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Volumetric Annual Report of Wastewater and Recycled Water

Volumetric Annual Reporting

The Water Boards recognize the importance of recycled water as a critical water supply for California and an important resource for diversifying local supplies and improving water resilience. The State Water Board will evaluate the feasibility of the current recycled water goals and track progress towards those goals through data generated by the volumetric annual report.

The Volumetric annual report requires wastewater and recycled water dischargers (including dischargers that do not produce any recycled water) to annually report monthly volumes of influent, wastewater produced, and effluent, including treatment level and discharge type. As applicable, dischargers are additionally required to annually report recycled water use by volume and category of reuse.

Approximately 750 wastewater and recycled water permittees statewide are required to submit volume data on influent, effluent, and recycled water use for the previous calendar year by April 30 annually.

2023 Volumetric Annual Report - Charts and Infographics

2023 Volumetric Annual Report Infographics

Volumetric Annual Report thumbnail

State Water Board Volumetric Annual Report Interactive Map

VAR Resources


Key statistics for the calendar year reported in VAR are provided as infographics.

Board Informational Items

Informational Items provided by staff can be view on the Water Boards Youtube channel and presentation slides are also available.

Performance Reports and Historical Data

Review VAR and historical reuse survey data through OIMA’s Performance Report Dashboard or the Historical 2015 Recycled Water Use Survey.


GeoTracker is the State Board's database with a geographic information system (GIS) online interface to access environmental data. The volumetric annual reporting module is an expansion of the electronic submittal of information (ESI) portion of GeoTracker.

VAR Assistance

Prepared for assisting with completing the VAR review the following:

California Open Data Portal

Access the full dataset for the Volumetric Annual Report of wastewater and recycled water on the California Open Data Portal.

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