RLM 5000, 5001, and 9000 (ATG) (Magnetostrictive Probe)
- Sonic Technology (ST) 1400-1800 Series Tank Monitoring System, ProLink System with Ultrasonic Network Card, ATG Automatic Tank Gauging Monitor, LLM Series Liquid Level Monitor, FMS Fuel Management Monitor (Ultrasonic Probe)
- Red Jacket Electronics RE400-179-5 to RE400-199-5 Combination High Level/Low Level Sensor, RE400-042-5 Hydrostatic Sensor, Red Jacket PPM 4000 with Optical Liquid Discrimination Sensor
- Red Jacket Electronics RE400-058-5, RE400-059-5, RE400-147-5, RE400-148-5 Overfill Sensor, RE400-111-5 Sump Sensor, RE400-203-5 Optical Liquid Discrimination Sensor, RE400-204-5 Dispenser Pan Monitor, RE400-180-5 Liquid Refraction Sensor
- Ustman Industries, Inc. Products
- Watson Systems, Inc. Products (also EnviroQuest Technologies Limited)
Vista Research, Inc.
- LRDP-24 (V1.0.2, V1.0.3) - Bulk Tanks
- LRDP-48 (V1.0.2, V1.0.3) - Bulk Tanks
- LRDP-24 (V1.1) - Bulk Tanks
- LRDP-48 (V1.1) - Bulk Tanks
- Model HT-100 Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0, Version 1.1
- Model HT-100-n Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0, Version 1.1
- Model LT-100 Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0 (Manual Method)
- Model LT-100 Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0 (Primary Method)
- Model LT-100 Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0 (Segmented Method)
- Model LT-100a Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0
- Model LT-100a Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 1.0 (Segmented Method)
- Model LT-100a Hourly and Monthly Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 2.0 (Segmented Method)
- Model HT-100 Monitoring Method and Line Tightness Test Method Version 2.1
Warren Rogers Associates, Inc.
- WRA Statistical Inventory Analysis, Version 5.1
- WRA Statistical Inventory Analysis, Version 5.2
- WRA PetroNetwork S3 (Version D)
Warrick Controls, Inc. (See Gems Sensors, Inc.)
Watson Systems, Inc. (originally listed as EnviroQuest Technologies Limited) (see Veeder-Root)
Western Environmental Resources
- Model PLT-100R (Line Tightness Test)
- AES System II (VTTT - Overfill)
- AES System II, Large Tanks (VTTT - Overfill)
Western Fiberglass, Inc.
- Co-Flow Hydraulic Interstitial Monitoring System
- Co-Flow Hydraulic Interstitial Monitoring System Propylene Glycol Filled Pressurized Interstitial Space
- Liquid-Filled Reservoir for Double-Wall Sumps with Liquid Sensor Models WF-3 and WF-750
William M. Wilson's Sons (see Gasboy International)
World Telemetry, Inc.
Xerxes Corp.
No Listings
No Listings